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    • [EXPIRED] LNM: Navy Testing, Northern Gulf, West of Destin, FL

      Unlike most testing areas which are located well off-shore, the northeast corner of this testing area is just off the beach of Santa Rosa Island between Destin and Pensacola, near GIWW Statute Mile 211.

      FL – GULF OF MEXICO – DESTIN PASS – U.S. Navy Testing
      Commencing September 1, 2020 and continuing until approximately September 30, 2020, the U.S. Navy will be conducting test operations in an area generally located approximately 15 nautical miles west of Destin Pass, FL. The test area will include items on the ocean floor and/or moored near to the waters surface that are obstructions to navigation, extending from the beach out to approximate depth of 40 feet. These items will be guarded and/or buoyed while deployed for the duration of the test period. Additionally, helicopter operations will be conducted in the test area. The support/guard vessels include M/V TYSON B., which will be on station in the testing area during the test events. It is requested that vessels maintain a 1 nautical mile distance from the test area, while operations are in progress. Mariners should contact these support vessels via VHF-FM Channel 16, heed instructions given and stay a minimum of 1 nautical mile from the test vessels on station. U.S. Navy equipment has been deployed in the test area and will remain through the duration of the tests.
      Test area bound by the following approximate positions;
      North East corner: 30-23-12.0N 086-47-38.0W (30°23.2000N / 086°47.6333W, 30.386667 / -86.793889),
      North West corner: 30-23-01.0N 086-49-40.0W (30°23.0167N / 086°49.6667W, 30.383611 / -86.827778),
      South West corner: 30-20-44.0N 086-49-28.0W (30°20.7334N / 086°49.4666W, 30.345556 / -86.824444) and
      South East corner: 30-20-57.0N 086-47-18.0W (30°20.9500N / 086°47.3000W, 30.349167 / -86.788333) .
      Charts 11383 11385 11388 LNM 32/20

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