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    • The Infamous “Magenta Line” – Going, going . . .

      For years now, a debate has raged here on the SSECN, and virtually EVERY other nautical web site and forum, about the so-called “Magenta Line” which appears on NOAA charts covering the various Southeastern USA waterways (and probably in other USA regions as well). The “magenta line” is SUPPOSED to show the best path to take, in order to keep to the best depths. HOWEVER, as many have pointed out, that is NOT always the case. In fact, sometimes, following the magenta line can leave your vessel high and dry!
      Now, apparently due more to budgetary considerations than complaints that the “magenta line” does not (at least in places) properly portray the correct channel, NOAA is considering dumping this chart feature entirely.
      NOAA is asking for comment and input from the cruising community concerning this deletion. See linked article below for URL’s and e-mail addresses where your point of view can be recorded.
      Our thanks to Captain Quinn for sending us the latest official bulletins from the Department of Commerce re the status of the Magenta Line. And our thanks to Captain Jim Healy for first passing along this question from the SW Florida district of NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey. All boaters should respond to Federal sources given below, or to Mr. Michael Henderson, S. Florida and Caribbean Navigation Manager, OCS, at
      And, by the way, this proposed deletion has brought a FLOOD of comment from the cruising community, both on the SSECN, and on other nautical web sites and forums. Follow this link for LOTS MORE information on this subject, and a sampling of cruising community reaction and input:

      READ MORE – Click Here

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