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    • 6. Sands Key-Elliott Key Anchorages

      6. Sands Key-Elliott Key Anchorages
      Statute Mile:1109.5
      25 30.414 North/080 11.215 West (north of Sands Key)
      25 30.136 North/080 11.625 West (west of Sands Key)
      25 29.971 North/080 11.555 West (west of shallow Sands Cut)
      25 28.847 North/080 11.720 West (northwest of Coon Point)
      25 28.937 North/080 11.509 West (north of Coon Point)
      Location: multiple anchorage possibilities west of both Sands Key and northern Elliott Key
      Minimum depth: ranges from 4 ½ to 6 feet depending on particular anchorage chosen
      Swing Room: unlimited
      Foul Weather Shelter: fair, all anchorages open to western, southwestern and northwestern winds


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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Claiborne -  August 17, 2009 - 10:03 am

        You can anchor in 7 or 8′ of water on the north side of Sand Key, north of the sandbar off the cut. There is a little canal in the bend going to a pond, worth a trip with the dink.
        The best anchorage in the area is still Eliott Key, though, I rarely anchor off sandkey. The water is clear, you can dinghy to the beach near the north.
        There is a small marina halfway down, by the rangers building, small boats though (under 30). no services, but a boardwalk/trail crossing to the ocean side.

        Reply to Claiborne

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