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      Basic Marina Information:

      Phone: 252-670-3759
      VHF: Monitored: 16         Working:
      Website: None
      Statute Mile: 181
      Lat/Lon: Near 35°01.914 N / 76°40.962 W
      Location: occupying the point separating the two major branches of Whittaker Creek, northeast of Oriental Harbor’s marker #1. Channel dredged to 8ft March 2020
      Depths: 5.5 ft.
      Address: 415 Whittaker Point Rd
      Oriental,  NC   28571
      Dockmaster: Knute Bysheim

      Service Details:

      Transient Dockage:Available. Adjacent to Whittaker Creek Yacht Owners Association whose facilities which are NOT available to marina transients
      Transient Dockage Rate:$1.00 per foot per night
      Boat/US Dockage Discount:Available. 50 cent discount per foot, per night
      SeaTow Dockage Discount:Available. 50 cent discount per foot, per night
      Type of dockage:fixed wooden slips and face docks
      Live Aboards Allowed:no
      Total number of slips/berths:120
      Dockside Power Connections:30/50 amp power hookups available
      30/50 Amp Notes:$3.00/per night - 30 amp hookup, $5,00/per night - 50 amp hookup
      Dock. Fresh Water Connections:Available.
      Showers:Available. Climate Controlled
      Restaurant:Some restaurants will come and pick cruisers up, and return them to their boat, or long walk necessary
      Restaurant Recommendations:Village Food Emporium (252-249-3663) for great take-out, Toucans Grill; Fresh Bar (252-249-2204) for great seafood, M&M (252-249-2000) for generally great food, Brantleys (252-249-3509) for breakfast
      Provisioning Possibilities:Marina will help with transportation to Town and Country Grocery less than 1 mile away
      LPG (Propane) Availability:Available. Marina will help take you to Village Hardware (closed on Sundays) for LPG tank refill 1 1/4 mile away or Town & Country Grocery for LPG tank exchange less than 1 mile away
      CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) Availability:Available. CNG exchange on site
      Waste pump-out:Available.
      Wi-Fi Internet Access:Free WiFi Available
      Fuel Availability:Gas & Diesel Available

      Reviews from Cruisers (6)

      1. Henry Zalegowski -  December 30, 2011 - 1:45 pm

        Whittaker Creek Yacht Harbor just northwest of Oriental NC is one of the most relaxing stays I have experienced in 5 years of cruising. The $11.00 a day slip with electricity included (that’s right Eleven) way more than made up for the less than new docks. It’s a short bike ride to a lot of fine restaurants and coffee shops. There’s a marine consignment shop with more stuff than I’ve seen in the Defender catalog. There is a hardware store close by, a grocery store, a marine supply store and a West Marine. They’re all within walking distance but might be to far for someone not used to walking, They are all withing less than 10 minutes biking distance.
        I spent three weeks there during the end of November and beginning of December, the best part of my stay was all the great people I met. I was invited to the Orphan Sailor Thanksgiving feast and spent quality time on board other sailor’s boats enjoying adult beverages. I highly recommend visiting, the owner, Knute, will make you feel welcome. If your boat draws more than 5’5″, you have to enter when there is no wind or when the wind is from a northerly quarter, a southerly wind drops the channel depth to less than 6 ft. It’s 6 1/2 ft with no wind and more than 7 with a wind from the north. For those unfamiliar with the Carolinas, there are no lunar or solar tides and the water levels are influenced by the winds.
        Henry Zalegowski on S/V Turn’er Loose

        Reply to Henry
      2. Ben -  April 7, 2010 - 11:03 pm

        Shopping marinas to put our boat. We like Whittaker Creek, for a good neighborly feel, but here’s what we saw in March 2010. Piers in rougher shape than average. Some disaster happened to the clubhouse/pool, can’t figure what. Also, Whittaker seems to be specializing in selling really badly-treated boats. There are many of them about.
        Knute (bright spot) is very friendly, but the poorly treated boats that sprinkle the marina are a bad omen. Seems like a marina in decline. I’d repair some boards in the piers and segregate the bone-yard boats away from the general population. Not sure when the clubhouse gets wiped clean or rebuilt. Very friendly place, friendly boaters there though. We thought they were priced higher than the market for long term slips and their general condition.

        Reply to Ben
      3. Claiborne -  August 3, 2009 - 7:37 pm

        We’re currently sitting at the Whittaker Creek Yacht Harbor. We have a 5′11″ draft and made it in here – barely. We did see 6′1″ on our depth sounder as we came down the marked channel. Over the past few days, with the wind blowing from the southwest, the water level dropped to 5 1/2ft, so you definitely have to watch the weather when you enter the channel. By the way – the Whittaker Creek Yacht Harbor is a pretty good place. The rates are very cheap with a BoatUS discount, the showers are decent, there’s a pool, the “residents” are very friendly and the owner – Knute – cares about everyone who stays here. We had to leave for a week and had both Knute and one of the liveaboards here watching our boat for us. The only downside is that you are not walking distance from town, but you are biking distance.
        S/V Pelican

        Reply to Claiborne
      4. Claiborne -  July 16, 2009 - 1:29 pm

        Subject: Whittaker Creek Inlet
        Cruising News: If entering Whittaker Creek near Oriental, keep the green markers on your PORT side. Most GPS and charts seem to indicate keeping the markers on your starboard side. This is INCORRECT. Boats are grounding frequently due to this incorrect information.
        Ken Mahren

        Reply to Claiborne
      5. Claiborne -  July 16, 2009 - 1:26 pm

        Subject: Whittaker Creek Yacht Harbor (Oriental, Statute Mile 181) – Advice on Navigating The Entry Channel
        Cruising News: To add some additional info here. When entering and exiting this channel, local knowledge favors the red markers and uses the range at the back of the channel. Whampoa draws nearly 5 feet and this has worked well so far (knock on wood!) but the channel is thin especially when there have been extended south and southwest winds which tend to blow the water out of the creek. The tide here is predominantly wind driven with N/NE winds driving the water into the creek and S/SW moving the water out of the creek.
        We have also seen a few folks inbound turn to port between G#5 and G#7 and many promptly run aground. When inbound keep G#5 to port and don’t cut it to close as there appears to be some shoaling close to G#5.
        Good luck.
        Regards, John
        SV Whampoa

        Reply to Claiborne
      6. Claiborne -  July 14, 2009 - 8:19 pm

        Subject: New Info – Whittaker Creek Entrance Channel (Statute Mile 181, Oriental, NC)
        Cruising News: Two new green cans, 3A and 5A, have recently been set in the entrance channel to Whittaker Creek. This has had the effect of further narrowing the channel as the shoaling continues to build out from the left side of the channel as seen when entering. Local reports indicate the water depths are good close to these new cans.
        The private range at the back of the channel is still useful but the new green cans must be considered as well when using this channel.
        I have not seen these new cans show up in the LNM or on any updated charts but the cans are certainly in place as of 7/12/09.
        Regards, John

        Reply to Claiborne

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