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    • “The Professor” Sets Sail For Another Island

      It was with much sadness that I read the announcements below on the St. Augustine’s Cruisers’ Net (, about the passing of actor Russell Johnson, best known as Professor in the 1960s TV sitcom “Gilligan’s Island.” Like Captain Tarlecky, I think this show helped inspire my life to be associated with the water and cruising. According to (see, Johnson, “died Thursday, his agent said. Johnson was 89.” Farewell “Professor” Johnson and godspeed on your journey!”

      Its with great sadness that I learned that “The Professor” from Gilligan’s Island has passed away. For me, I always thought that living on an island and inventing all kinds of cool stuff is basically what I wanted to do and this drove at least a part of my desire to get out on the water and explore all those little tropical islands and also develop a career at an engineer. So… thanks for all the laughs Professor.
      Alex Tarlecky

      A sad day for those who loved the castaways.
      Rudolph Andreae

      ‘˜My heart is broken’: Dawn Wells bids farewell to ‘˜Gilligan’s Island’ costar Russell Johnson ==>

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