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    • Great Bridge Lock

      Great Bridge Lock
      Found at AICW North Carolina Virginia Cut Statute Mile 11.5
      VHF Hailing Frequency Channel 13
      Opening Coordinate with Great Bridge Bridge (see following listing)

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Stein A. Holtbakk -  May 23, 2015 - 10:42 am

        I like you to know that the 24 hour docking is enforced in Great Bridge VA. I docked between the bridge and the lock 5/16/15 1100 hrs. At 1858 hrs on 5/17/15 I was told to get off the dock or receive a summon to appear in court for overstaying the 24 hr limit. I asked if I could stay until morning, but no way. It was just two boats docked at the time, so it was not a question of space.
        Stein A Holtbakk

        Reply to Stein

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