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      Basic Marina Information:

      Phone: (252) 482-7421
      Lat/Lon: Near 36°03.355 N / 76°36.639 W
      Location: overlooking the Edenton city waterfront, north of marker #8
      Depths: 8 ft.
      Address: 607 W Queen St
      Edenton,  NC   27932

      Service Details:

      Transient Dockage:Available.
      Transient Dockage Rate:$1.00 per foot, first 2 nights free plus electric
      Type of dockage:fixed wooden slips
      Live Aboards Allowed:no
      Total number of slips/berths:15
      Dockside Power Connections:30/50 amp power hookups available
      30/50 Amp Notes:$3.00/per night - 30 amp power hookup, $6.00/per night - 50 amp power hookup
      Dock. Fresh Water Connections:Available.
      Restaurant:several within walking distance and more accessiblle by city marina courtesy van
      Restaurant Recommendations:Watermans Grill (dinner only and closed Sunday evenings, 252-482-7733), Edenton Coffee House (breakfast and lunch, closed Sundays, 252-482-7465), Kristy's Place (lunch and dinner - closed Sundays, 252-482-7655), 309 Bistro (lunch and dinner - closed Sundays and M, 252 482-0997), Downtown Cafe and Soda Shop (252-482-8300, open 7 days a week for lunch), Bayside Marina & Grill (accessed via marina courtesy van, 252-482-5343, open Tuesday - Sunday Breakfast and Lunch, Nothin' Fancy Café (accessed via marina courtesy van, 252-482-1909, open Monday - Saturday for Lunch and Dinner, and lunch only on Sunday), Emilio's General Store and Take Away (252-482-8240)
      Provisioning Possibilities:Courtesy van piloted by dockmaster provided to Food Lion supermarket and Farmers Food
      LPG (Propane) Availability:Available. Courtesy van piloted by dockmaster to Food Lion for LPG tank exchange or AmeriGas for LPG tank refill 2 miles away
      Waste pump-out:Available. $5.00 per pumpout
      Wi-Fi Internet Access:Free WiFi Available
      Fuel Availability:No Fuel Available

      Reviews from Cruisers (6)

      1. Karen and Lee McClellan -  August 26, 2018 - 3:21 pm

        We did the Albemarle Loop in May and it was incredible. Next we went to Edenton, a great historical town with good restaurants and shops. We visited the local coffee shop both mornings and met some of the movers/shakers of the town (retired guys); they were fun to talk to.
        Karen and Lee McClellan
        AGLCA Forum

        Reply to Karen
      2. Jim Ward -  August 13, 2018 - 4:22 pm

        Wonderful city dockage. Overnight free and electricity reasonable ($3 for 30a, $5 for 50a). Neat Southern town with good places to eat and even a courtesy car to go to a grocery store. Dockmaster A Richie welcoming and helpful. Well worth a visit. Jim

        Reply to Jim
      3. Alan V. Cecil -  July 13, 2015 - 2:45 pm

        Close to Chesapeake Bay boaters who have a yen for new territory without having to go up the Atlantic coast. Autumn is a wonderful time to do the Albermarle Loop and Edenton is so quaint and the marina is “right down town!” Please don’t miss the famous “Bell Battery” adjacent to the municipal marina in Edenton. Cannon made from church bells in North Carolina which were “melted down” to make cannon “For The Cause!” Very noble and patriotic!

        Reply to Alan
      4. Tom Goodman -  May 31, 2014 - 12:56 pm

        That is our Monk 36 “Journey” docked in Edenton. We had a wonderful visit in this welcoming historic town. The following day we visited Plymouth, NC. Which we highly recommend. We are from Swansboro NC and are headed to the Chesapeake Bay for the summer. We completed the “Great Loop” in April 2014. Love your site.
        Just realized that is my good friend Jim Healy’s Monk “Sanctuary”. Great article!
        Tom Goodman

        Reply to Tom
      5. Kathy -  May 31, 2014 - 12:51 pm

        It was great to read your write up. Just wanted to let you know about the Edenton Yacht Club. We welcome out of town visitors at our events. Join us at a party just to say hello, or participate in one of our races if you’re in the mood. Visit our website to see what is happening with the club when you are in town!!

        Reply to Kathy
      6. Alan -  March 31, 2014 - 9:27 am

        Another 2 day dock courtesy city in North Carolia is Edenton. Another beautiful stop.

        Reply to Alan

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