Dinghy Dock at Ft. Pierce City Marina, AICW Statute Mile 966.5
Captain Larson asked the question below and I called Anne Maurer, Managing Director of the Ft. Pierce City Marina. These were her directions:
The dinghy dock at Ft. Pierce City Marina is located on the seawall directly at the western end of the entrance channel. The dinghy dock is free and the marina suggests you give them a call for dockhand assistance as you come in.
Go to their webpage for a good photo of the marina layout. www.fortpiercecitymarina.com
You can also land at Fisherman’s Wharf public boat ramp on the north side of City Marina. The boat ramp is also shown in the marina’s webpage.
It would be great if there was a map and clear directions to the public dingy dock, so boaters can get in for shopping. etc. Thanks and happy sailing.
Jamie Larson
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