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    • transient-dock power fresh-water showers laundry food propane/natural gas waste wifi

      Basic Marina Information:

      Phone: (252) 335-5108
      Statute Mile: 50.5
      Lat/Lon: Near 36°18.010 N / 76°12.742 W
      Location: guarding the Pasquotank's northern banks, northeast of marker #8
      Depths: 5 ft.
      Address: 43 Camden Causeway
      Elizabeth City,  NC   27909

      Service Details:

      Transient Dockage:Available.
      Transient Dockage Rate:$35.00 per night regardless of vessel size
      Type of dockage:fixed wooden slips
      Live Aboards Allowed:no
      Total number of slips/berths:58
      Dockside Power Connections:30/50 amp power hookups available
      Dock. Fresh Water Connections:Available.
      Showers:Available. Climate Controlled
      Restaurant:Many available by walking across bridge into downtown Elizabeth City
      Restaurant Recommendations:Cypress Creek Grill (lunch and dinner, 252-334-9915), Colonial Restaurant (excellent breakfast, 252-335-0212), Groupers Waterfront Restaurant (lunch and dinner, 252-331-2431), Thumpers (GREAT burgers, 252-333-1243), Quality Seafood (252-335-7648), Sidney's Bistro (252-331-1944), Bryon's Hotdogs (252-331-2986)
      Provisioning Possibilities:Call for free boat shuttle to Farm Fresh Supermarket (252-331-1301) for pick-up and return to the marina
      LPG (Propane) Availability:Available. Take taxi to Shell gas station for LPG tank exchange 1 1/2 miles away
      Waste pump-out:Available.
      Wi-Fi Internet Access:Free WiFi Available
      Fuel Availability:No Fuel Available

      Reviews from Cruisers (5)

      1. Danny Styons -  September 9, 2013 - 9:10 pm

        Stayed here on Sept. 1 and was very pleased. This is great marina. Good bathrooms and laundry. very helpful and a ships store with good prices. Only 35.00 with power and water. A good restaurant next door.

        Reply to Danny
      2. Unknown -  October 19, 2011 - 10:37 am

        One of the really great things about cruising around is the consistency of friendly service we get time and time again at marinas we have found along the way. An example of this consistently friendly service is the staff at the Pelican Marina, in Elizabeth City. The manager, Josh, came in after hours on a day off, to catch our lines and make us feel welcome.
        Bring a little bag of dry cat food with you. There are a half dozen snapping turtles that will come up to the dock at the marina office, and beg for food. Talk about a marina that’s turtle friendly – and not just the MTOA turtles.
        This is another spot we will frequent, both North and South bound.

        Reply to Unknown
      3. Bill Brubaker -  November 21, 2010 - 9:12 pm

        I called Pelican Marina for a pump out Nov 19 at 3:00 PM. The manager said he would call me back as he was short handed; he finally called after dark. Obviously couldn’t pull in then so we made arrangements to arrive at 8:00 AM next morning and did so. We docked on the T-dock and gashed my hull from a nail on the outboard side of a piling. Worse, after fumbling around with the pump on a cart, the pump out would not work. So, I damaged my boat, was delayed an hour, and still did not get a pump out. Incompetence at its worst.

        Reply to Bill
      4. Claiborne -  July 17, 2009 - 9:05 am

        Pelican Marina in E-City
        Message: We just (Oct 4) came through the Dismal Swamp Canal and overnighted at the Pelican Marina. Plenty of water in the canal – we had 8 feet all the way through. Pelican Marina was $35 for the night – we are 43 feet and the laundry and electric were included. This is an endorsement for the marina. Nice people and an easy walk over the bridge into town.
        Fred Sorensen
        OA 43

        Reply to Claiborne
      5. Claiborne -  July 17, 2009 - 9:05 am

        Subject: Pelican Marina
        Message: I am responding to a news contribution from Sept 16 by MV Hale Kai. I am currently living aboard at The Pelican Marina where they still do a very steady transient business. I do know that more and more they stay full (including nightly slips) because of how ideal their marina is. When possible, us as monthly slipholders even use the excuse to go hang on the hook and free up additional slips. They offer a flat nightly rate of $35, and that is all inclusive (even laundry). It is true that they have sold slips. What is not true is that they are all privately owned. The Pelican still owns 65% and the rest are still rented monthly or nightly.
        Thanks for letting me contribute.

        Reply to Claiborne

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