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    • Good Bahamas Cruising Advice

      The easiest and most popular plan and the way we do it is to stage  at a Marina or a very popular anchorage at the north end of Lake Worth at North  Palm Beach while we wait for a weather window to cross into the Abacos. This is  an excellent place to wait as many cruisers stage here and it is a very  convenient place to meet buddy boats for the crossing and a good place to  provision as there is ample shopping, good restaurants and a West  Marine near the anchorage.
      When your weather window comes most cruiser will move to an anchorage just south of the Lake Worth inlet (South of Peanut Island) which allows for and  early departure out the inlet the next morning, often before light, depending on your destination.  West End on Grand Bahamas Island is probably the best place to enter and check into customs for a first timer and we can make that 56 
      mile trip in about seven hours in our eight knot boat. Believe it or not, winter  is the slow season in the Abacos so Marinas are usually plentiful and  many of  them are offering deals that time of year.  For example, Green Turtle Club use to offer an "Eat Your Dockage" deal where you get free  dockage if you spend an amount equal to that dockage in the bar or dining  room.
      For extensive information about the Abacos you should buy the cruising  Guide published by Steve Dodge as that has been the Bible for the Abacos for  many years and is very reasonably priced at only $19.95. This guide lists all of  the marinas, anchorages and routes to follow with all needed waypoints and makes  your Abacos stay very easy and safe.
       John and  Karen Siscoe
      CHATEAU/ Defever 46 Sport Cruiser

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