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    • 118. Gulfport Anchorage/Mooring Field

      118. Gulfport Anchorage/Mooring Field
      Lat/Lon: near 27 44.072 North/082 42.316 West
      Location: lies along the northern shores of Boca Ciega Bay, south, southeast of the charted Gulfport fishing pier
      Minimum Depth: 5-7 feet
      Swing Room: unlimited
      Foul Weather Shelter: fair, open to southern and southwestern winds


      Click on Chartlet Below to Open a Chart View Window,
      Centered on the Location of This Anchorage:

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. David Burnham -  December 7, 2014 - 7:56 am

        The three anchor rating of this anchorage is justified with the exception of the poorly marked large sunken poweryacht at the south edge of this anchorage which presents an underwater hazard to vessels drawing three feet or more.

        Reply to David

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