Restricted Dockage at Jacksonville Landing, Jacksonville, FL, St. Johns River
Jacksonville Landing is on the north side of the St. Johns, midway between the Main Street Bridge and the Acosta Bridge. This complex is a downtown shopping mall/food court with a stage area for special events and concerts and normally features its own dock for visiting pleasure craft. Now experienced cruiser, David Burnham, reports very limited dockage due to damage from Hurricane Matthew.
Update 3/9/2017:
Arrived at the Jacksonville Landing to find no docking signs posted as the floating docks have not been repaired since last October’s Hurricane Matthew.
Only a very small section, east of the river ferry dock section, and nearest the Main Street Bridge was available for docking while waiting for the bridge to open.
I arrived after 4:30pm and had to wait until the next opening at 8pm instead of 6pm. Best to call the Main Street bridge tender to find out the latest opening schedule.
Update 3/9/2017: After October 2017, Hurricane Matthew ruined most of the floating dock space at the Jacksonville Landing and only a very small section close to the Main Street Bridge remains open for docking now.
David Burnham
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