Main Street Bridge Frustrations, St. Johns River, Jacksonville, FL
Like the headaches related to the FEC RR bridge in downtown Jacksonville, the Main Street bridge will be less than accommodating as it undergoes reconstruction that requires advanced notice for an opening. See /?p=134950. To make matters worse, the dates and hours that require advanced notice change weekly. A phone call to the tender, 904-891-2191, is still the best way to determine when an opening will be possible. This situation will continue until March of 2015. Skipper Charleston’s frustrations are surely shared by many.
WRONG! I was TOLD this morning that there would be at least a TWO HOUR DELAY after the request is made to open the bridge! The boat behind me requested that the bridge be opened at 10 am today but the bridge tender said she had NO RECORD OF THE REQUEST HE MADE LAST NIGHT SO HE WAS TOLD HE WOULD HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL AT LEAST 2 PM as he arrived at 10 am as he said was scheduled.
I got lucky as a SEATOW worker had scheduled an opening and was tied up at the JAX free dock near the GATOR BOWL (I will never call it any silly bank name, it’s always going to be the GATOR BOWL for me).
IF you have to wait, from the NORTH go to the free GATOR BOWL marina sponsored by the City of JAX. From the south, go to the LANDING and have a beer at Hooters, or BBQ or anything. Arguing will not get the bridge opened as I listened to those who came after me until I arrived at the next bridge between me and sleep at the marina. When Small Craft warnings are issued, it is time to sail! What a great ride this week through the Keys and up past Miami on the East Coast.
Bill Charleston
Make sure you contact the bridge tender on the phone THAT SHIFT. I heard a boater who had called the day before to schedule an opening and the tender that day had no record of it.
Bill Charleston
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