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      Basic Marina Information:

      Phone: (252) 475-9701
      Lat/Lon: Near 35°06.928 N / 75°59.148 W
      Location: National Park Service Docks next to Ocracoke NC Ferry Service dock on the north side of Silver Lake (east of its entrance) and more generally on the south side of Ocracoke Island.
      Depths: 5 ft.
      Address: Cape Hatteras National Seashore
      1401 National Park Drive
      Manteo,  NC   27954
      Dockmaster: Rodney Lapp

      Service Details:

      Transient Dockage:Available. Boat dock prices per night:0-24 feet = $3325-32 feet = $4432-40 feet = $5541-48 feet = $6649-56 feet = $7757-up = $88A few key notes:• Payments can only be made in person with the mobile app.• All NPS docks are first come first served (no prepay or reservations).• Water and electric (30amp & 50amp) hook ups are included.• There is a 2 week limit from Memorial Day - Labor Day.• There is a public restroom facility across the street.• NPS docks are open year round.• For questions or information call 252-475-8316
      Transient Dockage Rate:$1.25 per foot,per night (Golden Age Pass-$.60 per foot, per night)
      Type of dockage:floating wooden and face docks
      Live Aboards Allowed:no
      Total number of slips/berths:15
      Dockside Power Connections:30 amp power hookups available
      30/50 Amp Notes:$3.00/per night - 30 amp hookup, $5.00/per night - 50 amp hookup
      Dock. Fresh Water Connections:Available.
      Restaurant:yes None at the docks. Smacnally's (3/4mi) is the nearest full service lunch/dinner restaurant. Pony Island Inn (1.5 mi) is the nearest breakfast restaurant.
      Restaurant Recommendations:Smacnally’s, Jolly Roger,(3/4 mile away) Back Porch Restaurant (252-928-6401), Pony Island Restaurant (breakfast, 252-928-5701)
      Provisioning Possibilities:yes None
      LPG (Propane) Availability:Available. Walk, bike or take golf cart to variety store for LPG tank exchange 3/4 mile away
      Wi-Fi Internet Access:Not Available
      Fuel Availability:Gas & Diesel Available
      Fuel Notes:Anchorage Inn (& Marina)
      Lodging:Available. Numerous in the area of the NPS Docks; e.g., Anchorage Inn, which is next to the Ferry terminal.
      Bait:Available. Mostly geared to commercial charter fishing community
      Tackle:Available. Mostly geared to commercial charter fishing community
      Canoes:Available. Various commercial vendors provide small boat rentals in Ocracoke Village next to the NPS Docks.
      Kayaks:Available. Various commercial vendors provide small boat rentals in Ocracoke Village next to the NPS Docks.
      Motor Boats:Available. Various commercial vendors provide small boat rentals in Ocracoke Village next to the NPS Docks.

      Marina Survey Information

      Date:2022-08-20 00:00:00

      Reviews from Cruisers (16)

      1. Laura, AGLCA Forum -  July 13, 2017 - 7:01 am

        We just spent a delightful couple of nights at the National Park Service docks at Ocracoke, on the Outer Banks, North Carolina. Docking here is reasonable to begin with, and use of the lifetime senior passport makes cost 60 cents a foot in season, 30 cents a foot off season, $3 or 5 for power. Close to the ferry and tourist area. A definite hidden gem.
        PLEASE NOTE THAT THE NPS LIFETIME SENIOR PASS IS INCREASING IN PRICE THIS AUGUST, FROM $10 TO $80 (I’m sure that will bring down the deficit). If you are age 62 or older, please consider purchasing this pass now.

        Reply to Laura,
      2. Kathrine Noel -  April 27, 2015 - 5:25 pm

        We are currently at the NPS docs and they are up and running. This is pre-season, but there have only been a few boats in and out. Dockage is $1.25 per foot per night, power is $2.00/$5.00. There is an updated sidewalk leading to the village. We had a great meal at Dajio and a great one at Eduardo’s Taco Truck. We enjoy the relaxed pre-season vibe on Ocracoke!

        Reply to Kathrine
      3. Gary Koerner -  December 5, 2014 - 9:24 am

        Regarding the comments on whether or not the National Park Service Docks repairs have been completed, according to an article in the local newspaper, yes they have. I was unable to find any current information on the NPS website. If anyone has any first hand experience, please comment

        Reply to Gary
      4. Ron Cousino -  June 29, 2014 - 10:04 am

        Anybody have an update on the repair/re-wiring of the federal docks???
        I have heard all is completed and are now open but cannot get confirmation.
        Thanks much
        Capt. Ron

        Reply to Ron
      5. Capt Ron -  May 17, 2014 - 5:38 pm

        As of @ 1000hrs this morning theses docks are officially closed til further notice, slated for the end of May, but tentatively. I tried calling the phone number given and got a perennial busy signal. Then called the Park HQ, spoke with a very nice young woman (Karen) who told me the above. I can’t find this anywhere on the NPS website, however. Karen tells me the docks are being renovated, water/power peds, etc. She also was less than optimistic that the work would be completed close to schedule because the weather has been against the project. Fingers crossed, Snowbirds migrating north….
        Cap’n Ron

        Reply to Capt
      6. Dave Boxmeyer -  May 1, 2014 - 1:15 pm

        At the moment we are tied up at the Park Service Dock. We are waiting for someone official to throw us out. The docks are in sound shape but under construction. There are new cleats, large enough to hold a battleship and new fire extinguishers. That is it, no water or electricity. The lady in the office told us we had to move but at the moment we are under a tornado watch. With the heavy weather coming I prefer to remain. Which we shall until someone official throws us out. Our government at work; leave a perfectly good dock to anchor out in bad weather. makes you feel good to know these people always have your best interest at heart.
        Dave Boxmeyer

        Reply to Dave
      7. Ed Deyo -  May 31, 2013 - 4:11 pm

        Cruising News:
        There is a large barge at the National Parks Service Docks at Ocracoke. They are replacing the pilings for the spare dock for the Ferries.
        They have closed most of the second pier from the ferry and all of the dockage along the water front in front of the spare ferry dock. According to the Park Service Rep, that part of the docks will be closed for about three weeks.
        This reduces the no of boats that can tie up to about 6 +-depending on the size.
        Ed Deyo

        Reply to Ed
      8. Mike Alyea -  October 23, 2012 - 1:31 pm

        We had a great charter out of Washington on In Concert, a Saga 409 that we bareboated from Carolina Wind.
        Made it to Ocracoke the first day for two nights including dinner at the Back Porch and lunch at Howard’s. Then we were off across the sound to Adams creek to follow the ICW south to Beaufort and and a wonderful two nights anchored in Lookout Bight. Back up the ICW for a quick stop for wine in Oriental, a night anchored in Bonner Bay before the final leg back to Washington.
        I do believe coastal North Carolina is the best cruising area on the east coast – I was very impressed!
        As you asked, I visited the public docks in Ocracoke to assess the dinghy dock. The office was closed and the only floating dock appeared to be in association with the adjacent ferry dock and locked behind a dock fence. A sign (see photo) hung in the office window regarding its use, but again, it appeared locked and unavailable.
        I’ll make a couple phone calls back to the village and if I get more details will let you know.
        Your info and cruising guide were right on it’s with many thanks for your efforts that we had a great trip.
        Mike Alyea

        Reply to Mike
      9. Sheila Breault -  October 16, 2012 - 3:10 pm

        Cruising News:
        They are sandblasting the ferry dock. Noise levels are very high and annoying. If we had known about this we would have made alternate plans. I would not recommend the federal park service docks at this time.
        Sheila Breault

        Reply to Sheila
      10. Jim and Talley Powell -  April 30, 2012 - 10:10 pm

        The National Park Service Docks are a nice and inexpensive stay in the jewel of the Outer Banks. The Pamlico is seldom an easy crossing, but Ocracoke is worth the effort. Lots of history, shops, restaurants, and golf cart rentals. Everything you need is right here.
        Jim and Talley Powell

        Reply to Jim
      11. Mark and Bev MacMahon -  April 19, 2012 - 12:54 pm

        We spent 3 nights at Ocracoke Island a couple of years ago. It is a lovely spot with lots to do. The US Park Service docks are not fancy, but are more than adequate. Several good restaurants are within walking distance and the beach is within biking range. Be sure to check out the picturesque lighthouse.
        Mark and Bev MacMahon
        M/V Calypso – AT34

        Reply to Mark
      12. Bob Williamson -  June 1, 2010 - 10:15 pm

        Subject: Shoaling in channel to Ocracoke NC
        Cruising News: Hi Claiborne, we arrived at Ocracoke yesterday, 31 May 2010, and noted that shoaling has extended around Day Marker Red 10B. Stay to the green side for plenty of water. The shoal extends about 40 ft or so into the channel from the red side starting about 200 ft south of R 10B and going 50 ft or so north of the marker. One sail boat was aground just before we arrived and we heard another one was aground this morning (6/1/10). The ferries are passing between Green 11 and Red 10B without problem by staying to the green side. That was the only difficult spot we saw in Big Foot Slough Channel.

        This is our first visit to the Outer Banks and Ocracoke – what a delight! We are staying at the National Park Service docks ($0.60 ft with the Senior Pass), nice fixed docks, very substantial. We were lucky arriving early afternoon on Memorial Day; saw about 20+ boats heading the other direction after being here for the holiday weekend. The dock was almost empty when we arrived but tonight is almost full with boats arriving for the festival this weekend – the 11th Annual Ocrafolk Festival, Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday June 4-6th. We were planning on leaving Friday but now it looks like we’ll be here a few days longer.

        Bob Williamson on Legrace
        Aquanaut Drifter 1250

        Reply to Bob
      13. R. Brugh -  August 19, 2009 - 1:09 pm

        We have stayed at both the Park docks and Anchorage Marina. If space is available I would go with the Anchorage Marina. The park docks dock pedestals are very rough and there is only 1 working 50 amp connection that I did not trust, so we ran the genny for 3 days. The Anchorage Marina is expensive but it is worth it atleast for my family as they like the cable TV and the pool. You know the saying if Momma aint happy nobody’s happy.
        R. Brugh

        Reply to R.
      14. HB Koerner -  August 17, 2009 - 6:26 pm

        Unless you have a Golden Age Passport from the National Park Service (for those of us 62 years young) when you arrive, you will need to get one to be eligible for the reduced dockage fees. They are not sold at the ferry terminal where you register your boat. They are sold at the campground, which is a good five miles away (it seemed longer). New topic: The only on shore restroom facilities are the ones used by the ferry passengers, and they can get grody to the max. No reflection on the Park Service – there are just tons of tourists using them. In spite of this shortcoming, realize that, as a boater, you are paying far less than the average tourist per night at this location. For some very interesting and unique shopping, try the Village Craftsman. It’s off the beaten path, but worth the visit.

        Reply to HB
      15. Chuck Tontsch -  July 24, 2009 - 11:00 am

        We stayed in Ocracoke for four days the week of July 12. Arrived in a 30 knot southwester from Oriental and docked at the empty National Park Service Docks on the north end of Silver Lake (first-come-first-served, $1.25/foot/day and $3/day for 30 amp electric, no dockside showers). The docks are very rough and badly in need of maintenance; make sure your fenders are adequate. One boat did join us before we left on Wednesday. All of the restaurants we visited were good: smacnally’s at the Anchorage Marina, Jolly Roger, Back Porch (try their Vietnamese style Bluefish dish). We usually try to go to Howard’s but have heard relatively bad things about them in terms of service and food quality recently. Ashore this time of year is the usual mix of tourists from the upper banks and the ferries down for a day trip (very crowded in town, not so much at the docks or the beach). There is still a shoal building out from red 10B and from auxiliary uncharted green can 9C. You should give them both a wide berth when exiting or leaving from Big Foot Slough Channel .
        Chuck Tontsch

        Reply to Chuck
      16. Howard H Cole -  July 15, 2009 - 12:08 pm

        {We spent] two worthwhile days at the national park dock(you can anchor free in Silver Lake or pay 60c ft with Golden Age pass) on Ocracoke Island. This dock was the PT Boat dock in WW2 when they were deployed to respond to the German subs crusing our coastline in the early days of the war. What an interesting place—market where you get fish swimming in the morning for evening grilling, nice beaches, time moves a little slower here. The North Carolina Teacher Education Center rep gave of a tour of the old Coast Guard Headquarters which they have renovated for upgrading teacher skills–kind’a teachers Camp David retreat.
        Howard H Cole
        aboard the C Horse

        Reply to Howard

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