Additional Dockage Space in Elizabeth City (Statute Mile 50.5)
I have met Elizabeth City’ s Mayor, Steve Atkinson, and I can tell you without any fear of spreading an inaccuracy, that he is SERIOUS about attracting the cruising community. The messages below cite but one example, and another is that Elizabeth City is now a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!
If you are looking for dock space in Elizabeth City and all the “in town places” are taken, for the price of signing a waiver you can dock North of the bridge on the West side next to the Jennette Bros Provision Co. building. Say hello to Eric the bridge tender.
When we passed through Elizabeth City last summer, the docking looked a little tight for us and we were going to just anchor. But, “some guy” waved us over to the area just about 50 yards south of the free city docks and helped us tie up. I was a little concerned since the bulkhead had a sign “no docking”, but since the “some guy” turned out to be the mayor, we were all smiles. How many places do you know in which the town’s mayor grabs a line for visiting boats???
We had the same experience in early Oct when pulling in late, about 1700, at Elizabeth City. The guy ran across the park and waved us in to where the tour boat used to dock. The pilings were a little treacherous, but we managed to tie and enjoy the evening. Our two dogs enjoyed the park as well as ourselves. The mayor is Steve Atkinson and he was heading to the Annapolis sailboat show the next day, so I gave him my card so he could use the Annapolis Yacht Club. A very nice fellow and a credit to the city.
Bob and Claudia
Click Here For More Information On The Mariner’s Wharf – Elizabeth City Docks
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