Civil Global Positioning System Service Interface Committee: Future Leap Second Scheduled
This added second to our GPS clocks is certain to be of assistance when you are trying to reach that next bridge opening! LOL! Isn’t technology amazing?
Yesterday, 18 July, the Air Force entered, into the GPS MCS, a Future Leap Second to become effective on 31 December 2016. As Navigation Uploads are/were performed over the following ~24 hours, GPS satellites will, one at a time, begin broadcasting this Future Leap Second, along with its date of effectivity and the Current Leap Second count, in accordance with IS-GPS-200. When specific satellites will begin broadcasting the new information will depend on the contact schedule over the next ~24 hours, which is dynamic and subject to real-time operations. When specific users will begin seeing the new information will depend on a number of factors, including satellite visibility and user equipment design.
Rick Hamilton
CGSIC Executive Secretariat
GPS Information Analysis Team Lead
U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center
Comments from Cruisers (2)
Very few people reading Cruisers’ Net would care about this. However, some GPS users and systems need to account for every second. The advanced notice is part of the long-standing GPS specification, and it allows for preparation time needed by those special users.
So would this mean that the new leap second would come into immediately ? The GPS doesnt bother about the leap second,however i believe it would offset an additional second. If the actual leap second is suppose to become effective 31 Dec 2016, why are these changes being performed now ?