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    • Moore Haven City Marina (immediately west of Lake Okeechobee)

      Sounds like really good place to stop for the night while traversing the Okeechobee Waterway

      One of the places I can give a plug to is the City Marina at Moore Haven (FL) on the Okeechobee Waterway (not directly on the  Intracoastal – down a small canal after the bridge).  I pulled into  Moore Haven just as they set the lake bottom afire to burn off grass (vid #9) so an unplanned overnighter, and went down the narrow canal to the covered fuel dock which looked as if it hadn't been used in 50 years.  4 oldtimers were playing cards and having some brew and I asked if it was OK to tie up there and walk to the IGA (groceries) and mentioned I could use some fuel and the executive decision was made that I could stay there as long as I wanted.  One of them said "son, living here is like being in a nonstop version of Deliverance — are you familiar with the movie?"  Indeed I was . . .  One of them volunteered to take me to the store in his golf cart (a story in itself) and when I returned there was a (real) manager there with a fifty gallon drum of fuel.  I thought uh-oh, here comes some water, but it turned out to be one of the few places I got clean fuel (I took on a big load of water somewhere up the pike).  Price: Circle-K + .10 a gallon (I have no clue if that's where he got it).  I got gasoline — but considering the atmosphere, they would probably get you anything you wanted, including a rather clear tasteless and odorless liquid that tends to make one want to sing "hidey ho."  I will deny all knowledge of such . . .
      Matt Mattson

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