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    • A Plea for Overhead Clearance at Boot Key Harbor, Marathon, FL

      Boot Key Harbor and its mooring field is actually bordered on its southern shore by Vaca Key in Marathon. The 65ft vertical clearance cable Peter describes is in the west side of the bascule bridge entering the harbor channel.

      Boot Key Harbor, what a great anchorage. However, I can’t bring my boat past the bridge because of the wires. These really need to come down and be rerouted and buried under water. Why hasn’t this been done already ?? It is just a matter of time before this will need to be done and the longer it is delayed, the greater the cost will increase. Disappointing. I sail a 55 foot Beneteau with a 78 foot mast.
      Peter Scherer

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Boot Key Harbor

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Boot Key Mooring Field

      Comments from Cruisers (3)

      1. Steve -  April 1, 2017 - 9:05 am

        Keith is correct of course. I have the same problem Peter has, though. It’s amazing that Marathon has left that power line up all these years. An accident waiting to happen. Guess it’s as stupid as the city of Sarasota leaving their passes almost unnavigable as access to their beautiful city and bay.

        Reply to Steve
      2. doc vezin -  March 31, 2017 - 2:56 pm

        Also Sister Creek to the South.

        Reply to doc
      3. Keith -  March 25, 2017 - 6:22 pm

        With all respect, Peter… You chose your boat, right? And the “standard” for bridge clearance throughout the ICW system is 65′, I assume you knew that when you were planning your cruising?
        So the problem – from the municipalitie’s point of view – is not the wires. The problem is that your boat is too big.

        Reply to Keith

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