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    • Masthead Camera on the AICW

      Interesting gentleman who has placed a camera at top of his mast. Below is the FaceBook post about these posted to YouTube. This was a post on ICW Cruising Guide 423. 

      Masthead cam videos of various fixed bridges on the AICW in June/July 2024. I also included a time lapse view of some opening bridges between New River Ft Lauderdale and Lake Worth.
      It greatly reduced anxiety to have this view, because we require about 64’6” clearance. As we approached, if I could see shadow or additional beams beneath the closest beam it meant that the camera would clear. (We didn’t encounter any slanted bridge decks). I wasn’t worried about the whip VHF antenna, and in many cases we scraped it along the bottom of the bridge (you can hear the ping sound in some of the videos).
      Here’s a link to a YouTube playlist with the videos.
      Larry Furst

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