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    • 14. Western Pumpkin Key Anchorage

      14. Western Pumpkin Key Anchorage
      Statute Mile:1122.5
      Lat/Lon: 25 19.620 North/080 17.916 West
      Location: off the western shores of Pumpkin Key, which is itself located on the eastern shores of Card Sound, west of Snapper Point and south of Angelfish Creek
      Minimum depth: 7 feet
      Swing Room: unlimited
      Foul Weather Shelter:fair, open to southern, western, northern, northwestern and southwestern winds


      Click on Chartlet Below to Open a Chart View Window,
      Centered on the Location of This Anchorage:

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Claiborne -  May 28, 2010 - 3:23 pm

        Pumpkin Key is one of the best anchorages for an exit from Bayside to the Gulfstream. Even at low tide if you draw 5ft or less you’ll have no problem. Deeper draft boats will have to wait for high tide. The anchorage is not where it is shown on the chart, but to the SW of R12 between Pumpkin Key and the marker in 8-12 feet of water. Good holding and protection and even if it blows from the West, you’ll be OK. However, if you’re expecting bad weather, you can go NW of the anchorage across the bay to the Arsenicker Keys and anchor in 8 feet of good holding sand with beautiful clear water and excellent protection from the West. The oddity is that the water at Pumpkin is opaque green while the Arsenickers is Bahamas like.

        Reply to Claiborne

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