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    • 100. Big Bayou Anchorage

      100. Big Bayou Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 27 44.358 North/082 38.129 West
      Location: lies about mid-way between unlighted daybeacons #14 and #16
      Minimum Depth: 7-feet, but the bayou’s entrance channel can be very difficult for anyone without specific local knowledge
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 36 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: good


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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Bob Lorenzi -  July 2, 2013 - 1:53 pm

        Big Bayou is suggested as an alternative anchoring spot to Vinoy Basin. However, I have looked for but not found definitive information regarding anchoring restrictions in Big Bayou. GIS map indicates Big Bayou is within the St. Petersburg City Limits so I presume ordinance 23H would apply. Does this mean anchoring here is prohibited for cruisers and if so, what are the prohibitions? I cruise year round and am considering St. Petersburg as a destination in 2014 primarily because it is rarely affected by hurricanes.

        Reply to Bob

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