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    • transient-dock power fresh-water showers laundry food gas diesel ValvTech waste

      Basic Marina Information:

      Phone: (843) 249-7169
      VHF: Monitored: 16         Working: 12
      Statute Mile: 345
      Lat/Lon: Near 33°51.877 N / 78°37.275 W
      Location: Flanks the AICW northern bank, immediately east of marker #11.
      Depths: 7 ft.
      Address: 4495 Baker St
      Little River,  SC   29566
      General Manager: DD Dixon
      Dockmaster: Matt Dixon

      Service Details:

      Transient Dockage:Available. Have resumed having transient dockage
      Transient Dockage Rate:2.00/ft
      Live Aboards Allowed:no
      Monthly Dockage Rate:$9.75/ft
      Monthly Dockage Rate Notes:Annual Fee Paid Upfront $9.75/ft, Annual Fee Paid Monthly $11.00/ft, Monthly – No Contract 34′ and Under $385 per month,The 73 wet slips are built on state-of-the-art concrete floating docks and are available in three lengths, 40, 45, and 50 feet. All slips feature lockable dock boxes, shore power, and water hookups. Cable television, internet, and telephone are available through Spectrum.
      Total number of slips/berths:30
      Dockside Power Connections:30/50 amp power hookups available
      Dock. Fresh Water Connections:Available.
      Showers:Available. Climate Controlled
      Laundromat:Available. No laundry
      Restaurant:yes on-site
      Restaurant Recommendations:Snookies (on-site, lunch and dinner, 843-249-5252), Little River Diner (Breakfast, 843-249-4539)
      Provisioning Possibilities:yes Food Lion mile away. Call taxi/uber.
      Waste pump-out:Available.
      Wi-Fi Internet Access:Not Available
      Fuel Availability:Gas & Diesel Available
      Fuel Notes:ValvTect
      Tons: 7
      Notes: Up to 32 feet

      Fuel Prices (All Taxes Included)

      Reporting Date:March 17, 2025
      Fuel Notes:ValvTect
      Gasoline Price:$4.45 (All Taxes Included)
      Gas Notes:Ethanol free
      Diesel Price:$3.49 (All Taxes Included)
      ValvTect Dealer:Yes ValvTech

      Marina Survey Information

      Date:2023-09-30 00:00:00

      Reviews from Cruisers (6)

      1. Capt. Jerry B -  November 3, 2013 - 9:09 am

        Spending a bit of time at Cricket Cove marina. Dock Master, Capt Bill and the staff are pure examples of outstanding South Carolina hospitality.
        Fuel prices are great.
        Snookies restaurant above the marina offices is a real treat!
        Capt. Jerry B

        Reply to Capt.
      2. Henry Young -  June 24, 2013 - 8:31 pm

        I have stayed at Cricket Cove in 2003, 2005, 2011 and most recently 6-8-2013. Tropical Storm Andrea had just passed through the area and winds were a good 20 knots out of the S. Arriving at Cricket Cove at low tide 3:30 PM, Siskiwit grounded approximately 15′ off the fuel dock. We thew a line to Brian and asked him to simply cleat us off as we’d wait for half tide. My depth sounder showed 5.9′ at that moment. High tide that evening was 8.9. This was a first for Cricket Cove and they report they will be dredging in the fall of 2013. Its a great marina, good food, friendly folks, cheap diesel and due to the inconvenience offered a discount on the face dock. Not a big deal, but when one calls in advance and providing that we are 6′ draft, there should be greater awareness of expressing the conditions one is to find upon arrival.

        Reply to Henry
      3. Doug Cordello -  October 14, 2012 - 2:58 pm

        Oct 7 Stopped at Cricket Cove Marina, nice marina.
        Doug Cordello

        Reply to Doug
      4. Stanley and Colleen Anderson -  April 20, 2012 - 1:54 pm

        Just wanted to let the loopers know about the best fuel price we have seen in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina! Cricket Cove Marina at Little River, SC 29566, is selling diesel at $3.80 per gallon, including taxes! We just fueled up the boat and saved $$$ here! If you are cruising north this spring or heading south in the fall, check out this marina’s prices! Bill Cramer is the manager and his # is: 843-249-7169. Great restaurant at the marina too!
        Stanley and Colleen Anderson

        Reply to Stanley
      5. Doyle and LaVisa (Halifax) -  April 17, 2012 - 2:04 pm

        Made a quick stop here for gas before leaving South Carolina heading North on ICW. Very friendly staff and the best gas/fuel prices along the SC ICW. Last stop before you get into North Carolina’s high prices. They are trying to keep boating affortable given the high energy cost we are experiencing. They should be patronized for this fact alone.

        Reply to Doyle
      6. Captain Bob Viola -  November 18, 2009 - 1:58 pm

        I have stopped and stayed at many marinas in my over fifty years of boating on the East Coast, and I can categorically state that I have not found a better-run, cleaner, or more pleasant place to keep “The Lady T”, a Trojan Tri-Cabin trawler, than Cricket Cove Marina. I’m sure there must be comparable marinas somewhere, but I haven’t haven’t found one yet that combines secure docking, attention to detail, and the pleasant and accommodating staff, that I found at this place. it is a gem !
        Captain Bob Viola
        The Lady T

        Reply to Captain

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