A Tall Ship Will Make Washington, NC Waterfront Docks Its New Homeport
The Schooner Jeanie B, a 72′ tall masted sailing vessel, will be coming to the City of Washington and become a fixture to the community of Eastern North Carolina.
The Washington Harbor District Alliance helped to formulate the new partnership between the City of Washington and The Schooner Jeanie B. This partnership creates a relationship that couples the vibrant waterfront in Washington, NC with the educational and family sailings of the vessel. Schooner Jeanie B will reconnect the rich history of Washington’s past which was active with tall ships with the present when she arrives March 21.
The Schooner Jeanie B is a traditional sailing vessel that sails with Camps Sea Gull and Seafarer during the summer months and Boy Scouts of America and the Pamlico Sea Base during the spring and fall months. Jeanie B teaches principles of sailing, ship handling, and traditional navigation including using the stars to find their way. Team and character building are another benefit the campers, scouts and students experience living aboard the boat
as they travel around the Inner Banks of North Carolina visiting various ports such as Manteo, Ocracoke, Washington and Beaufort.
The Jeanie B also provides sailing excursions during the week and weekends from the docks in Washington, NC. She can take up to 25 passengers for afternoon and evening sunset or star gazing sails. The captain and crew of Jeanie B can put you at the helm of the 72′ vessel, allow you and your friends to raise her sails and navigate along the Pamlico River or just sit back and enjoy the peaceful sail of an afternoon or evening.
To celebrate the arrival of Schooner Jeanie B, the City of Washington, NC welcomes her March 21 – 24 with an array of activities. Jeanie B will arrive in Washington on the afternoon of Wednesday, March 21 and that evening a lecture entitled, “Equinox, Solstice, Hallmark and Hershey. A talk on astronomical events and how they merge with our lives” will be given by Dr. Lee Sutton, owner and operator of the schooner. Jeanie B teaches celestial navigation and her arrival, to coincide with the Vernal Equinox on March 21, couples that teaching to her new home. The lecture will take place at the North Carolina Estuarium along the Washington waterfront.
Thursday and Friday, March 22, 23, the vessel will be offering free tours from 10am until 2pm. Saturday, March 24, Jeanie will be offering free to all the public multiple sailings from the docks of the City of Washington.
After this arrival celebration, the schooner will make Washington, NC her permanent home and be available for corporate, family or group sailings throughout the year. For additional information, please contact the Jeanie B at 804-519-0174 and schoonerjeanieb@gmail.com
For more information Contact Lee Sutton at 804-519-0174 or Beth Byrd, Director Washington Harbor District Alliance at 252-947-1487, whda@washingtononthewater.com
Beth Byrd
Washington Harbor District Alliance
102 East 2nd Street
PO Box 1988
Washington, NC 27889
Cell: 252-947-1487
Email: whda@washingtononthewater.com
Web: www.whda.org
Much appreciation goes out to our Corporate Sponsors and the City of Washington for their support:
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