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    • 32. Bimini Basin Anchorage

      32. Bimini Basin Anchorage
      Okeechobee Standard Mile 145
      Lat/Lon: near 26 33.624 North/081 57.869 West
      Location: found in the charted lake-like body of water named as “Bimini Basin,” on chart 11427, and lying just west of the “Cape Coral” designation on this same chart
      Minimum Depth: 6-feet
      Special Comment: some cruisers have reported poor holding ground in this anchorage
      Swing Room: sufficient swinging room for vessels as large as 50 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: very good


      Click on Chartlet Below to Open a Chart View Window,
      Centered on the Location of This Anchorage:

      Comments from Cruisers (4)

      1. Susan Landry -  May 18, 2014 - 9:40 am

        This evening we will spend the night in Bimini Basin, Cape Coral. This is a well protected anchorage with access to a nice park. Excellent dinghy dock, picnic tables, and a small sandy beach. Lots of shopping within an easy walk, 3 pharmacies, groceries and especially an excellent ice cream shop right at the park.
        Susan Landry

        Reply to Susan
      2. Lori Steinbrunner -  February 16, 2014 - 5:32 pm

        Quick note to say “Thanks” for the LPG/Propane availability feature on this website (we use it all the time), and to pass on an addition. From the Bimini Basin anchorage on Cape Coral near Ft Myers, Lee County Plumbing Supply at 532 SE 46th Terrace, Cape Coral, FL, 239-542-4618 does propane refills. It’s less than half a mile walk from the anchorage which has a dinghy dock available at the park.
        Thanks again for all you do to make this cruising life easier, safer and a lot more fun.
        Lori Steinbrunner

        Reply to Lori
      3. Claiborne -  April 4, 2011 - 12:52 pm

        We overnighted at the Bimini Basin anchorage on our way to Cayo Costa and had a pleasant evening. We found the holding to be quite good in grey sticky mud – it got a test because just before dawn a squall blew through with a 180 degree wind shift and 30+ knot winds and we did not budge. The anchor was set so well I had to yank it out with the engine.
        Jonathan Gorham

        Reply to Claiborne
      4. Claiborne -  February 15, 2011 - 3:13 pm

        Just wanted to let everyone know that there is a great anchorage in Cape Coral that beats the moorings/anchorage in the city of Fort Myers hands down. Protected, nice dinghy dock at a park, grocery store, hardware store, west marine, and bus transfer station less than a mile’s walk away. GREAT spot to re-provision and all around great anchorage.

        Reply to Claiborne