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    • Inexpensive Dockage on Okeechobee Waterway

      I think the dockage referred to below by Captain Sterling, at the St. Lucie Lock ,is on the western side, hard by a park. While these berths are truly inexpensive, they are not what could be accurately termed as pointed towards cruising sized craft. As for the Franklin Lock’s dockage, the only mental picture I can get of this is on the eastern side, near a public launching ramp. HOWEVER, I have NO membery of any docks here fit for boats larger than 25 feet. I certainly do NOT know all, however! If anyone else knows more about the inexpensive dockage described below, PLEASE make a posting!

      Lake O dockage deals!
      Two little known “secret gems” of the Okeechobee Wateway, both Franklin Lock, and Port ST. lucie lock have very inexpensive dockage ($20 a nite, $10 if your a senior) , with hookups, showers, laundry, and bathrooms! 4 slips are reservatioins, and 4 are on a first come basis. Isolated, but realy nice! There is an Enterprise that services ST. Lucie lock. We are planning on doing the mini loop friday, so I can give you an update at that time.
      Captain Sterling

      As I recall, there is a 40 ft limit on both the Franklin and St. lucie docks. Water now is low at St. lucie, however , Franklin is up and running.
      See you on the Waterways!
      Capt. Sterling

      Subject: cheap docks cutting across the middle of Fl
      Cruising News: Ther are cheap docks at both franklin lock and St Lucy lock run by the corp of enginers. $12 for seniors east of franklin lock on the north side look for the cut ..deep water and I had a 49 ft boat neht to my 30 ft sail boat 5″3′ draft…east and south at St Lucie.
      Sam Rogers

      I think the dockage referred to below by Captain Sterling, at the St. Lucie Lock ,is on the western side, hard by a park. While these berths are truly inexpensive, they are not what could be accurately termed as pointed towards cruising sized craft. As for the Franklin Lock’s dockage, the only mental picture I can get of this is on the eastern side, near a public launching ramp. HOWEVER, I have NO membery of any docks here fit for boats larger than 25 feet. I certainly do NOT know all, however! If anyone else knows more about the inexpensive dockage described below, PLEASE make a posting!

      Subject: Lake O dockage deals!
      Two little known “secret gems” of the Okeechobee Wateway, both Franklin Lock, and Port ST. lucie lock have very inexpensive dockage ($20 a nite, $10 if your a senior) , with hookups, showers, laundry, and bathrooms! 4 slips are reservatioins, and 4 are on a first come basis. Isolated, but realy nice! There is an Enterprise that services ST. Lucie lock. We are planning on doing the mini loop friday, so I can give you an update at that time.
      Captain Sterling

      As I recall, there is a 40 ft limit on both the Franklin and St. lucie docks. Water now is low at St. lucie, however , Franklin is up and running.

      See you on the Waterways!
      Capt. Sterling

      Subject: cheap docks cutting across the middle of Fl
      Cruising News: Ther are cheap docks at both franklin lock and St Lucy lock run by the corp of enginers. $12 for seniors east of franklin lock on the north side look for the cut ..deep water and I had a 49 ft boat neht to my 30 ft sail boat 5″3′ draft…east and south at St Lucie.
      Sam Rogers

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