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    • Blounts Creek Anchorage (21.8 Nautical Miles off the AICW, on Pamlico River)

      Blounts Creek Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: 35 26.038 North/076 58.261 West
      Location: south of Blounts Bay and marker #2, and north of the charted 15 foot fixed bridge
      Minimum Depth: 8 feet (see special note below)
      Special Note: the entrance to Blounts Creek from Blounts Bay is extremely tricky and inadequately marked. The use of a GPS chartplotter is mandatory, and, even then it’s possible to find the bottom. This anchorage should only be entered by adventurous skippers piloting craft that draw 4 feet or less
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 36 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: Superb, as good as it gets


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    • Washington Waterfront Anchorage (28.5 Nautical Miles off the AICW, on Pamlico River)

      Washington Waterfront Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: 35 32.407 North/077 03.396 West
      Location: anchorage lies southwest of the Washington City Docks, between the railway and Highway 17 bridges
      Minimum Depth: 5 to 6 feet
      Special Note: the city of Washington, NC is developing a mooring field on the waters southwest of this anchorage; when complete, it is likely that this anchorage will be displaced
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 48 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: Fair, but open to southeastern and northwesterly winds


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    • Lower Spring Creek Anchorage

      Lower Spring Creek Anchorage
      Statute Mile: 151
      Lat/Lon: near 35 19.781 North/076 37.188 West
      Location: southwest of flashing daybeacon #6
      Minimum Depth: 7 feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 45 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: sufficient room for vessels as large as 45 feet


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    • Eastham Creek – Eastham Point Anchorage

      Eastham Creek Anchorages
      Statute Mile: 154
      Lat/Lon: 35 17.820 North/076 36.346 West
      Location: Eastham Creek enters the AICW’s eastern flank hard by unlighted marker #13; anchorage is found off the northern side of the channel between markers #3 and #4
      Minimum Depth: 4½- to 5-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 40 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: Excellent, except in strong southwesterly winds


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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Gray Riddick -  May 10, 2013 - 2:45 pm

        Eastham [Creek Anchorage] is so easy. Eastham is good with 8 ft depths north of #4. Upstream about # 7 is fine also if you need more protection or privacy.
        Gray Riddick
        Gray Ghost

        Reply to Gray
    • Eastham Creek Upstream Anchorage

      Eastham Creek Upstream Anchorages
      Statute Mile: 154
      Lat/Lon: 35 17.526 North/076 35.672 West
      Location: Eastham Creek enters the AICW’s eastern flank hard by unlighted marker #13; anchorage lies off the creek’s southerly banks, south of marker #7
      Minimum Depth: 4½- to 5-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 40 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: Excellent


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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Gray Riddick -  May 10, 2013 - 1:43 pm

        Eastham [Creek Anchorage] is so easy. Eastham is good with 8 ft depths north of #4. Upstream about # 7 is fine also if you need more protection or privacy.
        Gray Riddick
        Gray Ghost

        Reply to Gray
    • Campbell Creek – Huskie Point Anchorage

      Campbell Creek Anchorages
      Statute Mile: 154
      Lat/Lon: 35 17.073 North/076 37.367 West
      Location: Campbell Creek lies west of the gap between AICW markers #13 and #14, anchorage will be discovered northwest of Huskie Point
      Minimum Depth: 6-feet
      Special Comment: Be on guard against crab pots and fish traps when entering Campbell Creek
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 50 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: Excellent


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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Rick Parish -  December 26, 2013 - 3:09 pm

        We briefly explored this creek in late August 2009. We only went west into the creek as far as the eastern most anchor symbol on the cruisers net chart above. Depths were as charted but the wind had been from the S to SW at 10-20 knots for several days so wind driven tides could have some effect on the depths we found. We went no further west since the creek was full of crab trap floats. Far too many to permit unobstructed swing room with 5:1 scope. We also think the eastern most anchorage symbol location is more exposed to wind than the chart would indicate. The tree line seemed further away from shore than we expected. The eastern most anchorage could be a comfortable anchorage in settled conditions. The western most anchorage could be comfortable when the crab traps are not present.
        Rick Parish

        Reply to Rick
    • Campbell Creek – Smith Creek Anchorage

      Campbell Creek Anchorages
      Statute Mile: 154
      Lat/Lon: 35 17.007 North/076 37.727 West
      Location: Campbell Creek lies west of the gap between AICW markers #13 and #14; anchorage will be found northeast of Smith Creek
      Minimum Depth: 6-feet
      Special Comment: Be on guard against crab pots and fish traps when entering Campbell Creek
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 45 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: Excellent


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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Rick Parish -  August 8, 2009 - 1:42 pm

        We briefly explored this creek in late August 2009. We only went west into the creek as far as the eastern most anchor symbol on the cruisers net chart above. Depths were as charted but the wind had been from the S to SW at 10-20 knots for several days so wind driven tides could have some effect on the depths we found. We went no further west since the creek was full of crab trap floats. Far too many to permit unobstructed swing room with 5:1 scope. We also think the eastern most anchorage symbol location is more exposed to wind than the chart would indicate. The tree line seemed further away from shore than we expected. The eastern most anchorage could be a comfortable anchorage in settled conditions. The western most anchorage could be comfortable when the crab traps are not present.

        Reply to Rick
    • Jones Bay Anchorage

      Jones Bay Anchorage
      Statute Mile: 157.5
      Lat/Lon: near 35 14.445 North/076 35.331 West
      Location: on the upper reaches of Jones Bay near where it meets the ICW hard by flashing daybeacon #21
      Minimum Depth: 6+ feet
      Special Comment: Watch out for nighttime commercial fishing craft traffic; be SURE to show a bright anchor light!
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 45 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: Fair, open to easterly winds


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    • Upper Gale Creek Anchorage

      Upper Gale Creek Anchorage
      Statute Mile: 159.5
      Lat/Lon: near 35 12.879 North/076 35.668 West
      Location: on the waters of upper Gale Creek, abandoned by the ICW, south and west of flashing daybeacon #22
      Minimum Depth: 4 ½ foot depths
      Special Comment: This anchorage is best entered while using a GPS chartplotter
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 45 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: Good


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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Tom Potter -  April 21, 2012 - 9:14 pm

        We anchored in Upper Gale Creek April 19, 2012. Very pleasant night, well protected. We found a spot with 6 1/2 feet of water between a few crab pots.

        Reply to Tom
    • Bonner Bay/Long Creek Anchorage

      Bonner Bay/Long Creek Anchorage
      Statute Mile: 162
      Lat/Lon: 35 08.765 North/076 34.579 West
      Location: on the southerly running stretch of Long Creek, east of this stream’s intersection with Bonner Bay
      Minimum Depth: 7 feet
      Special Comment: This anchorage is best entered with the use of a GPS chartplotter
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 36 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: Excellent


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    • Bonner Bay/Spring Creek Anchorage

      Bonner Bay/Spring Creek Anchorage
      Statute Mile: 162
      Lat/Lon: 35 08.469 North/076 35.788 West
      Location: on the waters of Spring Creek, running off the southern reaches of Bonner Bay, abeam of the unnamed, twin offshoot making into the creek’s southeastern shores
      Minimum Depth: 7 feet
      Special Comment: This anchorage is best entered with the use of a GPS chartplotter
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 36 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: Good but wide open to strong northeasterly winds


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    • Vandemere Creek Anchorage (5.7 nautical miles off the AICW on Bay River)

      Vandemere Creek Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: 35 11.397 North/076 39.202 West
      Location: west of Vandemere Creek’s first 90 degree turn to the north; Vandemere Creek likes north of Bay River’ marker #5
      Minimum Depth: 6 1/2 feet
      Special Note: you may find the entrance to Vandemere Creek marked with a series of uncharted spar type aids to navigation; If you do find these markers, use them, but employing a GPS chartplotter to safely enter and exit Vandemere Creek is also highly recommended
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 40 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: Excellent; good protection from all winds


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    • Moore Bay/Bay River Anchorage (6 Nautical Miles off the AICW on Bay River)

      Moore Bay/Bay River Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: 35 08.968 North/076 40.471 West
      Location: lies southeast of Bay River’s marker #6
      Minimum Depth: 8 feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for almost any size vessel
      Foul Weather Shelter: Fair to poor, wide open to northern, northeastern and northwestern winds


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    • Mason Bay/Bay River Anchorage (7.3 Nautical Miles off the AICW, on Bay River)

      Mason Bay/Bay River Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: 35 08.302 North/076 41.724 West
      Location: well south of Bay River’s marker #8
      Minimum Depth: 6 feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for almost any size vessel
      Foul Weather Shelter: Fair to poor, open to northern and northwesterly winds


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    • Chapel Creek/Bay River Anchorage (8 miles off the AICW, on Bay River)

      Chapel Creek/Bay River Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: 35 08.713 North/076 42.651 West
      Location: found north, northwest of Bay River’s marker #9
      Minimum Depth: 5 to 6 feet
      Special Note: do not attempt to cruise into the southern mouth of Chapel Creek; depths are much shallower than in times past
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 38 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: Fair, open to southern, southwestern and southeastern winds


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    • Trent Creek/Bay River Anchorage (8.8 Nautical Miles off the AICW, on Bay River)

      Trent Creek/Bay River Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: 35 08.413 North/076 43.445 West
      Location: lies southwest of Bay River’s marker #11
      Minimum Depth: 6 feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 42 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: Fair to good, but somewhat open to fresh southwestern and northeastern winds


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    • Broad Creek/Pittman Creek Anchorage

      Broad Creek/Pittman Creek Anchorage
      Statute Mile: 173.5
      Lat/Lon: 35 05.929 North/076 36.125 West
      Location: Pittman Creek breaks off from the northern shores of Broad Creek, which itself lies along the Neuse River’s northwesterly banks between AICW markers #4 and #6
      Minimum Depth: 5-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 42 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: Excellent


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