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      Basic Marina Information:

      Phone: (252) 473-3320
      VHF: Monitored: 16         Working: 9
      EMail: contact through website
      Lat/Lon: Near 35°54.568 N / 75°40.113 W
      Location: located on the western shores of Doughs Creek, northwest of marker #10. For a video on the entrance channel, see /?p=147472
      Depths: 6 ft.
      Address: 207 Queen Elizabeth Ave
      Manteo,  NC   27954
      Dockmaster: Carl Jordan

      Service Details:

      Transient Dockage:Available.
      Transient Dockage Rate:$1.65 per foot, per night + utilities high season, $1.40 12/1-4/30. Discounted Weekly, monthly, winter and annual rates available.
      Type of dockage:fixed wooden slips
      Live Aboards Allowed:no
      Monthly Dockage Rate:$18.00/ft/month high season + utilities
      Monthly Dockage Rate Notes:$10.00/ft/month annual contract,monthly, winter and annual rates available.
      Total number of slips/berths:50
      Dockside Power Connections:30/50 amp power hookups available
      30/50 Amp Notes:$3.50/per night – 30 amp hookup, $7.00/per night – 50 amp hookup
      30/50/100 Amp Notes:$14.00/night - 100 amp hookup
      Dock. Fresh Water Connections:Available. town water
      Showers:Available. Climate Controlled
      Restaurant:LaDolce Vita (will pickup or deliver)
      Restaurant Recommendations:1587 Restaurant at Tranquil House Inn (highly recommended for lunch and dinner, 252-473-1587), Avenue Wat erfront Grill (252-473-4800), Th e Hungry Pelican (lunch onl y, 252-473-9441), Lost Colony Brewery & Cafe, Ortega’z Southewestern Grill and Wine Bar (252-473-5911), Darrels Restaurant (breakfast, particularly the blueberry pancakes, 252-473-5366)
      LPG (Propane) Availability:Available. LPG tank exchange available 3 blocks from marina at Ace Hardware (252-473-2033), and tanks can be refilled by making an additional two block walk to Outer Banks LPG and Appliance Company (252-473-3200)
      Dockside Cable Television Connection:Available. Dock CableTV: includes 20 channels
      Waste pump-out:Available. $5.00 per pumpout
      Wi-Fi Internet Access:Free WiFi Available, free
      Fuel Availability:No Fuel Available
      Navigational Detail:Read Details

      Reviews from Cruisers (12)

      1. John Winter -  August 10, 2015 - 8:55 am

        Visited here recently twice. A great stop and stay for at least two days. Rent car from local Ford dealer is best. The channel while challenging for first timers is actually easy. This channel is a good example of fear of unknown.

        Reply to John
      2. Jim and Talley Powell -  May 12, 2012 - 6:23 pm

        Cruising News:
        What a swell place to spend a couple of days. All of the docks are in good repair, and most of the city has recovered from Hurricane Irene. There is an excitement in the air as if something was about to happen. Children actually play in the streets here. The waterfront invites residents and tourists alike to walk along its length. BBQ pits and picnic tables! Park benches! I keep looking over my shoulder to see if Norman Rockwell is drawing all this, or is it really happening. Someone should make a list of the best Cruisers Restaurants and put the Full Moon Restaurant and Brewery at the top of that list. Their shrimp and crab enchilada is the best in the whole world. Come tie up here. Eat here. You’ll like it here.
        Jim and Talley Powell

        Reply to Jim
      3. Jean Thomason -  June 20, 2010 - 11:18 am

        Manteo is a local cruising destination for DOVEKIE and we usually stay for a week (the 7th day is free) at the Waterfront Marina. We come here for all the things there are to do. In town there is the Boat building facility of the NC Maritime Museum and a replica of the Roanoke Marshes screw-pile lighthouse, as well as shops and restaurants. Several excursion boats leave from the waterfront including a pirate experience for young children and parasailing boats. Across from the waterfront is Festival Island with its museum, good film, replica of the Elizabeth II sailing ship, living history encampment, Indian village, art shows and concerts. The Pioneer Theater shows one movie at 8:00 PM and costs $5.00 admission. On Saturday morning a craft fair/ market is set up near the waterfront. There is a fine bike path from town to the northern end of the island where one will find the Ft. Raleigh National Historic Site, the Waterside Theater (Lost Colony and other productions), and Elizabethan Gardens. There is also an NC Aquarium a little out of town. We are here June 14-21, 2010.

        Reply to Jean
      4. Claiborne -  June 8, 2010 - 8:46 am

        Greetings from Manteo, NC,
        If you are still headed north and are not past Oriental yet one should consider heading from the Oriental/River Dunes Marina area out to Ocracoke and then up the Outer Banks to Manteo.
        This past weekend (always the first weekend in June) was the Ocracoke’s “OcraFolk” music & storytelling festival. What a great weekend to be anchored out in town, along with 27 other boats in the harbor! It’s a great stop and a neat town to visit, the anchorage is well protected with pretty good holding! If you are headed that way BE SURE and hold to green #11 as you are headed into the harbor, bad shoaling on the red side of #10!!!
        Manteo, NC is also a nice stop, complete with a free city dock to tie up to. The town is very quaint with lots of little shops and eateries, omelettes at the Magnolia Grill should not be missed!
        Life’s2Short has really fallen in love with the state of NC and all the wonderful cruising it has to offer. Don’t be in a rush to get north, slow down and enjoy all the Outer Banks area has to offer. Gads, it sounds like I’m a poster boy for the NC travel & tourism council……
        Hope everyone is enjoying the water under their keel!
        Todd & Brenda Lanning

        Reply to Claiborne
      5. Claiborne -  July 27, 2009 - 3:04 pm

        We were traveling South in early June on our sailboat. Coming off of the sound to begin the trek to Manteo I found to be “confusing” ; once rounding the Northern section of the island the channel was quite clear all the way into town.
        This was our second trip and stay in Manteo by water. My wife especially enjoys staying in Manteo – obviously the shops which are also suffering this year and some gone due to the economy. One of the items that really makes this a great stay is the park across from the docks; beautiful grounds and free concerts if you catch it on Fridays. Last year we saw the Chinese Acrobats and this year we caught the NC Symphony ; outside , under the stars and FREE. Excellent stop. Ortegas on this trip was good and Poor Richards for standard fare sandwiches, burgers etc.
        Having a 48 ft. mast we had to take the route from Manteo down to Wanchese and out to the Pamlico. All well marked and as opposed to last year I found point of transition from Green to starboard to Red Right return marked very well although the numbers have apparently changed ; did not match the chart marker numbers – had I not been through here before I may have really been confused because of this number situation.
        Pat Kenefick

        Reply to Claiborne
      6. Claiborne -  July 27, 2009 - 11:36 am

        Manteo – we sailed from Ocracoke there last year and loved it. Caught over 50 Spanish Mackeral on the way in and stayed three days. The city dock folks were friendly and it is an easy walk over to the Elizabeth II. Rental cars are sparce so reserve in advance.
        Wright and Gladys Anderson
        First & Ten

        Reply to Claiborne
      7. Claiborne -  July 24, 2009 - 10:41 am

        We went to Manteo the next day, the Sound was calm. Plenty of crabpots though. You only have to follow the markers into Manteo, and you’ll be fine. The channel going out Roanoke Sound has the red markers on the left, the cut channel into Manteo has them on the right (you’re returning). Keep that in mind and you’ll have no problem. Had a very good dinner at the restaurant 1587, I think it is, next to the Marina.
        Bill & Claudia Bagwell
        M/V RUNAWAY

        Reply to Claiborne
      8. Claiborne -  July 23, 2009 - 2:12 pm

        We visited Manteo in June 2009. No shallow spots in the channel that I recall. Our route from Manteo was through the channel east, then north that leads into Albemarle Sound. I nice restaurant, the Full Moon, is directly across the street from the town dock master’s office. Friendly people in town. We enjoyed the side trip to the Outer Banks. Very nice clean showers and laundry at the marina.

        Reply to Claiborne
      9. Claiborne -  July 17, 2009 - 9:01 am

        Subject: A visit to Manteo
        Message: This is a great stop. We stayed at the Manteo Water front [Marina] & enjoyed the town & people very much.
        A word of warning.. as you enter the channel to Shallowbag Bay channel be sure to keep the green marker (coming from the north) to your right AND DO NOT ENTER THE CHANNEL until you pass the green marker. We rubbed bottom by entering too soon.
        Larry Hemmerich

        Reply to Claiborne
      10. Claiborne -  July 16, 2009 - 1:32 pm

        John and I have just completed our visit to the Outer Banks, NC (after leaving Coinjock) and found it to be very interesting and well worth the stop.? We based our visit in Manteo, on Roanoke Island at the Manteo Waterfront Marina where Carl Jordan is the dockmaster (252-473-3320.)? This is very centrally located and many restaurants (our favorite, Full Moon Cafe, was right across the street) and shops were close by. We rented a car from local Ford Dealer R D Sawyer which picked us up and delivered us back to the marina–a la Enterprise.? (Enterprise is located ‘out on the island about 30 minutes away’.)?
        We drove out on the Island to Nags Head, Kitty Hawk, Hatteras and saw most of the sites including the Wright Brothers Memorial. I would recommend this stop which is a little off the beaten ICW track.? From Hatteras we crossed the Pamlico Sound and Neuse River to join back with the ICW and ended this part of the journey in Beaufort, NC.
        Heading south–
        Susan and John Hauge and Lily
        on “La Garza Verde”

        Reply to Claiborne
      11. Claiborne -  July 15, 2009 - 12:11 pm

        Trish and I did this trip this past November on our way south. We went from Elizabeth City, where the mayor stopped by and spent an hour or so with us aboard Great Expectations; a very friendly place, to Manteo where we stayed at the Waterfront Marina.
        The trip was about 42 statue miles and quite uneventful with the exception of where you turn to starboard to enter the channel to Manteo harbor. There is major shoaling there and the buoys are confusing at this spot. Just take it slow and be careful to follow the right marks. We made it into Manteo without issue but gently hit bottom on our way out.
        We really enjoyed this stop. It was lovely, boater friendly and not crowded. I am sure you will enjoy it as well.
        Jim Riordan
        Great Expectations
        aboard the C Horse

        Reply to Claiborne
      12. Claiborne -  July 14, 2009 - 8:28 pm

        We arrved in Manteo, Roanoke Island on June 2nd after two worthwhile days at the national park dock (you can anchor free in Silver Lake or pay 60c ft with Golden Age pass) on Ocracoke Island. This dock was the PT Boat dock in WW2 when they were deployed to respond to the German subs crusing our coastline in the early days of the war. What an interesting place—market where you get fish swimming in the morning for evening grilling, nice beaches, time moves a little slower here. The North Carolina Teacher Education Center rep gave of a tour of the old Coast Guard Headquarters which they have renovated for upgrading teacher skills–kind’a teachers Camp David retreat.
        The town dock here in Manteo is a great location from which to enjoy local activities and tour the Outter Banks. Will be here till 8/1 when we head to the Chesapeake with extended stops in Baltimore and month of Sept in DC.
        Based on our trip up the Pamlico if weather is favorable in the future we will use this route verses the Pungo Canal etc to go north and south as we have done that route a number of times now and advantages are out weighed by the abundance of stumps and deadheads that are ever present –besides Manteo and Ocracoke are stacking up to be absolutely wonderful places to stop with tremendous variety of history and current day attractions.
        Thanks again and safe travels.
        Howard H Cole

        Reply to Claiborne

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