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    • [EXPIRED]AICW/Mantanzas Inlet Intersection Depth Report as of Mid-April, 2013 (Statute Mile 793)

      On 4/22/13, as part of a NE Florida – Georgia Wish List, we posed the following question:

      Statute Mile 793 ‘“ In 2010 to 2011, the AICW passage, as it ran behind Mantanzas Inlet, was the worst section of the entire Eastern Florida section of the Waterway. Dredging relieved this situation in the fall of 2011. Has anyone detected any new shoaling, or a new marker configuration, at this critical intersection?

      Responses Follow:

      We passed through this area in early April. We followed a large local yacht through the section on a rising tide. He stayed on the red side all the way through (as did we). We never saw less than nine+ feet at approximately mid-tide.
      Howard Rockness

      Came thru here recently with no problems. Just pay attention. We had heard that it was shallow, but with our 4′ draft we were fine, even though it was not the required 12′ deep (maybe 7?).
      John Winter

      Traveled this area in late January and again heading north this morning (April 24, 2013). Each occasion was uneventful. I passed through this area today at high tide and saw no less than 13 ft.
      Traveling north, I honored the green markers, staying 40-50 ft. off the markers, or essentially driving down the center of the channel, and encountered no problems.
      This area has a tidal fall of about 4′-0″. The waters today were somewhat higher than normal due to the ‘noreaster’ that blew through over the weekend, but I would still expect to see no less than 8′ at mean low water.
      Watch the markers and you should be fine.
      As always, exercise caution and proceed at your own discretion.
      Gregory Yount

      Passed through there in January 2013, no problems and well marked.
      Raymond W. Smith
      “Fire Dog”

      All is AOK there. No recurrence of shoaling. The green marks are still way west of center.
      Gregory Han

      Plenty of green markers marking the way. Pay attention to them not your magenta line
      Wanderers Rest

      We passed through this area on the 15th about 2 hours past low tide and never saw less than 10′.If one depends on his/her chart plotter as the sole source of information then they will have a problem. Trust the marks, your eyes, and your fathometer and you will have NO problems.
      Jim & Marge Fuller
      Enroute to Newport, RI
      on board Summer Skis

      I cruised through there last week….plenty of water….
      Mike Dickens at Paradise Yachts

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the AICW/Mantanzas Inlet Intersection

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