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    • Boat/US Asks For Assistance From the Cruising Community

      This just in from our good friends at Boat/US!

      May 20, 2013

      NEWS From BoatUS
      Boat Owners Association of The United States
      880 S. Pickett St., Alexandria, VA 22304
      BoatUS Press Room at
      Press Contact: D. Scott Croft, 703-461-2864,

      Boat Owners Association of The United States
      Asks Florida Boaters to Speak up on Florida HB 4001

      Repeal of the Ethanol Mandate, Keep Options for Boaters

      WHAT: A Florida state law passed in 2008 mandates that all gasoline sold in the state contain 9% to 10% ethanol. Although there is an exception for fuel sold for use in boats, this law has made finding ethanol-free fuel more difficult. HB 4001, which would repeal the sunshine state’s ethanol mandate, has passed the Florida Legislature and now awaits Governor Scott’s signature. In order to keep boaters and angler’s ability to buy ethanol-free fuel for their boat and other small engines, we urge boat owners to ask the Governor to sign HB 4001.

      WHY: Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) recognizes that renewable fuels are an important part of our nation’s overall energy future and that boaters over the past few years have had some challenges with ethanol. While there can be honest differences of opinion over the merits of using corn-based ethanol as a renewable fuel source, it is clear that many boaters still want options.

      A few important items to consider:

      There are over 850,000 registered boats in Florida, most of which use gasoline.
      Recreational boating is a $10 billion per year industry in the state and employs 40,633 people.
      Although boat owners can currently find ethanol-free fuel in some marinas, the state mandate has made it more difficult to find it at gas stations and convenience stores.
      While gasoline with ethanol may cost less than ethanol-free gasoline, it also contains less energy, requiring more trips to the pump.

      HOW: Please contact Governor Scott to urge him to sign HB 4001. Go to to easily send Governor Scott a message.

      WHO: BoatUS fights against unfair federal taxes, fees and regulations that single out boat owners and works with state agencies to promote boating laws that make sense. In addition to being the nation’s leading advocate for recreational boaters, BoatUS provides its half a million members with services such as 24-hour on water boat towing as well as roadside assistance for boat trailers and tow vehicles, feature-packed boat insurance programs, money-saving benefits that include marina and West Marine shopping discounts, and vital information that improves the boating, fishing and sailing lifestyle. Its member-funded non-profit BoatUS Foundation is a national leader promoting safe, clean and responsible boating. Go to for more.

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