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    • Atlantic Yacht Basin Recommended (Chesapeake, VA, near Statute Mile 12)

      Cruisers needing a good harbor in a storm or excellent boat yard repairs or just getting those hard to identify and locate boat parts could not do much
      better than the Atlantic Yacht Basin in Chesapeake, just south of Norfolk, Virginia. Our boat, True North, spend two days in their capable hands and
      felt blessed.
      We have no business association with Atlantic Yacht Basin other than very happy customers.
      Stay Safe,

      And, a very different point of view:

      As a counter to your good experience with AYB, my experience with them last year left me with a bad taste and unsettled as to the actual condition of my boat. Let me suggest that staying with your boat while its being worked on, or having pockets so deep as to not care, is probably the key to an acceptable outcome. Last July, I left my just acquired 1985 sundeck for some engine work recommended in the pre-purchase survey. AYB was recommended by the hired capt. I had at the time to help get acquanted with the boat and the intercoastal. I had estimates from the engine surveyor in Charleston and from AYB of around $3800. When I returned two weeks later
      to continue our travels, I was presented with a bill 3 times the estimate and way beyond expectations. Since then, while continuing repairs and updates on the boat, I have seen enough to infer poor workmanship (replacement ofthe wrong ignition keys at the wrong locations), and even the possibility of items not done (all desolved zincs in the supposed dismantled and cleaned heat exchangers after only 2 months in seawater and 2 months in fresh!). Clearly, I was a new owner, on a schedule, and with other distractions related to a business. Time and travel have improved the first handicape, the second, scheduling, has been a little slower to overcome, and the work related distractions are nearly gone now that I’ve retired for good. Please, avoid the situation I found myself in, even with a business like AYB. A good reputation or recommendation can’t make up for poor staff or distracted management.
      Jon Patterson

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