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    • 139. Lower Crystal River Anchorage

      139. Lower Crystal River Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 28 55.509 North/082 41.463 West
      Location: lies southwest of unlighted daybeacon #23
      Minimum Depth: 5-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 34 feet Foul Weather Shelter: excellent


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    • 140. Crystal River – The Rocks Anchorage

      140. Crystal River – The Rocks Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 28 54.790 North/082 39.218 West
      Location: lies east of unlighted daybeacon #8
      Minimum Depth: 6 ½ feet

      Swing Room:
      sufficient room for vessels as large as 34 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: very good


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    • 141. Crystal River – Kings Bay Anchorage

      141. Crystal River – Kings Bay Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 28 53.486 North/082 36.202 West
      Location: lies south of the gap between unlighted daybeacons #29 and #30
      Minimum Depth: 6-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient swinging room for vessels as large as 50 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: excellent
      Waste Pump-out Availability: Boat pump-out service is available in the Crystal River/Kings Bay area for a fee of only $5. For service call 352-586-0588 or VHF Channel 16


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      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Claiborne -  April 29, 2011 - 3:19 pm

        Good Morning Claiborne,
        As per your request here is the latest & greatest on Crystal River, FL. Life’s2Short had a wonderful 3 days in the fresh waters of Kings Bay, always nice to rinse off the salt that one accumulates as they cruise north & south along the gulf coast! This is our fourth time up to Crystal River and has become one of our favorite west coast stops. We anchored in a new spot this time that is even better protected than the main waters of Kings Bay, the new anchorage is on east and then south of the main anchorage on the backside of the island located in Kings Bay. We did dinghy over to Pete’s Pier to take a look around and get some ice. Nothing has changed over there, still a pretty run down marina with no apparent need to fix anything up. I’m not badmouthing the marina as it’s still a good place to go if you need a slip, however we much prefer anchoring out in this wonderful area!
        Depths in the channel leading into the river seem to have remained steady since we were last here in 2009. All depths listed below are actual water depths and with the “Shell Island” tide station showing 1 foot above low tide. We found that you need to approach the outside markers on a due west-to-east line when you are within a 1/2 mile of markers #1 & #2, depths on this line are all about 7 to 8 feet deep. We hugged the green #1 marker as we came in and never saw less than 8 feet between #1 & #2. Only two areas we found that were somewhat skinny. Between markers #5 & #6 we registered an actual depth of 6.5 feet and then again around Shell Island we found 6 feet of actual depth. We also tended to hold to the green markers before getting to Shell Island. The key to getting through the Shell Island area is to hang close to Shell Island when you pass by. After Shell Island the depths are fine and you can relax for the 6 miles on up this beautiful river, getting pushed along with the incoming tide!
        I know many people are leery about heading up this river because of depth. Life’s2Short draws 4 feet so we had no issues whatsoever. If I was taking in a 5′ draft boat I would wait until 1/2 tide rising, and I would have no issue taking in a 6 foot draft boat if I went at high tide.
        This area is truly a gem on the west coast of Florida and should not be missed if you have the time as you are headed up or down the coast!
        Todd & Brenda Lanning
        1985 40′ Oceania Trawler

        Reply to Claiborne
    • 142. Cedar Key – Atsena Otie Key Anchorage

      142. Cedar Key – Atsena Otie Key Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 29 07.656 North/083 02.030 West
      Location: found northeast of unlighted daybeacon #26
      Minimum Depth: 10-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 38 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: fair, open to southwestern and northeastern winds


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    • 143. Cedar Key Waterfront Anchorage

      143. Cedar Key Waterfront Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 29 07.957 North/083 01.825 West
      Location: lies south of the city pier, between unlighted daybeacons #36 and #8
      Minimum Depth: 12-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 48 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: fair, open to eastern, southwestern and northeastern winds


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    • 144. Suwannee River – Hog Island Anchorage

      144. Suwannee River – Hog Island Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 29 19.396 North/083 08.301 West
      Location: found north of charted Hog Island
      Minimum Depth: 7-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient swinging room for vessels as large as 38 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: very good


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    • 145. Suwannee River – Lock Creek Anchorage

      145. Suwannee River – Lock Creek Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 29 19.311 North/083 07.811 West
      Location: lies off the westerly tip of the second (moving west to east) unnamed island, north of Hog Island
      Minimum Depth: 8-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient swinging room for vessels as large as 45 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: very good


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    • 146. Suwannee River – Northern East Pass Anchorage

      146. Suwannee River – Northern East Pass Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 29 18.903 North/083 07.155 West
      Location: found on the northernmost section of East Pass, which cuts into the southern banks of the Suwannee River
      Minimum Depth: 10-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient swinging room for vessels as large as 48 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: excellent


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    • 147. Suwannee River – Knuckle Turn East Pass Anchorage

      147. Suwannee River – Knuckle Turn East Pass Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 29 18.485 North/083 06.999 West
      Location: found on the first, charted knucklelike bend to the east, where chart 11408 shows a sounding of 17 feet
      Minimum Depth: 15-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 38 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: excellent


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    • 148. Suwannee River – East Pass Mid Anchorage

      148. Suwannee River – East Pass Mid Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 29 18.326 North/083 06.927 West
      Location: found where chart 11408 notes a small, unnamed creek cutting off to the east
      Minimum Depth: 10-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 34 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: excellent


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    • 149. Suwannee River – Southernmost Anchorage

      149. Suwannee River – Southernmost Anchorage
      Lat/Lon: near 29 18.153 North/083 07.034 West
      Location: found on the charted knuckle curve where chart 11408 shows a 13-foot sounding
      Minimum Depth: 13-feet
      Swing Room: sufficient room for vessels as large as 40 feet
      Foul Weather Shelter: excellent


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