Impressions of Boca Chita Key (ICW/Biscayne Bay, near Statute Mile 1106)
Boca Chita Key is part of the Everglades National Park, and is located south of Miami, on Biscayne Bay. The approach channel can get a bit skinny at MLW, but the harbor is well sheltered!
We enjoy Boca Chita and have stayed here several times. During the week there are usually a few cruising boats as well as a couple smaller boats which have brought campers to the island. There is no charge for day use but overnight in the Marina is $20.00 (half price for a Senior Park pass). One must pay everyday by check or cash, so come prepared with correct amount of money. This is $5 more than last year. You get a campsite with each boatslip and campsites alone are $15.00.
On the weekends, Boca Chita can become a big Cuban party. Large and small boats pack in rafted up two deep, the domino boards come out, a pig is roasted in a box and Spanish is the language spoken. Everyone is friendly and the regulars all know each other. Despite the “no generators after 10 PM rule”, the large boats run gen sets all day and night which can be annoying if one prefers the rustling of the palm trees in the salt breeze. We are here Christmas eve and we will see what Christmas weekend brings. We are told that New Years Eve is an especially big party, complete with music over loud speakers etc. As long as the wind is blowing, Boca Chita is a great place. If calm, the mosquitoes take over even in the winter. There is no water or electric and trash needs to be taken out. There are flush saltwater toilets which have been recently upgraded a bit with new paint and lights at night.
Jean and Mel on DOVEKIE

Boca Chita Key Marina Harbor - That's DOVEKIE in the corner, center
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