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      Basic Marina Information:

      Phone: (252) 728-2503
      Statute Mile: 201
      Lat/Lon: Near 34°42.971 N / 76°39.920 W
      Location: located along the northern banks of Taylor Creek in the heart of downtown Beaufort
      Depths: 15 ft.
      Address: 500 Front St
      Beaufort,  NC   28516
      General Manager: Jeb Breareol
      Dockmaster: Jeb Breareol

      Service Details:

      Transient Dockage:Available.
      Transient Dockage Rate:rates depend on slip assigment
      Type of dockage:floating wooden slips and face docks
      Live Aboards Allowed:yes
      Total number of slips/berths:100 - all transient
      Dockside Power Connections:30/50/100 amp power hookups available
      30/50/100 Amp Notes:$15/night - 30 amp hookup, $35/night - 50 amp power hookup, $70/night - 100 amp hookup
      Dock. Fresh Water Connections:Available.
      Laundromat:Available. nearby at the "General Store"
      Restaurant:many nearby
      Restaurant Recommendations:Spouter Inn (WONDERFUL!!!!!, 252-728-5190), Beaufort Grocery Company (252-728-3899), Finz Grill and Bar (252-728-7459), Ribeye’s Steak House (252-728-6105)
      Provisioning Possibilities:Food Lion and Piggly Wiggly supermarkets 1 miles away, accessible by marina courtesy car usable for up to 1 hour, Taylor Creek Grocery and Deli (NEW, within easy walking distance, 252-838-1495), Coastal Community Market (606 Broad St., 252-728-2844, within walking distance
      LPG (Propane) Availability:Available. Marina courtesy car can be used to drive to nearby Teel’s Gas Service, (252-728-7039), where tanks can be refilled, or have tanks refilled at Deans Appliance Co, (252-726-9152. Note that both these dealers require cruisers to leave their tanks and then pick them back up several hours later
      Waste pump-out:Available.
      Wi-Fi Internet Access:Free WiFi Available
      Fuel Availability:Diesel Available

      Marina Survey Information

      Date:2022-09-23 00:00:00

      Reviews from Cruisers (24)

      1. John FLowe -  August 18, 2014 - 10:51 pm

        We took a weekend trip to Beaufort Town Docks this weekend and couldn’t have had a better time. Many thanks to Dock Master Neil for his assistance. If you want great views and nightlife, this is the place to be.

        Reply to John
      2. Berwick Duval -  May 29, 2014 - 1:44 pm

        Beaufort Docks has a great location adjacent to a very nice town. We stayed here one night, and the dockhands were courteous and helpful. We dined at the Blue Moon Bistro, and had a wonderful meal. Walking the town and taking in the shops was easy, and the marina had a loaner car we used to provision. We did not use the showers or laundry, so can’t comment on them. The docks are in decent shape, and easy in and out if you know how to play the current.
        About $140 for one night (for a 48’ trawler), however, is a bit steep. Bald Head Island Marina just south was $100 a night. But, due to the location, the owner gets his price, and such is life. My only complaint was the pumpout. First, the hose was not long enough to reach both sides of my boat (I have two tanks and the caps are port and starboard). After untying and turning the boat around for the second tank, I was charged $10 per tank for a total of $20 for the pumpout. While $20 is not going to break the bank, it left a bad taste and is indicative of poor management. Had the pumpout dock and hose been adequate to handle the situation it would be less obtrusive (even though most pumpouts have been free with a slip rental), but the owner should not be surprised at some of the more negative reviews here and elsewhere. It is the little things which can turn a positive experience into a poor one. With that said, I still give the marina four out of five stars, based on our overall positive experience.
        Berwick Duval

        Reply to Berwick
      3. Ben -  May 21, 2014 - 11:13 pm

        I’ve gone to Beaufort Town Docks since the 90s. Know it from dock and shore.
        1. It’s expensive by comparison to all other locations within 200 miles.
        2. Roll the dice on whether they’re friendly or not. Honestly.
        3. The bath/shower by comparison to other locations is horrible.
        4. Great location.
        5. Shops are tourist traps, not for bargain seekers.
        6. Some of the best restaurants around. But you have to look and ask.

        They fix the showers to compare with other local marinas, and get rid of some of the goober, huckster dock-hand behaviors, they’ll be awesome. Not $2.75 awesome, but pretty awesome. Many of their staff are very good, helpful folks, but they’ve got a knucklehead or two they could wish “good luck in your future endeavors”.

        Reply to Ben
      4. Jim & Peg Healy -  May 12, 2014 - 2:23 pm

        We are at Beaufort Town Dock now. Arrived today at noon. Only caveat is that noon is a relatively quiet time, and there were many empty slips. At least a dozen boats have come it during the afternoon.
        Making reservations was easy. Marina contact at arrival was prompt. We were expected and they had a slip assignment ready for us. Had great help with docking. Have checked in. Treatment has been A-1. Dockage is expensive. Borrowed the courtesy car to go to Food Lion. Have had showers. Dockage includes a “wooden nickel” for all aboard, good for a free beer at the Dockside Restaurant.
        When we picked up the car keys, I had a chance to overhear an attendant on the phone making reservations and providing arrival directions to other boaters. He was knowledgeable, patient and thorough.
        The only disappointment is that the marina and local merchants do seem to be “taking advantage.” ALL OF THE SHOPPES IN TOWN ARE SELLING STUFF WELL ABOVE MSRP. Clawson’s is still a great eatery. The Dirigibles are no longer on the menu (that stinks!) but the brew pub offerings are great!
        So far, service is fine. Peg and I have been favorably impressed. We were expecting and looking for issues, but there have been no problems at all. Certainly, our service has met expectation for service, and exceeded for friendliness of staff.

        Reply to Jim
      5. Bill Hipple -  November 18, 2013 - 10:33 pm

        Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 12:41:17 -0500
        I have been stopping at the Beaufort Town Docks, along with just about every other marina along the AICW, for over 25 years. I have done this in everything from a 30 foot cruiser to the 130 foot motor yacht I currently operate. During all those years I have never experienced anything other than professional, knowledgeable and pleasant service from the entire dock crew at the marina.
        While it is true that the laundry and showers are of no consequence to us on this boat, they were for many years but were never a major problem. I been there for an overnight stop and have also spent a month there rebuilding an
        The docks may not be state of the art but they are strong and safe. I have ridden out 2 tropical storms there. One on a 70 foot Hatteras and the other on the 130 foot tri-deck motor yacht without any problems. All the dock guys were there to assist in securing the boats and some stayed through the night to help if needed. They were there along with TowBoat US to remove this sail boat that broke loose from its mooring, before it damaged, or sunk the trawler it got tangled with.
        Some of the power pedestals are indeed made of wood but who cares? The power is good and reliable. This is one of the few marinas along the coast where we can get 2, 208V 3 phase power outlets on several docks, while there are still 50 amp and 30 amp outlets for the smaller boats. This is something you will not find in most marinas, even the “state of the art” ones. The Charleston City Marina’s Mega dock is great but 90% of the time we can’t get electric.
        The water is good and fuel is available in most of the slips. The Wi-Fi works fine and is free.
        The location is among the best on the coast with shops and restaurants across the street. Anything else you desire is easily reached by one of several courtesy cars that the marina makes available at no cost.
        As for cost, $1.95/ft. and $6 for electric described in the article, is in the range of similar stops, many of which do not have amenities like loaner cars or Wi-Fi___33. Moorhead City Yacht Basin is $2.00/ft. or $1.80 BoatUS, Oriental Marina and Inn is $1.90/ft., River Dunes is $1.50/ft. and $5 for electric, Beaufort SC is $1.85/ft. and $6 electric. If you consider $.10 or $.15 per foot per night which equates to $5 or $7.50 for a 50 foot boat to be “pretty steep compared to what we have paid everywhere else”, perhaps you are in the wrong lifestyle.
        As for the reported problems while docking the boat, perhaps the writers should look within their operating procedures. The SSCN is a very friendly place and much like on the VHF radio everyone is addressed as captain. I
        personally find this akin to every child getting a trophy whether they win or lose. Some folks deserve the title and some don’t. A license of any kind or the absence of one is, of itself, not a condition of the title. It is the qualifications and professionalism of the individual that earns the respect the title brings. There are many “boat drivers” out there that are addressed as “captain” out of shear courtesy and I watch the differences every day.
        A captain has a plan for each docking situation. It takes into account the dock, the conditions, the capabilities of the boat and the abilities of the crew. The captain formulates a plan, instructs the crew and approaches the dock in the slowest manner consistent with conditions. Once there, the crew passes the eye of the first or “break” line designated by the captain to the dock hand, who places it over the cleat so that the crew can adjust it according to the captains plan and instructions. Once the captain has the boat alongside, the rest of the lines are secured in the same fashion.
        The boat driver approaches the dock with a plan to use enough power, shifting gears, turning the wheel back and forth and leaning on the thrusters (if equipped) to get close enough that the crew can throw a badly coiled ball of rope, that is hopefully secured to the boat and long enough to reach the dock, which may take several tries. The boat driver then waits for the dock hand to take over docking the boat. This will involve the dock hand catching the most likely soaking wet line, tying, pulling, pushing or any other backbreaking effort needed to get the boat to the dock. There will then be several more tangled masses of line thrown ashore for the dock hand to tie as necessary to secure the boat as they see fit. If the process succeeds, the proud boat driver will be pleased with the job he did. If the process results in confusion, screaming, dings, dents or embarrassment, it was the dock hands fault. “No apologies or anything for allowing the boat to hit the dock”. A captain never relinquishes control of the boat, it’s lines, it’s fenders or its crew to a dock hand who is simply there to assist.
        I have no idea of the writers qualifications, so I will leave judgment up to them. I do hope, however that everyone will take into consideration, the role of the dock hands at any marina. They are there to assist you, not do your job for you.
        I consider the Beaufort Docks one of the best stops on the East coast and I look forward to our next visit in the spring.
        Captain Bill Hipple
        M/Y Lady Kath

        Reply to Bill
      6. Reid Gantt -  November 16, 2013 - 3:50 pm

        We have docked Vouivre at Beaufort Docks several times in the past, with our last stay being in October. We were traveling with friends in their boat Island Passage. The dockhands met our friends boat first (larger boat); got them tied up and then they were very responsive and helpful in getting us tied up. Both were very friendly too. Docking at Beaufort Docks, we enjoy being right there close to all the shops in town. Getting the chit for a beer was also nice. As far as the dockage rates, while they may be higher than some, they are also lower than other locations we’ve stayed. The marina is in a prime location and I would expect that their local taxes are higher than other less desirable locations; thus the need for them to set their fees at that rate. Bottom Line: If you want to enjoy being close to all the action, you may need to pay more….
        Reid Gantt

        Reply to Reid
      7. Larry Hemmerich -  November 16, 2013 - 9:32 am

        All i can say is that Chuck & Susan on Trawler Beach House sound like very very novice cruisers. Yes the curent may run fast, but as the captian its your decision when to dock..maybe next time wait for slack! Do not depend on dock hsnds saving your docking experience.
        I am sure you will find more expensive and poorer condition dock on the ICW. Enjoy cruising and except each new place as a grant adventure.
        We spent two week this spring and enjoyed every minute!
        Larry Hemmerich

        Reply to Larry
      8. John Kettlewell -  November 16, 2013 - 9:31 am

        OK, I have to weigh in. I’ve been visiting Beaufort by water since 1985 and it remains a “must” stop on the ICW. I must admit to not having used the municipal docks in a few years, but I have tied up there numerous times. It can be a very difficult place to get in and out of, particularly when the current and wind are strong. This often leads to unpleasant docking situations, which can color your entire stay there. Personally, if at all possible, I temporarily anchor until the current is slack and the wind is reasonable or else you are in for an exciting time of it. There are times when you I wouldn’t go anywhere near the docks–too tricky to get in there safely, no matter how wonderful the dock attendants. And, I have had some very difficult exits too. However, the laundromat, even though it is across the street, is one of the best close to the ICW–I suspect I have used it 20-30 times at least. Can’t comment on the restrooms or the power posts as I haven’t tied up there in a few years. I will only add that a visit at any marina is often shaped by the people you meet, whether it is the marina staff or the locals, and you will probably meet quite a few in Beaufort strolling along the waterfront. Mostly they have been great, but occasionally you get too much noise at night or someone asking too many questions while you’re trying to tie up in that current
        John Kettlewell

        Reply to John
      9. Bob Scalia -  November 16, 2013 - 9:30 am

        We’ve stayed at Beaufort Docks twice a year (North & Southbound between FL and NY) since 2005.. We have never had a bad experience at this Marina. The Dockhands have always been helpful, their instructions clear and the Marina has let us use their ‘lender cars’ when we needed them. We enjoy the local residents walking the docks and chatting with them. When I read the original post, I wondered if they were speaking about the same place that we have always enjoyed. Judge for yourselves folks…
        Bob Scalia

        Reply to Bob
      10. Thomas J Comber -  November 15, 2013 - 11:38 pm

        I could write pages describing the positives at Beaufort City Dock, but will not waste anyone’s time refuting the negative comments made against this facility & it’s staff. THEY MUST HAVE A PERSONAL PROBLEM. Keep up the great work at my semi-annual home away from home.
        Thomas J Comber

        Reply to Thomas
      11. Tom and Pat Denni -  November 15, 2013 - 11:37 pm

        It has been quite a while since we have used Beaufort City Dock. We used to stay there regularly because of atmosphere around, but this had nothing to do with the marina employees. We enjoyed music festivals and other venues convenient to the marina and also the plethora of eating places available. We did not mind that the laundry was across the street and although not really impressed with the baths, we found them adequate. What made us stop coming was the attitude of the docking personnel. They were RUDE. Sometimes we found docking just a bit difficult due to the very strong current. We had to listen to their constant criticism like, “well are you going to dock this boat or not.” We had no problem with the office personnel except maybe when one of the dock crew took over while the regular went to lunch. Consequently we either stayed at Town Creek Marina or just skipped Beaufort completely. Among our friends, we have heard the same stories. Also, the price per foot is astronomical. We were told that because they were the only game in town, they could do that. Would we call the marina cruiser friendly? Absolutely not! We even stopped anchoring in Taylor Creek a long time ago because of all the derelict boats anchored there and all the “private” mooring balls which probably have not been checked for ages. This is a real shame because Beaufort used to be one of our favorite stops.
        Tom and Pat Denni

        Reply to Tom
      12. Norman Mason -  November 15, 2013 - 8:25 am

        The comments on Beaufort are of interest to me, as one who loves Beaufort, and who has stayed at Beaufort Town Docks many times. I no longer stay there, as the cost has gotten way beyond what it should be. We were last there returning from Florida in April of 2010. At that time, we were charged $2.25 per foot, plus a higher than usual electricity charge. For such poor rest room facilities, which someone on this website once compared to 1950′s Boy Scout camp, and no laundromat, it is not worth it, no matter how wonderful Beaufort is. Yes, there is a laundromat across the street, BUT it is not open on Sundays, the day we happened to be there, and it is not part of the marina.
        Now, we go to Morehead City, and walk or bike to Beaufort. The marina costs are reasonable, and the restrooms are very nice. I hope that at some point in the future the cost will come down. We love Beaufort.
        Norman Mason
        Norfolk, VA

        Reply to Norman
      13. Ray Kurlak -  April 30, 2013 - 10:40 am

        Beaufort (on the east) and Morehead City (on the west) straddle the ICW at the Route 70 highway bridge. There is a back channel entrance to Beaufort when approaching from the north, but we do not recommend that route. Instead the best approach is to go out and around Radio Island and to enter the Beaufort harbor from the south.
        The Beaufort Docks marina is in the center of the Beaufort downtown tourist area, and is adjacent to a large mooring field. The docks are floating docks with slips and T-heads. The dockhands are capable and will direct you to a dockage that takes into account the direction of the strong tidal currents in the harbor. Fuel is available and stores and restaurants are right next to the docks.
        Ray Kurlak

        Reply to Ray
      14. James R. Bricker -  February 24, 2013 - 11:32 am

        I used to stop at this dock every time north and south until about 7 years ago we got into a dispute because their fuel price was so much higher than Jarrett Bay. His comment was that maybe I should just stay at Jarrett Bay. Have not been back since.
        James R. Bricker

        Reply to James
      15. Jim Smith -  November 16, 2012 - 4:54 pm

        Used to like going in here. As others have stated prices are high and most of staff has an attitude. I believe they are city employees with no concept of customer service. Would recommend city hire a contractor to operate facility.
        Similar to what Fernandina Marina did with great results.

        Morehead Yacht basin is much better and only $6 taxi ride if you want to eat in Beaufort.

        Reply to Jim
      16. The Leafs -  April 18, 2012 - 9:27 pm

        We were “burnt” our first trip south when we had to stay three days due to weather Nov. 2010. Blew one month’s budget. Staff then was friendly, but will not visit unless absolutely necessary for fuel, and then will definitely anchor.

        Reply to The
      17. Debbie Wicker -  April 17, 2012 - 11:16 am

        Dockage on the facedocks is now $2.75/ft. This marina used to be such a good place to go to because of the restaurants and quaint local businesses. But, staff is unfriendly and prices exorbitant. Would think Beaufort docks could help the local economy a lot by lowering thier slips rate to encourage boaters from SE NC to come visit for the weekend and spend money in town. Boats must be bypassing Beaufort and going over to Morehead City or anchoring out……cause there certainly weren’t many boats in marina. On a positive note, we ate dinner at Front Street Grill at Stillwater and food was wonderful!!!! Highly recommend.

        Reply to Debbie
      18. John Winter -  April 2, 2012 - 8:33 pm

        The town marina was always a must stop for us as we go north/south (note we live in NC). Their reputation is now better than actual, as we have watched this place go up in cost while not maintaining facilities, but more importantly, bad attitudes from the staff. Staff especially are getting bad reputation up/down the ICW. We now go to Morehead City where all the marinas/restaurants are working hard for business. Beaufort is a must see town, but there are other places to dock in order to see the town. The savings on dockage will more than pay for a cab.

        Reply to John
      19. Name Not Provided -  November 14, 2011 - 12:14 pm

        We are finding prices all over the spectrum as we head south from Deltaville, VA. The Beaufort Docks must be living off their old reputation. The floating dock are fine, The bathrooms were so bad I took my shower on the boat and decided to use the holding tank space instead of their toilets. The dock boy (old guy) was rude to my wife on the VHF even yelling at her on ch9. We couldn’t believe that. So that didn’t set the mood for us to have a good time either.There were very few shops or restaurants open on Sunday afternoon. I counted 25 boats anchored in the Beaufort anchorage. The Beaufort Docks marina seems to be 1/3 full. If they cut their prices in half, it might be a fair deal and a lot less boats would be at anchorage opting for a dock for the night. The dock master at the desk was nice enough and I asked if they had any BoatUs, MTOA or discounts on fuel or dockage? He said no discounts at all. He then processed my credit card with one of those old machines that takes an imprint of your credit card and you get a copy. They get the entire 16 digits. NOT VERY SAFE. We will not be stopping here on the way north.
        Name Not Provided

        Reply to Name
      20. Dave Fry -  October 3, 2011 - 3:51 pm

        We loved old town Beaufort – great food, shops and friendly people. The marina is expensive (2.30/ft with a whopping 0.10 discount for > 7 days) — 2 weeks there cost almost twice what a month costs at Charleston City Marina which is much nicer. Lots of current, rude staff (except the head dockmaster who was very helpful and friendly), and old equipment. We’ll not return.

        Reply to Dave
      21. Barney Rubble -  August 11, 2011 - 8:29 am

        Blue Moon Bistro is a must for foodies. Perfect preparation and professional waitstaff. Best food around. Located at 119 Queen St., one block from the waterfront.

        Reply to Barney
      22. Tom Earnest -  October 5, 2009 - 10:45 am

        This is one of my “must stops” on the way North or South. I love everything about this place. The dockhands are great & knowledgable. You’re right in town. Lot’s of cutesy shops & places to eat. People are very friendly with Southern Charm.

        Reply to Tom
      23. David Hughes -  July 24, 2009 - 10:23 am

        June 28-29, 2009. I spent a delightful time at the Beaufort Town Docks. The dockmaster was friendly and helpful. The Boardwalk Cafe has a great breakfast buffet. I enjoyed the pancakes. While some people want to sit outside I found it nicer in the air conditioned inside at a high table where I could look out along the boats in the harbor and I did not need to wait for a table.The Maritime Museum is excellent. I spent a happy few hours there. One warning. If you go in their excellent library and sit in a soft chair to read their current sailing magazines you will probably fall aslelep.
        Keep up the good work.
        David Hughes
        Out of Blackbeard Sailing Club

        Reply to David
      24. Rich Van Gemert -  July 20, 2009 - 9:47 am

        When Lionheart was in Beaufort a month ago and a year ago, our experience was very positive. The dock hands were patient as my approach to the docks was slow due to the wind and current. Several loan cars are available – one was issued to me immediately upon request. We didn’t run into many of the locals as we usually eat on board. People in stores and shops were helpful and curtious as anywhere. Fuel is available anywhere on the docks, and there is a launderette with many washers and dryers just across the street. We’d go back.
        Rich Van Gemert, MY Lionheart

        We agree with Lionheart. Beaufort, NC, is a place we make sure we stop at least once a year. They do have one dock hand that has been there a long time and he is pretty grumpy most of the time. The others were always gracious and helpful. We love the shops a many restaurants. We have never had a problem getting a loaner car, they have free wifi, cable, etc.
        May you have clear skies and calm seas,
        Capt. Lynn and Capt. Jackie Millikin

        I agree with Lionhart as well, the Town Docks have been a great place to stop and the community is great fun.

        Reply to Rich

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