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    • AIWA Newsletter February 2025

      Cruisers Net is proud to be a member of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Association whose lobbying work is crucial to keeping the Waterway navigable and safe. Your membership dollars directly support their vital work. Please join and encourage your boating neighbors to do likewise, regardless of their homeport.

      New Administration Hits the Ground Running
      Congress Moves Forward on Federal Appropriations
      It’s been a busy few weeks for the new Administration and the 119th Congress, and there are many moving parts to track. While much of the media and national focus is on actions impacting other federal departments and agencies, our partners at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers continue to plan and execute projects along the waterway. Here are four issues to highlight:

      1. Selection and Confirmation of a new Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (ASA-CW)

      The ASA-CW is integral to the success of the Corps as they are the lead federal official in the Department of the Army representing the Corps in the Pentagon. Mr. Michael Connor has stepped down from this position and other staff members are currently filling those leadership roles until a new ASA-CW is confirmed. This will delay some federal regulatory decisions and implementation guidance related to the Water Resources Development Act. While we don’t expect these delays to have a direct impact on our waterway projects, it could impact how money is allocated in the federal appropriations process.

      2. New Agency Director for Office of Management & Budget

      With the beginning of the new Trump Administration, Mr. Michael Vaeth is the new acting director for the Office of Management & Budget (OMB). OMB is the largest office within the Executive Office of the President of the United States. OMB’s most prominent function is to produce the president’s budget, but it also examines agency programs, policies, and procedures to see whether they comply with the president’s policies and coordinates inter-agency policy initiatives. The confirmation vote for Russell Vought to be the new Director of OMB could happen as early as tonight (February 6th). Regardless, we expect the President’s 2026 budget to be delayed until mid-March for his new priorities to be included.

      3. FY25 Appropriations and the Continuing Resolution through March 14th

      As reported previously, the federal government is currently operating under a Continuing Resolution through March 14th that limits the funding available to the Corps and types of projects that can be contracted. Fortunately, AIWW projects that are underway will continue and we are not aware of any additional impacts caused by this delay. However, things could change quickly if Congress cannot agree on another appropriations bill by the March 14th deadline. As of now, the House of Representatives and Senate are in a logjam with how to move forward with the FY25 appropriations and the budget reconciliation process.

      The table below reflects the current breakdown of funding as it stands today. In addition, the House and Senate have also included the following amounts in the Additional Dredging Needs funding pots which we are eligible to receive.

      • General Navigation – House: $931.945 million, Senate: $20 million
      • Inland Waterways – House: $50 million, Senate: $64.987 million
      • Small, Remote & Subsistence Navigation – House: $90 million, Senate: $329,178 million

      4. Impacts from deferred resignations and layoffs of federal staff

      With the incoming administration, numerous changes to federal employment are underway and one that might impact the AIWW is deferred resignations. While we have no first-hand knowledge of anyone we work with who is pursuing this option, we realize that after the deadline tonight we might not have the fully staffed federal agencies that we need to execute our projects, whether in the Corps or other federal agencies who are involved in regulatory activities.

      In addition, those who decide to remain in federal employment may be subject to layoffs due to decisions made to reduce agency size and responsibilities. Since these impacts are yet to be determined across the entire federal government, we do not yet know how best to respond. We will engage as appropriate and will need our members advocacy support to further these efforts. An immediate request is offered below to participate in our 100 Members in 100 Days Campaign.

      AIWA First Quarter 2025 Membership Drive
      100 Members in 100 Days
      With the beginning of the 119th Congress and the New Trump Administration, the first 100 days are crucial for our ability to raise awareness of the value of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) and we need your support.

      We are facing monumental changes both in federal agencies’ policies and employment, in addition to educating new Senators and Representatives and their staff who make the day-to-day decisions to move issues forward. The AIWA must reach them, and each membership dollar counts! Join our 100 Members Campaign. 

      Please lend your support to have our ‘Voice of the Waterway’ heard. To have a strong impact in Washington, DC, it is important for us to increase our recreational and commercial membership rolls.

      AIWA Memberships start at just $30.
      For less than a day’s boat trip provisions on the waterway, your contribution greatly impacts our reach in Washington.  

      Join the AIWA Today

      National Marine Fishers Service Rescinds Proposed Right Whale Vessel Speed Rule
      On January 16, 2025, the NMFS withdrew their proposed rule published in the Federal Register on August 1, 2022 to amend the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) vessel speed regulations. NMFS withdrew this proposed rule in light of numerous and ongoing requests from the public for further opportunity to review and engage with the Agency’s proposal. This is welcome news for the recreational boating community. We invite you to learn more by clicking here to read a press release from our friends at the Marine Retailers Association of America.
      AIWA Corporate Member Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company
      Copyright © 2025. Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Association. All rights reserved.

      The AIWA is a national non-profit organization with the mission of securing funding and support for the maintenance of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. We are the only organization dedicated to ensuring the future of the AIWW and proudly represent all stakeholders of the waterway. 

      Atlantic Instracoastal Waterway Association
      5a Market |  Beaufort, SC 29906
      (843) 379-1151 |

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