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    • St. Marys River Anchorages

      Statute Mile: 712.5

      30 42.427 North/081 32.273 West (anchorage southwest of flashing daybeacon #10)
      30 43.172 North/081 32.881 West (anchorage abeam of St. Marys (village) waterfront

      Location: located along the length of St. Marys River between flashing daybeacon #10 and the St. Marys village waterfront

      Minimum Depth: 11-feet

      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 50 to 55 feet depending on the particular anchorage chosen

      Foul Weather Shelter: Poor for anchorage southwest of flashing daybeacon #10, and Fair for anchorage abeam of St. Marys (village) waterfront

      Rating: (downstream anchorage)

      (anchorage abeam of St. Marys village waterfront)

      Detailed Description: Pages 480, 491, 492 of Cruising Guide to Coastal South Carolina and Georgia  Just $26.95

      Special Comment: Those making use of the anchorage southwest of flashing daybeacon #10 should be sure to anchor south of the channel’s centerline, AND show a bright anchor light!

      Statute Mile: 712.5

      30 42.427 North/081 32.273 West (anchorage southwest of flashing daybeacon #10)
      30 43.172 North/081 32.881 West (anchorage abeam of St. Marys (village) waterfront

      Location: located along the length of St. Marys River between flashing daybeacon #10 and the St. Marys village waterfront

      Minimum Depth: 11-feet

      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 50 to 55 feet depending on the particular anchorage chosen

      Foul Weather Shelter: Poor for anchorage southwest of flashing daybeacon #10, and Fair for anchorage abeam of St. Marys (village) waterfront

      Rating: (downstream anchorage)

      (anchorage abeam of St. Marys village waterfront)

      Detailed Description: Pages 480, 491, 492 of Cruising Guide to Coastal South Carolina and Georgia  Just $26.95

      Special Comment: Those making use of the anchorage southwest of flashing daybeacon #10 should be sure to anchor south of the channel’s centerline, AND show a bright anchor light!

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