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    • Take Action to Reduce the Ethanol Requirement – Submit Your Comments!

      This Nation Marine Manufacturers Association ( Action Alert regarding ethanol went out to NMMA members this Wednesday. Last month, NMMA testified before the EPA explaining the unintended dangers of the Renewable Fuel Standard and its impact on the marine industry. NMMA will also be submitting written comments this month. But our voices, our opinions and our comments are critical to our overall success.

      If you want the EPA to reduce the ethanol mandate, to modify the RFS and protect marine engines, then you must speak up! A format to submit your comments is contained in the following link:

      It is past time to terminate the negative effects of ethanol/gas mixtures. E-10 has endangered American boaters and their families, required costly repairs and modifications to boats and boat engines and befits the widespread label of `The Ethanol Fraud.’ The taxpayer forced subsidy is not only unjustified and unsustainable, it discriminates against those who must pay premium prices to locate and purchase non-ethanol fuel to protect their assets and families from the harmful results of ethanol in motor fuels.
      Frank Leggett

      The EPA must be bought and sold by Monsanto. It’s clear the Ethanol pollutes more than gasoline. Ethanol harms engines and fuel tanks. It breaks down quickly releasing water into the bottom of fuel tanks where the water causes corrosion. This edict of 15% will also cause a major disruption in marina businesses and break the backs of boater’s budgets.
      Rudolph Andreae

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