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      Basic Marina Information:

      Phone: (843) 524-4422
      VHF: Monitored: 16         Working: 68
      Statute Mile: 536.5
      Lat/Lon: Near 32°25.809 N / 80°40.456 W
      Location: located north of marker #239, a short distance west of the Lady’s Island swing bridge, in the heart of downtown Beaufort
      Depths: 12 ft.
      Address: 1006 Bay St
      Beaufort,  SC   29902
      General Manager: Rick Griffin CMM

      Service Details:

      Transient Dockage:Available.
      Transient Dockage Rate:$1.95 per foot per night
      Type of dockage:floating wooden slips and face docks
      Live Aboards Allowed:no
      Monthly Dockage Rate:$15.00 ft./month
      Total number of slips/berths:100
      Dockside Power Connections:30/50 amp power hookups available
      30/50 Amp Notes:$7.00/per night - 30 amp hookup, $10.00/per night - 50 amp hookup
      Dock. Fresh Water Connections:Available.
      Showers:Available. Climate Controlled
      Restaurant:many within easy walking distance
      Restaurant Recommendations:Breakwater Restaurant (843-379-0052), Saltus River Grill (843-379-3474), Wren Bistro, Bar and Market (843-524-9463), Plums (GREAT lunch, 843-525-1946), Emily’s Restaurant and Tapas Bar (843-522-1866), Panini’s Cafe (843-379-0300), Blackstones Cafe (GREAT breakfast, 843-524-4330), Luther’s Rare & Well Done (GREAT burgers, 843-521-1888), Shoofly Kitchen (also a great breakfast, 843-379-9061)
      Provisioning Possibilities:Bi-Lo, 1.25 miles away, marina courtesy car available
      LPG (Propane) Availability:Available. Marina courtesy car available for LPG tank refill or exchange 1 mile away at the Graco Hardware Store (843) 521-8060
      Waste pump-out:Available.
      Wi-Fi Internet Access:Free WiFi Available
      Fuel Availability:Gas & Diesel Available
      Fuel Notes:ethanol free

      Fuel Prices (All Taxes Included)

      Reporting Date:March 24, 2025
      Fuel Notes:ethanol free
      Gasoline Price:$5.00 (All Taxes Included)
      Diesel Price:$4.00 (All Taxes Included)
      Any Quantity Discount:Available. 3 cents per gallon for-500 gallons or more; 5 cents per gallon-1000 gallons or more
      ValvTect Dealer:Yes ValvTech

      Reviews from Cruisers (23)

      1. Charlie and Jackie on Traveler -  September 21, 2018 - 3:19 pm

        9-20-18. Over night at Downtown Marina at Beaufort. As usual terrific spot. Deck hand Troy- very experienced and nice- helped with lines. On inside of face dock. Bath house nice, decent ships store. And the most very nice ladies that take reservations are in the store. Pleasure to deal with. Always a must stop- especially with all the restaurants, shops, etc all so close. There is a new day dock- just for transients to tie up for lunch, etc. Very large and substantial– even looks nice. Good wifi and many air tv channels, but they also have cable.

        Reply to Charlie
      2. Still Clueless -  May 5, 2016 - 7:17 pm

        Great stop! The marina staff is very good with the tides and the rolling current. Diesel pump was VERY slow, but price reasonable. Could not ask for a better place to shop and eat! Plenty of restaurants to choose from, and cute little shops to browse. This is our second time here, and will return!

        Reply to Still
      3. Don -  January 14, 2014 - 11:25 am

        I like the Beaufort Downtown Marina. They are right downtown with several restaurants very close by. Blackstones is best for breakfast. They have a loaner car for grocery shopping. If you want to anchor or take a mooring ball, you can tie up to the park wall during the day, but not overnight. Tides are pretty swift in that area.
        Don on “Moonstruck”

        Reply to Don
      4. South Carolina Marine Association -  September 16, 2013 - 2:16 pm

        At the same awards ceremony, Downtown Marina in Beaufort, SC received its recertification of its Clean Marina status. The marina, under the stewardship of Rick Griffin, CMM, has met the high standards of the program continually since 1998.
        “Becoming a Clean Marina involves using best management in all phases of the marina’s operations, SCMA President Iggy del Valle said in congratulating the recipients. “It isn’t an easy process and, in some cases, involves added expenses.” The marinas go beyond normal regulatory requirements in managing potential pollutants, keeping their facilities as “green” as possible and educating their customers on better environmental actions to keep our waterways clean.
        Excerpted from a 9/16/13 South Carolina Marine Association Press Release

        Reply to South
      5. Jeanne and Terry Bieker -  May 3, 2013 - 2:28 pm

        We enjoyed two nights at the Beaufort Town Marina in June of 2011. A great location with nice people and they even offer you a “courtesy car” for grocery shopping. The docks get a little rocky when the wind is out of the S or SW – we were on an outside tie-up. The shore power on our dock kept tripping – we were at the end of the dock and it was totally full – not enough power to handle the load. Don’t miss taking a guided tour of the town – great history.
        Jeanne and Terry Bieker

        Reply to Jeanne
      6. Tracy Hellman -  May 3, 2013 - 2:03 pm

        Great Location and marina with all the facilities. Courtesy car. Day Dock for dingys or boats as large as 45 foot, first come first serve, gotta be out by midnight. They are working on installing mooring balls in the near future. The current can be quick and tricky at times, the staff will always have you come in against the current. Listen to them, they are very helpful.
        Tracy Hellman

        Reply to Tracy
      7. Barbara and Ernie Roberts -  May 3, 2013 - 10:25 am

        Bermudiana has stayed at the Town Docks many times. We love it as we can walk down the street and see everything of interest. Lots of excellent restaurants .
        People at the marina are very nice to the boaters.
        The ramp up from the dock is SUPER STEEP at high tide !!!!
        The marsh otters were coming aboard at night to sit on the back swim area of the power boats..they do their thing all over the boat…but..the marina is trying hard to stop them !
        The current on the outside is fast. The docks are easy to get into and out of and the passengers will have no problems getting on and off the boat .
        The marina car is great and you can go about a mile or so up the street to the grocery store and get anything you need.
        The showers are clean and are great .
        We can not say enough good things about this marina.
        Barbara and Ernie Roberts

        Reply to Barbara
      8. Jack P -  May 2, 2013 - 2:20 pm

        We stayed there last fall(November). Rate was 2.00 a ft. There are a number of good restaurants just north of the marina at River Walk. We had lunch at two of them and were quite happy. There is a car for resupply and the marina staff could not be more helpful.
        Jack P

        Reply to Jack
      9. Patricia Sienstra -  May 1, 2013 - 1:30 pm

        Spent 2 nights [at Downtown Marina of Beaufort]. They said they had a 50 foot spot against a dock, but it was about 45. The current is fast here, but they got us in without hitting another boat. This was November 2012. The chocolate shop in town is great as is a shop selling locally made products. Very friendly city. Good place to walk the dog. Sorry can’t remember names of the shops.
        Patricia Sienstra

        Reply to Patricia
      10. Dan and Patsy Traylor -  August 1, 2012 - 11:45 am

        We can say without hesitation that this marina, operated by two of the finest folks in the business, is a great place to visit. We would not take anything for our time spent there and miss the whole crowd down there immensely. Everything you need is close by. Stop in and tell them that Dan and Patsy said hello.
        Dan and Patsy Traylor
        Winston-Salem N.C.

        Reply to Dan
      11. max miller -  April 19, 2012 - 4:09 pm

        This stop is a must-stop for us. We love the town and the people. We took advantage of the marina’s courtesy car which has a keychain with a Bi-Lo grocery store discount card on it. There is also a K-Mart near the Bi-Lo.

        Like many other boaters, we had issues backing out of our slip against the current. If I had understood the arrangement of my assigned slip and the current prediction for the following morning, I would have gone stern-in. Luckily, the slip on the pier next to my boat was empty so we managed to spring our boat against the current and around into the neighboring slip so we could power out into the current.

        If your boat has limited power or maneuverability, ask for and alongside tie-up on the main pier.

        Reply to max
      12. James Williams -  April 10, 2011 - 9:06 am

        I encountered almost the same situation [current] at the Beaufort, South Carolina municipal marina, and on trying to back out against the current with ample on shore help was in fact caught and turned sideways against the main dock. It was quite a feat getting the bow turned back into the current and finally out. For power boaters this is not much of a problem, but for sailboats with single screw auxiliary diesels it is a big challenge.
        James Williams

        Reply to James
      13. Sabra Morgan -  September 21, 2010 - 1:11 pm

        Downtown Marina of Beaufort – Beaufort, SC, ICW mm 536. We stop here each year and are always glad that we did. The location is super, great proximity to a very quaint downtown area and plenty of restaurants and shopping. There are excellent boating services, capable mechanics and technicians, so it is a very good place to stop whether you need services or not.
        Sabra Morgan

        Reply to Sabra
      14. Sykes DeHart -  April 4, 2010 - 9:41 pm

        Here on 3/27-30/2010.  Agree with all the comments made by Larry Morrow. Lots of beautiful old homes and you can get alot more out or what you see if you take a walking tour or horse drawn cart with guide. Plum’s and Saltus are two outstanding resturants. Both are owned by the same person, but have a little different selections.
        SV Aquarius

        Reply to Sykes
      15. Larry Morrow -  March 3, 2010 - 6:46 pm

        Spent the last two nights here becuase of cold temps and high winds. We were placed on the outside close to the fuel pumps. Aside from a very strong current and water slapping the boat a bit at night, we had no problems. Dock hands and office staff are top motch. We used the courtesy car to get groceries and a few sundries. The laundry room was clean and the machines in great shape. Restaurants and shopping is right next door to the marina, within 100 yards of the docks.

        Reply to Larry
      16. M/V Line Item -  December 5, 2009 - 12:30 pm

        Spent 2 days there in September and found the marina to be very convenient to all of the downtown attractions. The restaurants were great but you will need to use the courtesy car if you need provisions or a drug store. The dockmaster was very friendly but was working alone and slammed late afternoon when the transients rolled in. No problems with the shorepower. We did have a pretty good blow on the 2nd day and it got a little bouncy even on the inside of the face dock until a 60′ Hatt tied up on the outside of us. I would definitely advise against the outside of the face dock for small cruisers.

        Reply to M/V
      17. HB Koerner -  November 18, 2009 - 9:19 pm

        I arrived a day ahead of the remnants of Hurricane Ida, along with 20 other boats. Sat through five days of rain. Marina staff were terrific. Ships store excellent. Showers. heads were kept clean in spite of the crowd. Just steps away from great restaurants, coffee shops, bookstores. You have to plan ahead when you leave, though, and most boats on the inside slips needed to be “warped around” by had during slack tide so that they would be stern to the dock, bow out. Backing with or against the current is not an option. Marina staff are excellent at this job.

        Reply to HB
      18. Pascal -  September 24, 2009 - 12:13 pm

        spring 09. good location, nice marina, right in charming Beaufort.
        they need to get a longer pump out hose though!
        MY Charmer, 70′ Johnson

        Reply to Pascal
      19. George -  September 3, 2009 - 1:07 pm

        Beaufort City Marina. Great Marina and as the name says, it is right down town. Great to walk around. We have been there a number of times and ate in a lot of places and have generally good meals. Can’t think of any names. Also, a little known feature is that they let you use the dinghy dock for free when you anchor out. I never asked, but I always put my trash in their containers.
        Best Regards
        S/V Chez Nous

        Reply to George
      20. Pat M -  September 3, 2009 - 12:40 pm

        Yes, we stayed [at] Beaufort City docks o May 24, dock hands were very helpful.
        Pat M
        MY COMPROMISE ( 2004 Carver 366)

        Reply to Pat
      21. Ken Stickrath -  September 3, 2009 - 10:59 am

        Downtown Marina of Beaufort. What can you say about this marina but good things. Just be prepared for the roaring current and follow the very experienced dock hands instructions and you are OK. If you get stuck in an inside corner–as we have twice–best make friends with all your neighbors and let the dock hands get you out!! Tell them your departure plans and they will “spin” your boat around for you so that your bow will be into the current when you leave!!
        Ken Stickrath

        Reply to Ken
      22. Ron & Audrey -  September 2, 2009 - 3:15 pm

        We docked at the Downtown Marina of Beaufort late Nov 2008. The personel were pleasant and helpful. True to its name it is right downtown. The only negative was the shorepower, it wouldn’t run a single 50 amp cord and we had to run our genset all night.
        Ron & Audrey
        Lucky Girl

        Reply to Ron
      23. Jim Bulluck -  July 22, 2009 - 9:29 am

        Downtown Marina Beaufort has done a nice job of bringing back a great tradition. The town and rest. Have become very tourist oriented. We stayed there for a week in July with the Power Squardron meetings and enjoyed our stay.
        Jim Bulluck

        Easy in and out. Get in early so you don’t get the outside of the dock. That could be a little rough. Hard to get bikes up the ramp at extreme low tide, but worth having them to ride through town. Great place to explore by bike.
        Jake Dye

        We stayed one night at Downtown Marina – nice, but the current will keep you on your toes. I docked into the current – no problem. When the current reversed in the middle of the night I was reminded why you should lock the wheel.

        Reply to Jim

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