La Belle/Highway 29 Bridge—crosses the Okeechobee Waterway at Statute Mile 103, in the heart of La Belle 26 46.152 North/081 26.245 West Bascule 28 feet closed vertical clearance Restricted opening VHF Hailing Channel 9 Opens on demand except that from 7:00 am to 9:00 am, and from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, weekdays (except Federal holidays), the bridge does not open at all
Fort Denaud/SSR 78AW Bridge—crosses the Okeechobee Waterway at Statue Mile 108. at the charted position of Denaud 26 44.678 North/081 30.626 West Swing bridge 9 feet closed vertical clearance Restricted opening VHF Hailing Channel 9 Opens on demand except 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.; during these late-night and early-morning hours, opens only with three hours’ notice—passing craft are directed by a sign to one of the bridge’s pass throughs or another, depending on their direction; westbound vessels should take the northern leg while eastbound boats are directed to the southern pass through
Alva/Broadway Bridge—crosses Okeechobee Waterway at Statue Mile 116, at the charted position of Alva 26 42.809 North/081 36.599 West Bascule 23 feet closed vertical clearance Restricted opening VHF Hailing Channel 9 Opens on demand except 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.; during these late-night and early-morning hours, opens only with three hours’ notice..
Franklin Lock – located at Okeechobee Waterway Statute Mile 121, west of unlighted daybeacon #2 (western side of lock) 26 43.301 North/081 41.626 West VHF Hailing Channel 13 Usually operates on demand unless other vessels are locking through, but during times of especially low water in Lake Okeechobee, locking hours may be limited.
Lock Operator: WP Franklin Lock & Dam 239-694-5451 or 863-662-9908
Comments from Cruisers (1)
Neil Woodside- June 23, 2019 - 10:50 am
Contacted lockmaster by phone 6/23/2019; opens on demand between hours of 7AM and 4:30PM.
[Editor: Locking hours may be limited by low water.]
Fort Myers Shores/Highway 31 Bridges—crosses the Okeechobee Waterway at Statute Mile 126, west of unlighted daybeacon #6 26 42.974 North/081 45.639 West Bascule 27 feet closed vertical clearance Restricted opening VHF Hailing Channel 9 Open on demand except from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.; during these late-night and early-morning hours, open only with three hours’ notice
Interstate 75 Twin Bridges—cross the Okeechobee Waterway and Caloosahatchee River at Statute Mile 129, west of unlighted daybeacon #15 26 41.844 North/081 47.959 West Fixed 55 feet
Comments from fellow cruisers concerning this bridge:
When traveling east bound last April, the clearance on these bridges was shown to be 53 feet. This October, the clearance was 52 feet. With a 52 foot mast, this causes me concern, especially traveling all the way up to the bridge and not be able to procede or having to wait ofr low tide. Isn’t the rated 55 feet at mean high tide? Did I just get there at unusual high tides? David S. Power
Ft Myers, Caloosahatchee River, closure for bridge work Date Reported: Oct 01, 2014 OWW Mile: 129.0 Reported by: Ted Stehle
The de Moya Group, Inc. has advised the Coast Guard that they will be setting the new bridge girders across the Caloosahatchee River. During main girder installation the waterway will need to be closed to navigation for the protection of the workers as well as the vessel operators passing under this location. The tentative schedule for waterway closures are: Saturday, November 21, 2014 Wednesday December 3, 2014 Wednesday, December 10, 2014 Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Saturday, January 10, 2015
The exact dates and times will be published in future Notice to Mariners, due to possible weather delays. Source: CG 7th District NTM
SCL Railway Bridge—crosses the Okeechobee Waterway and Caloosahatchee River at Statute Mile 130, west of unlighted daybeacon #18 26 41.702 North/081 48.900 West Lift bridge with overhang—5 feet closed vertical clearance—55 feet when fully open—usually open unless a train is due
Highway 41 Bypass/Thomas Edison Twin Bridges—crosses the Okeechobee Waterway and Caloosahatchee River southwest of unlighted daybeacon #40 26 39.036 North/081 52.130 West Fixed 55 feet of vertical clearance The two bridges form a Y pattern with the wider gap falling on the southeastern shore and the closed end of the Y on the northwestern banks
Highway 41 Business Bridge—crosses the Okeechobee Waterway and Caloosahatchee River southwest of the Fort Myers Yacht Basin 26 38.758 North/081 52.493 West Fixed 55 feet of vertical clearance
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