Introducing Our NEW Statute Mile/Lat-Lon Chart View Search Widget
The Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net is very proud to announce a really neat and very useful, new feature, which will make it easier than ever to access our interactive “Chart View” pages at just the location you need. Now, by using our new “Statute Mile/Lat-Lon Chart View Search Widget” all you need do is choose a Southeastern USA Waterway, enter a Statute Mile, press one button, and, “presto-chango” an interactive Chart View page will open centered on the specified location. What could be better!
Now, click on “Stat. Mile/Lat-Lon Chart View Search” and a dialog box will appear like the one pictured below:
First, select your Southeastern USA Waterway of interest from the drop down list in the “Select Waterway” field. For this example, let’s select “Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway.” Now, notice that UNDER the “Statute Mile” field, the dialog box/widget provides the minimum and maximum Statute Mile values for the particular Waterway you have selected. In the case of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, it runs from Statute Mile 0 (near Norfolk, VA) to Statute Mile 1095 (in Miami, Florida).
Now, let’s say that you wanted to look at the AICW near Statute Mile 878, which happens to be hard by the community of Titusville, Florida. Enter “878” (without the quote marks) in the “Statute Mile” field. Now, click the TOPMOST “View ChartView At This Location” button.
The first thing the widget will do is round off your requested “Statute Mile” to the nearest five mile position. That’s because NOAA charts display Waterway statute mile markers in five mile increments. In the example we are following here, “Statute Mile 878” will be rounded to “Statute Mile 880.” If you had requested “Statute Mile 876” your request would be rounded to “Statute Mile 875.”
Of course, all this “rounding” takes place invisibly, and in the blink of an eye. What you will see, continuing with our example, is a Chart View page that will open to the position of Statute Mile 880. Pretty neat, huh!
Now, please remember, these Chart View pages are NOT STATIC. You can place your pointer anywhere on any Chart View page, hold down the left mouse button, and drag/pan the chart as far to the east, west, north or south as you desire. You can drag all the way north to Maine or south to Key West, Florida.
Once the ARGUS layer is activated, you can peruse all the voluminous water depth data gathered by the ARGUS project. Talk about an on-the-water ADVANTAGE!!!!
And, of course, all our clickable Marina, Anchorage, Bridge, Info, Navigation Alert and AICW Problem Stretch icons will also be fully visible and functional on the Chart View pages you open using our new locator widget!
Finally, you will notice the bottom section of the dialog box which opens when you invoke our new “Statute Mile/Lat-Lon Chart View Search Widget,” entitled “Search by Latitude/Longitude.” The idea behind this function is to allow you to specify a Latitude and Longitude position, and a Chart View page will open centered on this specified position.
For information on how to use our new “Statute Mile/Lat-Lon Chart View Search Widget” to open a Chart View page, centered on a specified Lat/Lon postion, please visit:
Please give it a try, and let us know what you think! Send all comments to!
Good luck and good cruising to all!
The Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net Bunch
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