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    • Frustrating Evening Spent at Loggerhead Club and Marina, AICW Inside Passage, Statute Mile 1108.5

      Loggerhead Club and Marina South Miami - Click for Chartview

      Loggerhead Club and Marina South Miami (formerly Black Point Marina) is located at the western end of a long, partially breakwater-protected approach channel that cuts in from Biscayne Bay’s westerly banks some 3.2 nautical miles south and west of the ICW’s flashing daybeacon #6.

      We phoned ahead enroute and received a slip number but when we arrived ‘“ no slip. Found the guard on patrol who gave us an empty slip. Short for our 37′ but we made do. Next problem was the gate at the pier entrance. We arrived on a Saturday evening so the office was closed. Gate is key card operated so we were trapped on the boat. Not awful but with a restaurant 200’ away it was frustrating. This is a big, busy marina. You better like Latin music’¦
      Rich and Helen

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Loggerhead South Miami

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Loggerhead South Miami

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    • VERY IMPORTANT – Florida Fish and Wildlife Service (FWC) Asks The Cruising Community’s Opinion of the Pilot Mooring Field Program

      It has been almost two years since yours truly journeyed to St. Augustine, Florida by “land yacht” to speak at a public forum dedicated to considering what local anchorage regulations should be enacted in regards to this community’s participation in the Florida Pilot Mooring Field Program. I came away with the frustrated feeling, which proved to be correct, that the city of St. Augustine was going to recommend a 30-day anchorage limit for boats which dropped the hook outside of the official mooring field. Fortunately, the FWC shot down this limit, and it was never put into effect.
      There followed months and months of local forums and countless messages and editorials here on the Cruisers’ Net about what sort of anchorage regulations should, or should NOT, be adopted in the cities selected for the Pilot Mooring Field Program. A group in the Florida Keys, known as BARR, even sprang into being for awhile, with the sole purpose of fighting for sensible anchorage regulations in the Florida Keys (all of Monroe County, which encompasses the Florida Keys, is one of the selected Pilot Mooring Field sites).
      The Pilot Mooring Field Program has been going forward in multiple Florida locales for almost a year now, and, wonder of wonders, it looks as if the Florida Fish and Wildlife Service (“FWC”) IS ACTUALLY ASKING FOR INPUT FROM THE CRUISING COMMUNITY AS TO HOW THIS PROGRAM IS WORKING! THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR OUR COLLECTIVE VOICES TO BE HEARD WHERE IT REALLY COUNTS. The Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net urges as many of our readers as possible to FOLLOW THE LIVE LINK IN THE MESSAGE BELOW, AND LET THE FWC KNOW HOW YOU REALLY FEEL ABOUT THE MOORING FIELD PROGRAM!!!
      For those of you who have had your head in the proverbial sand for the last several years, as part of the new Florida Anchoring Law, passed by the Florida Legislature in 2009, there was a political give and take included in the negotiations which surrounded this bill. This is a vast oversimplification, but, to summarize, in return for taking away the power of Florida cities and counties to regulate anchorage, the bill included a “Pilot Mooring Field Program,” which would allow a multi-year study, in multiple Florida cities, as to how mooring fields would serve the needs of cruisers and land owners alike, and what, if any, anchorage regulations might be appropriate for vessels that drop the hook outside the official mooring field, but still within the corporate limits of the communities participating in the pilot program.
      The law which authorized the Pilot Mooring Field Program has an automatic sunset date in July,2014. Thereafter, the idea is that the Florida legislature will take all the lessons learned from this trial program, and ENACT A PERMANENT, UNIFORM, STATEWIDE SERIES OF ANCHORAGE REGULATIONS! Now, do you see why it’s SO important for the voice of the cruising community to be heard!!!

      In 2009, the Florida Legislature enacted a temporary pilot program to explore potential options for regulating the anchoring or mooring of
      non-live-aboard vessels outside the marked boundaries of public mooring fields. The City of St. Augustine, the City of St. Petersburg, the City of Sarasota, the City of Stuart in conjunction with Martin County, and the cities of Key West and Marathon in conjunction with Monroe County were granted temporary authority to regulate mooring in their jurisdictional waters through local ordinance. All ordinances enacted under authority of the pilot program will expire on July 1, 2014 and will be inoperative and unenforceable thereafter, unless reenacted by the Legislature.
      You, your partners, and interested members have the opportunity to provide valuable input on the Anchoring and Mooring Pilot Program. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is seeking help from cruising boaters, local boaters, and residents in evaluating the effectiveness and fairness of the temporary ordinances and the pilot program.
      FWC has created and posted a survey at which should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. The Survey will be available from September 18th until October 7th, 2013. Your prompt participation would be appreciated.
      There is also a survey link on our Boating and Waterways webpage at
      Thank you for your time and effort.
      Captain Tom Shipp,
      FWC / DLE / Boating and Waterways

      It is important for cruising boaters to answer in order to counteract the claims of those pushing this anti-anchoring law. Basically, the bottom line is the law promotes the opposite of one of its stated purposes’“to promote access to the waters of the state. Obviously, if you put in moorings nobody can anchor in those waters, so unless you want to pay to play and like using a mooring, you’re out of luck. And the moorings prevent anchoring 24/7, year-round, whether or not there is someone on them. I have personally been anchored in the tiny portion of water still available in Marathon and observed the majority of mooring balls empty, while the anchorage was jam-packed full. Sure, in high season the moorings are popular, but year-round they prevent anchoring in most of the harbor. It is very simple, this law was pushed through for one purpose’“to chase away anchored boats, and it has done so.
      John Kettlewell

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    • Ocean Side Marina on Stock Island (just north of Key West) Being Sold – Improvments Coming Soon

      With special permission from (, we have reprinted a portion of his article below. The marina which is the subject of this article lies on the Hawk Channel side of Stock Island, just north of Key West.
      Having personally visited this facility several times within the last five years, it did indeed seem to be a bit down on its luck. Hopefully, with the purchase described below, everything will return to first-class status in short order!

      Local developer buys iconic marina
      Singh plans $25M upgrade, 80 new condos at Oceanside
      One of the Florida Keys’ most successful developers will purchase one of the Keys’ most iconic marinas.
      Pritam Singh will close on a deal today to purchase Oceanside Marina, on Stock Island, for $5 million from BB T Bank, he told The Citizen on Wednesday. Singh said he plans to invest another $25 million into the marina for repairs and upgrades, including 80 new condos and a restaurant.
      “It (the marina) was ‘the’ place, and it can be again,” Singh said. “It was a jewel among the marinas of Key West. It was the premier sportfishing marina of the Florida Keys. There have been more world records from boats out of here than anywhere else in the country.”
      Millionaire Texas oil men Tex Schramm and Clint Murchison built the marina in the late 1960s, Singh said.
      The marina fell on hard times since its glory years. In early 2010, BB T Bank took the deed for the property in lieu of foreclosure from the Cortex Cos., which had changed the name to Kings Pointe Marina.
      The group who managed the marina for the bank changed the name back to Oceanside in 2011.
      Singh admitted that the marina needs a lot of work to bring it back to its heyday. One entire boat barn needs to be leveled, and the seawalls and boat ramp are in dire need of repairs, he said.
      Rows of boat slips will remain untouched, as the slips were sold to individual owners. Singh said he purchased 8 acres of upland and 4 acres of bay bottom.
      He has been working with Monroe County planning staff for the past several months to determine how much development can occur there. But he added that he plans to keep it a sportfishing marina.
      “The saying is, ‘The legend is back,'” Singh said. “It’s beautiful. It’s an extraordinary site.”
      Singh called Stock Island an up-and-coming community with a lot of potential. He cited the success of restaurateur Bobby Mongelli, who owns Hogfish Bar Grill and Roostica on Stock Island.
      He also referenced the changes being made on Shrimp Road, on the other side of Safe Harbor, by the owners of Stock Island Marina Village, who have built a dog park and community garden on their property, extended their piers and are looking at building a hotel on Safe Harbor.
      “Stock Island is great,” Singh said. “It is fabulous.”

      Doesn’t sound like sailors will be appreciated. Maybe I’ll add a tuna tower!
      Has Royer s/v Skye

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Ocean Side Marina

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    • Liveaboard/Landing Issues at Tarpon Basin, Key Largo, FL Keys Inside Route, Mile 1139.5

      Tarpon Basin - Click for Chartview

      Tarpon Basin is crossed by the FL Keys Inside Route, just south of Blackwater Sound and Dusenberry Creek. There are at least 3 good spots to drop the hook here, and creative skippers will find more.
      One of our readers, Captain Mary Dixon, sent us the link below, which leads to a truly interesting article, which appeared in (, about boats anchored long term in Tarpon Basin. As you will see, the problems reported in this article center around a small group of (I will NOT call them “crusiers”) people living on anchored vessels in Tarpon Basin. This unfortunate group is making life difficult for everyone, including fellow boat owners whose vessels are anchored in Tarpon Basin. Here is a case where many of those living on the water are asking for change, as well as the shorside powers that be! And, if this situation is not resolved soon, the responsible boat owners in Tarpon Bay may lose their rights to a public dinghy dock, which has been a great resource for all legitimate mariners!
      With special permission from publisher, Captain Wayne Markham, we have reprinted a portion of his article below. Follow the link in Captain Dixon’s note, or below the excerpted portions of the story, to read the entire text. Many thanks Captain Markham!!!!

      Cruising News:
      Interesting development for Key Largo Tarpon Basin.
      Mary Dixon

      Reprinted by Permission from
      Key Largo liveaboards beg to keep access
      Posted – Saturday, August 24, 2013 10:35 AM EDT

      Reluctant to evict the solid citizens of the Tarpon Basin liveaboard community because of a few scofflaws, Monroe County commissioners decided Wednesday to seek more law enforcement.
      It was a problem that cropped up literally in the commission’s own back yard, the bayfront park behind the Murray E. Nelson Government and Cultural Center at mile marker 102.5.
      “We’ve had people showering naked next to the dumpster. People bathing in the fountain, naked,” county Building Official Jerry Smith told the commission. “We deal with this on a daily basis.”
      Commissioner Sylvia Murphy said the small park once attracted sunset-watchers and children’s parties. Efforts were made to accommodate a number of well-behaved boaters who started using a small dock at the site to tie their dinghies.
      “We were very good to the people who live on the hook out there,” Murphy said. “For two and a half years, it was wonderful. Then all of a sudden, a different quality began to take place.”
      Now the park has been overrun by a small group of sketchy characters who create anxiety among visitors and county staff, she contended.
      Several boaters who rely on the government-center property for shore access appealed for the county to oust the “bad apples” before banning everybody from the dock.
      “The undesirables showed up when you closed other areas” used for liveaboard landing spots, said James Chapman. “You pushed them to us.”
      He added, “They’re mostly gone now because they were arrested or their boats sunk.”
      Murphy agreed the boaters who attended the Wednesday session “are the good ones. You’re not the problem, and you can’t solve it,” she said. “I don’t know what else we can do, except close off the dock to dinghies.”
      “If you choose to close this off, you’re saying Key Largo is a town and island that is inaccessible by the water,” said liveaboard Chadwick Acevedo, married and employed. “What kind of island has no water access for the public?”
      The boaters describe themselves as working locally for modest wages or retirees living a fixed income. Local marinas are too expensive, they said.
      County Mayor George Neugent, a former liveaboard, said the proposed ordinance to curtail use of the park “gives me heartburn.”

      Full article can be read at:

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For the Tarpon Basin Northern Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For the Tarpon Basin Southern Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For the Tarpon Basin Interior Anchorage

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    • A GOOD Time For Florida Keys Cruising and a GOOD Dockage Deal at Hawks Cay Marina (off Hawk Channel East and North of Marathon)

      We picked up the message below from the American Great Loop Cruisers’ Association Forum (AGLCA, It is authored by one of the dockmasters at Hawk’s Cay Marina (off Hawk Channel between east and north of Marathon).
      Not only does this article contain a very nice fall, 2013 dockage offer at this absolutely first-rate facility, but it also confirms that the fall months, BEFORE the arrival of the “snowbirds,” is a very good time for cruising the Florida Keys!

      Now that the frenzy of Lobster Season Opening has passed, it’s your chance to enjoy the time of year when you feel like you have the beautiful Florida Keys waters a bit to yourself. We want to share our quieter season with you, so we are offering extra savings on our already value oriented fall rates. Book your Main Marina dates for a stay between August 15 and December 23, 2013 and receive 20% off our published Daily, Weekly or Monthly rates. To qualify, you must confirm with a deposit by August 31st. Ask for the Fabulous Fall Special. Enjoy our tropical destination resort marina and the beautiful Keys waters during this special time and save money at the same time.
      Beverly Seiling

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Hawk’s Cay Marina

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    • Good Words for Sunset Marina – Key West/Stock Island

      Sunset Marina - Click for Chartview

      Even though Sunset Marina is located on Stock Island, this facility lies within sight of the Fleming Key/Key West Mooring Field, and within a short automobile ride of downtown Key West. Thus, we usually think of Sunset Marina as being part of the Key West array of pleasure craft facilities, as opposed to the Stock Island marinas located a bit farther east, and on the ocean (Hawk Channel) side of the isle.

      Sunset Marina on Stock Island just sold to a local developer July 1, 2013. We were there from November through July and loved the marina. The drawbacks are location and amenities. We overcame those with a car. It’s a $20 cab ride to/from Duvall St, but worth it if you’re drinking anyway. It’s about a 20-25 minute bike ride Downtown.
      I recommend Sunset Marina, it’s 1/3 the price if you stay a month or more. For just [same as] 2-5 days stay at A&B or Galleon.
      Bill Borchert

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Sunset Marina

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    • Praise for Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina, FL Keys Inside Route, Near Statute Mile 1155

      Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina - Click for Chartview

      Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina, owned and operated by the city of Plantation Key, Florida, is one of only a handful of facilities, south of Jewfish Creek, and north of Channel Five, which offer ready transient dockage on the Florida Keys Inside Route. We have always found Plantation Yacht Harbor to be a superior facility in every sense, and yours truly recommends this marina without hesitation. Just understand that the word got out long ago, so make your dockage reservations early!

      We are on the T Dock’¦We have been at marina for a year’¦The dock-master and assistants are fine people. Nice clean restrooms and showers, laundry facilities, pump out at each dock, electric and wifi. A very quiet marina, with great boaters (both transient and f/t). Being in Founders Park is a BIG plus. Yes, you have to pay to use the pool’¦but it is worth it. The tennis courts are available anytime, the beach is great, AND there is a 2 acre fenced dog park!!! If you want to go out to eat, it is only a taxi call away. Diesel, gas, ice’¦all available. Highly desirable for the sunsets too!!!
      Laurie Facsina

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Plantation Yacht Harbor Marina

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    • Report from Dinner Key Mooring Field, AICW Inside Route, Statute Mile 1094.5

      Dinner Key Mooring Field - Click for Chartview

      Dinner Key Mooring Field lies generally southwest of Dinner Key Channel marker #12.

      Had mooring in Dinner Key field on 3/19/13. Visited Coconut Grove shops and had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory (Very Good). Rest room/showers in trailers leaves something to be desired. Used the water taxi. Harbormaster and taxi operator Mr. Joher was really a great guy. Mooring field is open and quite rolly. Moorings are close together. Dingy dock is small for the number of moorings. After talking? to staff at the marina we decided it won the least friendly marina award. Overall we will not return to Dinner Key.
      Has Royer s/v Skye

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    • Rough Night in Bahia Honda Channel/State Park Anchorage, Hawk Channel, Florida Keys

      Bahia Honda Channel/State Park Anchorage - Click for Chartview

      Bahia Honda Channel/State Park Anchorage lies between the two Bahia Honda bridges, off the westerly shores of Bahia Honda Key.

      Waters get very rough at night with a lot of rocking and rolling. More of a jerky roll. Park looks nice but if you want a good nights sleep don’t stay here. winds got to 30 knots and boat next to us drug anchor. winds were SE to S.

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Bahia Honda Channel/State Park Anchorage

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    • Report from Cowpens Northeastern Anchorage, Florida Keys Inside Route near St. M. 1154.5

      NE Cowpens Anchorage - Click for Chartview

      The northeastern anchorage is on the northeastern reaches of charted Cowpens Anchorage. This body of water comprises the southeasterly section of Cotton Key Basin and borders on Plantation Key. Wouldn’t want to get caught here in fresh western or southwestern winds, but otherwise, this spot makes for a good Florida Keys place to drop the hook!

      Anchored 3/31/13 off south west anchorage. We were located right outside Plantation Yacht harbor in about 6 feet of water. A short dinghy ride to the beach at Founders Park.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For Cowpens Northeastern Anchorage

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    • Report fromBack-country – Bottle Key Anchorage, AICW Statute Mile 1147.5

      Bottle Key Anchorage - Click for Chartview

      Mariners piloting craft that draw LESS THAN 5 feet have a whole host of what might be described as “wilderness anchorages” available off the ICW/Inside route between Buttonwood Sound and the Waterway’s intersection with northern Tavernier Creek. Be SURE to have a well functioning chart plotter aboard before trying this, and be aware that there is the possibility of keel meeting up with bottom. If you can overcome these limitations, be ready for an evening you won’t soon forget!

      We anchored here on 4/2/13. We were at least a 1/4 of a mile or more off Bottle Key. No one else around. We were open to a 10 kt East wind that kicked up around 3AM, but we held firm. Very quiet. Mosquito’s were a bit hungry though.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For The Back-country ‘“ Bottle Key Anchorage

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    • Report from No Name Harbor Anchorage, AICW Statute Mile 1096

      No Name Harbor - Click for Chartview

      No Name Harbor Anchorage is on the waters of the tadpole-shaped harbor, indenting the westerly banks of south Key Biscayne, near Cape Florida.

      We anchored here on 4/3/13. There were about 13 sailboats in the harbor. It seemed a little crowded although we didn’t have any problems. It was very quiet but weekends might be a different story.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For No Name Anchorage

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    • Report from Marathon Marina and Boat Yard, Boot Key, Marathon, FL

      Marathon Marina and Boatyard - Click for Chartview

      Marathon Marina and Boat Yard lines the northern banks of the western Boot Key Harbor approach channel, west of the now permanently open Boot Key bascule bridge.

      We stayed here a week-rate $613 with tax et all for a 40 ft cat. The staff was very friendly and fuel prices excellant. The residents are extremely friendly and the internet works well both at the dock and the captains lounge for non-wifi connection. Pump outs are tueday, wednesday, and thursday. The resteraunt is also excellent go for happy hour and appetizers(inexpensive). Would like to stay a month at another time(warning they book as far as a year in advance for a month dockage). Not as centrally located as the city marina, but with bikes, you can get anywhere.Publix(3 miles) and cabs are $5 for a trip on the island.
      John Pholeric

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Marathon Marina and Boatyard

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    • Great Dry Tortugas Photo Album

      Photo by Captain John Boone

      In response to the March 12 “Photo of the Week” here on the SSECN (see /?p=108282), Captain John Boone sent us the note below, and, most importantly, a link to his really superb photo album of a recent visit to the Dry Tortugas. If any of you are contemplating the (approx.) 70 nautical mile cruise from Key West to Garden Key and Fort Jefferson (or any of the other Dry Tortugas isles), then take a look at these images. They may whet your appetite, or help you decide the other way around.

      I came up on deck there one December morning in 2007 to get underway and came face to face with your a similar sight.
      We went back below and had another cup of coffee!

      Great shot, thanks for sharing’¦.
      John Boone

      Good evening Claiborne,
      Thank you for your kind words and posting of the link to my Tortugas album. What a great place to sail to and spend some time.
      I created that photo album in conjunction with a write-up I did on the Anything-Sailing forum, , as we were trying to build content for that site when it was new.
      Here is a link to that write-up if you are interested.
      Feel free to use any of the photos in the album. I’m honored to be included on your forum.
      Best Regards,
      John Boone

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    • Report from Islamorada Anchorage, Inside Route Statute Mile 1160, Upper Matecumbe Key.

      Islamorada Anchorage - Click for Chartview

      Islamorada Anchorage is found in Barley Basin on the northwest side of Upper Matecumbe Key, north of Little Basin and southeast of marker #86. Lor-e-li Restaurant, Cabana Bar and Marina lies within dinghy distance, southeast of the anchorage on Upper Matecumbe Key.

      Anchored in the Southwestern part of Barley basin in light winds. Good holding and more than adequate depth for 5′ sailboat draft. Took 10 minute dinghy ride into Lor-e-li restaurant dock which was the quintessential beach restaurant/bar experience. Good food and service. Crowded at sunset. Live music on a Tuesday evening. Many more land patrons than boat patrons. All in all a very good experience.

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Islamorada Anchorage

      Click Here To View This Facility’s Full Listing of Services on the Florida Keys Marina Directory

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    • Report on Key West – Fleming Key Mooring Field

      More and more cruisers are choosing to spend their time in delightful Key West, Florida, by tethering their vessel to one of the mooring balls east of Fleming Key. This field is managed by the Key West City Marine in Garrison Bight (one of two Key West city marinas, the other being located in Key West Bight).

      Through a rookie’s eyes: We arrived at the mooring field on Feb 19, in beautiful weather and light winds. I had called ahead to get instructions (rookie-remember?) and was told how to pick up a mooring. It was not how it was described; we have an 8 ft high bow and the only way to attach a line is by hand at water level (you cannot lift these mooring balls out of the water). A very helpful boater came with his dinghy, looped the lines through and handed them back up. If we come again, (and we plan to) we will have to grab a buoy at midships by lying on deck at the hatch, get a line through it, and walk it back to the bow, and use the dinghy to get the second line on. All this after being told we could pull it aboard at an 8 ft high bow! In defense of the staff, it was the only mistake we encountered; they were wonderful otherwise. One other note for first time visitors: Finding the office is a bit of a trick: Enter [Garrison] bight in your dinghy; The first docks you see will be filled with houseboats. The dinghy dock and amenities for the mooring field are on the west side of the bight, past these houseboats and the channel to the inner part of the bight (under a bridge) But to check in, go under the bridge, turn left and go all the way to the boat ramp. Tie up and find the office in a long gray trailer in the parking lot. We had to stop and ask directions twice.
      Lisa Keith-Lucas

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For the Key West – Fleming Key Mooring Field

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    • Thoughts on Cruising From Key West to the Dry Tortugas

      Don’t anyone ever think it’s just a casual day cruise from Key West to Garden Key or any of the other Dry Tortugas isles. This sojourn requires careful preparation and planning!

      Plan very careful to take your own boat to Las Tortugas. Tide Hiker is large enough to handle heavy seas and carry substantial stores. Prevailing winds in the winter season center around SSE, and can blow at 25 kts or more for weeks on end. You not only need to get there, but you need to get back, too. I know of several smaller boats that have been “trapped” by the weather and had to re-provision by taking the fast cat back to Key West, provision, and take the fast cat back to their boat. There are no facilities at Las Tortugas; no water, no trash disposal, no dockage, no showers and no laundry. Heads are only available during the day time hours when the fast cat is there. Pumping overboard is a strongly enforced no-no. If you have pets (dog), check with the NPS to be sure you can land them. You will need to be entirely self-contained, and if the winds blow up, it can be a long stay indeed.
      Hope this is useful.

      I have been there in good weather, and it still can be a difficult trip. Navigation is tricky and the holding ground marginal. Best to
      go in April when the winds are down, and the thunder storms has notstarted yet. The fort is interesting to see once. Seaplanes land
      in the main channel, so do not anchor there. Go the south route over and the north route back for the sights.
      Al Hackett

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    • Newfound Harbor Northern Anchorage Off-Limits to Masted Vessels, west of Hawk Channel, Outside Route Statute Mile 1207

      Newfound Harbor Northern Anchorage - Click for Chartview

      Newfound Harbor Northern Anchorage lies north of marker #8, hard by the tip of the charted tongue of deep water. Captain Mickey reminds us that this anchorage is a restricted area from the southern tips of Little Torch Key and Little Pine key. Note B of the NOAA chart states “No anchoring by sailboats or other masted vessels due to the presence of high tension power lines.” There are three additional anchorages south of the restricted area which ARE open to sailcraft and other masted vessels – see link below.

      Masted vessels are not allowed here. They have white PVC markers and a sign. As soon as I anchored a small boat came out and informed me of the markers and signs. Designated anchorage is to right of the markers as you approach from the south.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For Newfound Harbor Channel Northerly Anchorage

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      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listings For All Anchorages, off the Hawk Channel, From Sombrero Key to Key West

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    • Report from A & B Marina, Key West Bight, Key West, FL

      A & B Marina - Click for Chartview

      A & B Marina overlooks the southwestern banks of Key West Bight, just south of the Galleon Marina.

      I attended Fantasy Fest in October 2012 and pulled in A&B to fuel. I purchased 4K worth of fuel. I ask dock hand if I could load my tender while tied up since the wind was at over 20 KTS and he replied yes. The loading took around 30 minutes. Just as we were finishing the dock master showed up and told us we needed to get the f??k out of the fuel dock. There were no boats waiting to fuel. Needless to say I was not impressed with A&B and will never return.
      On a side note I kept a 55′ boat there for over a year a few years back and during FF had eaten at their restaurant.
      R C Roberts

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For A & B Marina

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    • Report from Boot Key Harbor, Marathon, FL,

      Boot Key Harbor - Click for Chartview

      Boot Key Harbor on the southside of Marathon, near statute mile 1195, is accessible from Hawk Channel and from the Inside Route via Moser Channel.

      The next day, we returned via the Florida Bay side from our overnight in Boot Key Harbor. Staying on the Magenta line on the ICW was without incident. The only tough part was to keep watch and steer around the numerous lobster/crab traps inundating the ICW route.

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Boot Key Harbor

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