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    • transient-dock power fresh-water showers laundry food propane/natural gas wifi

      Basic Marina Information:

      Phone: (252) 923-5711
      Lat/Lon: Near 35°28.623 N / 76°48.957 W
      Location: located on the eastern shores of Bath Creek, north of marker #4 and just south of the fixed bridge
      Depths: 6.5 ft.
      Address: 101 Careret St.
      Math,  NC   27808

      Service Details:

      Transient Dockage:Available.
      Transient Dockage Rate:$1.25 per foot per night
      Boat/US Dockage Discount:Available. 25 cents per foot, per night
      Type of dockage:fixed wooden slips
      Live Aboards Allowed:no
      Total number of slips/berths:43
      Dockside Power Connections:30/50 amp power hookups available
      Dock. Fresh Water Connections:Available.
      Showers:Available. Climate Controlled
      Restaurant:two nearby
      Restaurant Recommendations:Blackbeards (252-923-9444), Old Town Country Kitchen and Grill (1/2 mile away, 252-923-1840)
      Provisioning Possibilities:1/4 mile walk to Bath General Store
      LPG (Propane) Availability:Available. Walk to Bath General Store for LPG tank exchange 1/4 mile away
      Wi-Fi Internet Access:Free WiFi Available
      Fuel Availability:No Fuel Available

      Reviews from Cruisers (5)

      1. Henry Zalegowski -  August 15, 2020 - 3:50 pm

        Spent several days in bath and Washington North Carolina, Bath was hit by the last storm and the town dock is unusable, Bath Marine is still in operation. It was a pleasure to stay there, they have complimentary laundry and loaner cars. The staff is phenomenal. There’s a lot of history in Bath and the parks are beautiful.
        Henry Zalegowski on an Albin 27

        Reply to Henry
      2. Paul Minor -  May 26, 2012 - 2:36 pm

        We now have 50 Amp service on the transient slips. Our 2012 daily rate is 1.25 per ft with water and power included.
        Paul Minor

        Reply to Paul
      3. Jim & Talley Powell -  May 11, 2012 - 10:34 am

        Bath Harbor Marina, just at the bridge crossing Bath Creek, feels like coming home again. Paul Minor and his lovely wife do everything to make you feel “right at home.” Paul met us and helped tie us up in the pass through slip at the end of the pier. Everything here is just what you expect and hope for. There is a large cabaña with a couple of BBQs and lots of shade. It is the coolest place with its gentle southern breezes and pleasant conversation. Water and electric included in the transient fee. Clean bathrooms and showers. Well worth the trip up the Pamlico.
        Jim & Talley Powell

        Reply to Jim
      4. Bob -  July 5, 2010 - 2:17 pm

        We were on the tail end of a crusing week and enjoyed the relaxing atmosphere at Bath Marina. They were very accomodating and there is not a better deal on the water.

        Reply to Bob
      5. Ken Lury -  July 20, 2009 - 12:56 pm

        Bath Harbor Marina in NC now has climate controlled bathrooms/showeres
        Ken Lury

        Reply to Ken

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