Sherer Updates New River Inlet/AICW Intersection, Problem Stretch, Statute Mile 247
As Robert Sherer reminds us, shoaling and groundings are always possible in the constantly shifting sands of the New River Inlet/AICW Intersection area. See /165669 for a July report from this Problem Stretch. Thank you, Bob, for sharing your expertise.
The “Dip Route” for New River to avoid shoaling on the ICW in the spring is no longer valid. Shoaling has occurred on that route too. See survey below:
A GPX route is available at BNewRiver10202017
I took the old “Dip Route” today and ran into the shoaling pictured above near R74. I got into 5 ft of water at low tide so I can attest to it being there. I only draw 4 ‘ 9” so I was okay.
Bob Sherer
Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of New River Inlet
Comments from Cruisers (3)
New River Inlet Crossing – Heading south, probably the first navigational challenge you will meet is at New River. There is a shoal which has grown into the ICW at R72A. Two days ago (October,26), we were the tail end of a long line of boats who cleared Onslow Bridge at the 1:00 opening and headed NW after rounding Craig Point. In the leading pack of boats were a few motor yachts and trawlers. I mention this as a warning. This whole pack headed straight down the ICW as shown on the charts, passing to the east of a 38-foot sailboat hard aground in the ICW near R72A. This shoal is not new, having been a real headache for many boats on the northbound trip last spring. At half tide or more you can pass through here on the old channel. The preferred channel is a dip to the southwest as you get to R72. See attached picture. As luck would have it we were all passing through here at about high tide. At low tide this could have been a problem. There are several Active Captain commenters who have described this transit and provided waypoints.
We led two sailboats who did not know about this problem area in advance.
Also, I’m told that New River Inlet is a mess with shoaling and should not pass less than mid tide.
Let me clarify, the first half of the dip route when heading south is fine. It’s the last waypoint that had a problem where it ended in an area now shoaled to 5 ft MLW. The referenced GPX route just follows the ACOE waypoints from the new survey.