More Shoaling Reported at Lockwoods Folly/AICW Intersection, Statute Mile 321
Skipper Price’s experience confirms earlier reports, /?p=149149, we had in June. Advice at that time was to favor the red side. The intersection of the ICW and Lockwoods Folly has been a Problem Stretch for years and requires almost annual dredging. Mid to high tide is recommended for passage.
Just an FYI in case the word has not gotten to you guys but Lockwoods Folly Inlet is very shoaled up already. I know of one fellow boater that ran aground there about 30 days ago and I have been thru there twice myself in a boat that draws 4.5’ at a little past mid tide and rising. My depth finder showed 2.5’ under my keel. I could not go thru there at low tide!
Bob Price
Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch
Comments from Cruisers (2)
Cruise as close to red markers as possible. That is where the deep water is located.
Just came through this area (unfortunately due to a delay at low tide). 4.5 draft got hung up when I turned toward the Green. Hug the Red side, and stay away from the Green. Saw a few similar draft vessels get through on the red side without issue. Floated off after 20 mins, a useful lunch break.