Peck Lake Anchorage (Statute Mile 992)
I can tell you from extensive, personal experience, Peck Lake Anchorage is wonderful, IF you can clear the shallow bar that lies between the AICW channel and the deeper waters to the east. The best spot to transit the bar varies, but we have held as much as 6 feet MLW, and at other times, these soundings have shrunk to 4 feet at low tide.
Once you get the hook down, dinghy ashore and walk the short distance to the totally unspoiled beach. This is a wonderful place to while away a warm, lazy afternoon!!!!
5 miles or so south of the St.Lucie inlet the ICW widens to a decent anchorage. It is undeveloped except for a dinghy dock. 100 yds beyond the dock is a very nice beach ( Jonathan Dickenson State Park)
I’ve been here several times, but it would be most helpful to know the exact entry point off the ICW to get into this anchorage. I’ve always depended on the kindness of those in this anchorage before me to guide me in due to the challenge of finding the ‘˜sweet spot’ to get over that bar’¦and passed it by on those occasions when some braver soul had not already ‘˜done the deed’ before me. Hints anyone?
Wally Moran
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