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    • Dinghy Access Discontinued at Hurricane Hole Marina in Boot Key Harbbor (Marathon)

      Hopefully, as Captain Charmaine notes below, dinghy access will be restored within a few months at Hurricane Hold Marina. In the meantime, you can always dinghy ashore at the Boot Key Harbor City Marina and Sombrero Marina and Dockside Lounge.

      January 14, 2010
      FL KEYS – Boot Key Harbor
      Hurricane Hole Marina Dinghy Access
      No Longer Available due to Construction
      Wanted to let you know that in the Keys’ Boot Key Harbor dinghy access to shore via the Hurricane Hole Marina has been discontinued due construction at the Marina.
      I suspect construction will be ongoing for several months. I’ll be sure to send you an update in the future so your readers will know if and when access again becomes available.
      Big Hugs,
      Charmaine Smith Ladd
      Aboard s/v September Sea

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    • Saving Florida Sales Tax

      The string of messages below is copied from the T&T (Trawlers and Trawlering) mail list, which, as always, we HIGHLY recommend as an adjunct to the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net. Anyway, perhaps these words of wisdom from our fellow cruisers might help to save some of us a bit of money, or at least a bit of confusion!

      A broker told me , as a selling point, that if I use a “broker” to sell my Florida boat, and then use a “broker” to buy the next boat, that I would be able to save the sales tax on the value of what my boat sold for.He claimed that was only doable with a broker.
      Anyone have any knowledge of this?
      See you in Paradise!
      Capt Sterling

      I’m not convinced he is representing the matter entirely truthful.
      According to Florida law, the purchase of your new vessel and the trade-in of your old vessel must be consummated in one single transaction.
      Your trade-in vessel must be placed into dealer inventory for resale.

      I have first experience with this in Washington State. It worked here.
      Cheers –

      Florida brokers can reduce the sales tax due for a buyer by subtracting the selling price of the trade-in vessel therefore making the total amount taxable the difference between the selling prices.
      This must be properly documented and executed. If you play by the rules, the savings can be significant.

      But, the same does not hold true if an individual trades with another individual…correct?

      A vessel may be traded in towards the purchase of another vessel with the resulting sales tax savings only through a Florida registered and licensed yacht broker or dealer. It must be a sale and purchase by a Fl. broker/dealer in a single simultaneous transaction. This answers the questions of FSBO and trade in with intention of delayed purchase.

      Well — perhaps it could if done correctly. If you are trading a $60,000 boat for an $80,000 boat, it seems to me that you could sell your boat for $1,000 and buy the other boat for $21,000. Just a thought.

      All this sales tax thru brokers assumes the boat will stay in Florida and you are a Florida resident. You have, I think, 90 days to get out of Florida if you are not a Florida resident and you avoid Florida sales tax altogether. I bought privately in Florida and left in 2 weeks; no Florida sales tax.

      But I believe in that situation you are liable to your state of residence for the sales tax. If they discover your purchase and if they realize you did not pay Florida sales tax they’ll send you a bill
      for it. There was a lot of turmoil some years back on a similar issue regarding Internet sales.

      Florida has extended the Sales Tax Exemption from 90 days to 180. So yes, if you buy a boat in Florida through a licensed broker, you can stay in the state for 180 days without paying sales tax, certain conditions apply.
      But I think the point of the original post is that if you are buying a boat in Fl. and required to pay sales tax, trade-in under certain conditions can help save the sales tax total due.

      I bought privately in Florida and left in 2 weeks; no Florida sales

      I just caught this mistake. Private buyers must pay sales tax in

      It is only licensed brokers that can offer the Affidavit for Sales Tax Exemption.
      If someone bought a boat privately in Fl. without paying sales tax, I would recommend seeking advice from a Florida maritime attorney if you plan to return to Fl. or if you plan to sell it to a buyer who might cruise Florida.

      Just so there’s no confusion in terminology and to clear up a minor point.
      The exemption for a purchaser in Florida who is going to remove the purchased boat from the state applies even to private sales. Florida licensed brokers are required by the state to collect the sales tax due, unless a specific exemption applies (in the situation being discussed, removal from Florida within the “grace” period – Judy says it’s now 180 days). The seller in a private sale is not required to collect the sales tax; the burden is on the buyer to pay the sales tax (if the boat isn’t exempt).
      The tax paid to the “other” state where the boat is going to be taken after the purchase is a _USE_ tax, not a sales tax. Generally speaking, a state’s USE tax is the same percentage as it’s SALES tax.
      This is generally true in any state that has a sales tax or use tax. The exemption period may vary as well as the tax rates.
      I won’t go into any more of a discussion on this here, but just wanted to clear up some misperception that has already creeped into the several posts on this topic. There’s lots of info about the subject of taxes (both sales and use) on the internet and in the archives.
      Bob and Judy

      Bottom line — When you go to register your vessel, you will either pay sales tax at time of sale, or you will pay sales tax when you attempt to register your vessel in your home state.
      There are two ways to reduce your sales tax burden — via a trade in which reduces the taxable amount (because you already paid tax on the trade in), or by purchasing the boat for export (i.e. forming a corporation in the Cayman Islands that purchases the boat). Going the offshore route has its advantages, but unless the boat is a high dollar item, the fees associated with maintaining offshore ownership often outweighs the tax advantages of doing so.
      Gone are the days where you can cheat the guvmint out of their share. They will find out whether you paid or not and they *will* collect.

      There is no “exemption” anywhere.
      You will either pay sales tax in the state in which you purchase the vessel or you will pay sales tax in the state in which you register the vessel, but one way or the other, you *will* pay sales tax. Which state you pay in is determined by whether your state and the state in question have a reciprocity agreement in place. Some states do; others do not.
      Here are the rules for Florida:

      If you are from out of state and buy from a broker, the broker will not collect sales tax with the caveat that you get the boat out of Florida within either 90 or optionally 180 days if you purchase an extension decal.
      This does not absolve you of your sales tax burden however. When you attempt to register the boat in another state, they will want to see proof that sales tax has been paid. Since you paid no sales tax in Florida, you will have no proof of same and will be required to pay sales tax in your state in order to successfully register your vessel.
      If your state requires the payment of sales tax in conjunction with the purchase of a vessel, you *will* pay that sales tax, regardless of which other state you purchased the boat.
      It is for this very reason that you will often see boats advertised “not for sale to US citizens while in US waters.” The boat was originally purchased by an offshore shell corp. or some other offshore entity for the purposes of avoiding taxation. If the boat were to be sold in the US, taxes would have to be paid by all parties. Since the seller doesn’t want to pay those taxes, he can only sell the boat to another offshore entity.
      Unless you take your registration offshore, you are obligated to pay.

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    • Slow Fueling at Grove Harbour Marina (near Dinner Key Marina, St. M. 1094.5)

      Grove Harbour Marina is located in the complex of marinas and marine service firms at Dinner Key/Coconut Grove.

      Despite having personally walked over to Grove Harbour Marina adjacent to Dinner Key Marina and inquired about fueling up the day before and having received directions and opening hours, late this morning, no one answered our hails on 16 and we circled for 15 minutes while trying to reach the fuel dock by phone. After several calls, someone claiming to be in the know said someone was coming but it was like waiting for Godot. We gave up and left. I hope this is an aberration. Based on our experience, I wouldn’t count on this for a fuel stop.
      Captain Jane Tigar

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    • Anchorage Resort & Yacht Club (Jewfish Creek, Statute Mile 1134)

      Anchorage Resort & Yacht Club sits just south of the new, high-rise Jewfish Creek Bridge, and on the opposite shore from Gilberts Marina. Many cruisers consider Jewfish Creek to be the northerly genesis of real cruising in the Florida Keys, at least for those choosing the Inside/Florida Bay/ICW route.

      Subject: Anchorage Resort and Yacht Club, Jewfish Creek, Key Largo
      Cruising News: We came south in the ICW from Miami in out 5.5 ft draft sailboat for our first cruise to the Keys. We found this marina in the guide book and noted a BOAT US discount for $1.50/ft for transient dockage. This is a wonderful marina in all respects. The docks are easy to approach. There is no extra charge for water or electric. There is a pool, hot tub, shower and restroom, grill for cooking out on their patio, and a great sunset view. The folks are friendly and do not bother you with unnecessary rules or regulations. I highly recommend this as a lay over for anyone. No fuel at their docks, but just across the creek is fuel. The new fixed high rise bridge over Jewfish Creek makes easy waterway travel.
      Paul Dunn

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    • John C. Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park Marina (off Hawk Channel, near Key Largo)

      The marina associated with John C. Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park is accessed by a marked passage, leading from Hawk Channel, just north of the Key Largo Canal. I have always found this passage deep, reliable, and far better marked that what the charts would indicate. However, there has been some whisperings here on the Net of late, that depths along this entrance channel are shoaling. Can anyone update us on the soundings here????? If so, please click on the “Comment on This Posting/Marina/Anchorage/Bridge” link below, and share your observations.

      We really enjoyed 2 days at John Pennekamp State Park where the coral reef is on Key Largo. They have 2 slips that they rent ($50 per day a few years ago) right in front of the park dock where the dive boats are. We had no problem with our 4.5 ft. draft 53 ft. Hatteras. You can take the park boats out to snorkle or dive the beautiful reefs, or go to the free govt. mooring balls with your big boat if it’s a nice day.

      Jana and I enjoyed 2 days at Pennecamp between xmas and new years on our 45′ sundancer (Sun Dog). If you carefully stay in the marked channel, you’ll be fine. We never saw less than 6′ depths.
      Mike Griffin

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    • Dinghy Dockage Now Available At Tarpon Basin Anchorage (Florida Keys, Inside Route, St. M. 1139.5)

      There are actually several good anchor down spots in Tarpon Basin (see links below). This body of water is traversed by the Florida Keys Inside Route (ICW), southwest of Blackwater Sound. Now, we hear from Captain Sterling below, that dinghy dockage may well be available here. That’s excellent news as dinghy access is becoming an endangered species in the Florida Keys

      Subject: Tarpon Basin
      Cruising News: Seems the newly constructed Government center in Tarpon Basin, bayside Key Largo, is allowing cruisers to use the docks for their dinghys for shore access.
      THis is close to Publix and KLI hardware Store, and Kmart.
      Let’s hope they continue to allow this.
      Capt. Sterling

      A pump-out boat comes to Tarpon Basin once a week. They had some problems with the boat March 2009, but were supposed to go by every thursday. Try them on Ch 16.
      Stein A. Holtbakk

      The dinghy dock you are referring to is behind the new government center in Key Largo.
      All addresses in the Keys are by reference to Mile Marker (land) or Statue Mile (water). In this case, the land address is approximately MM 102, and the SM is 1139.
      Once you leave Biscayne Bay, you pass through Card Sound, then Barnes Sound, and all of the subsequent bodies of water have a specific name that you will see on your chart or guide. The dock you are looking for is in Tarpon Basin, entered from Blackwater Sound as you pass through Dusenbury Cut. Depths outside the channel are shallow, so be sure you navigate carefully.
      The government building is yellow and you should have no trouble locating it.
      Martin I. Veiner &
      Margaret Rogers Shearon

      There’s no pump out boat this season [2011].
      Don and Mango

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Tarpon Basin Northern Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Tarpon Basin Southern Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Floridas Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Tarpon Basin Interior Anchroage

      Tarpon Basin Dinghy Dock at Government Center

      Tarpon Basin Waste Pump-Out Boat

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    • Tarpon Basin, Northern Anchorage (Statute Mile 1139.5)

      Well, while we usually use the “Tarpon Basin Interior Anchorage,” if the weather is cooperative enough to make the basin’s “Northern Anchorage” comfortable, it’s certainly easy to enter and close to the Waterway.

      We used the northern anchorage last May for several days due to weather. Good protection and holding. Also used the docks at the government facility for our dinghy.
      No problems.
      David S. Power

      A pump-out boat comes to Tarpon Basin once a week. They had some problems with the boat March 2009, but were supposed to go by every thursday. Try them on Ch 16.
      Stein A. Holtbakk

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For Tarpon Basin, Northern Anchorage

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    • Rickenbacker Marina (Key Biscayne, near Miami, near Statute Mile 1091.5)

      I am sorry to hear that things are not going well at Rickenbacker Marina. This faciltiy is owned by the city of Miami, and its fortuntes rise and fall with the city’s current state of affairs.

      We were long term customers here, both mooring and slip.
      The moorings are in the middle of allot of power boat and jet ski activity, in and around the marina, and also exposed to northerly winds which tend to be the stronger winds we get in the winter, what I did and would recommend, pay for the mooring to have access to the marina facilities but anchor in the marine stadium that has excellent holding and is very well protected, gets just a chop even in high winds. You’ll sleep well there. Bear in mind that I have heard over and over that anchoring will be prohibited there but last I heard boats were still anchoring there. On the plus side the moorings are well maintained, screw type and our boat at the time an Oday 39 survived hurricane Wilma on the mooring.
      The dingy dock at the marina is just a mud bank under some mangroves so your shoes get muddy and your dingy will quickly foul from the wet decaying leaves inside your boat. That was always a headache. If you are there for just a few days you can put up with it. The bathrooms are in poor condition so you may prefer to shower on your boat.
      The marina facilities are in urgent need of a renovation and last I heard the City of Miami had a complete renovation plan for Virginia Key that included the marina putting up some millions for a major refit. Don’t know if the renovations have begun yet or if they will ever materialize.
      As for the slips, they have no finger piers which was a major headache with our now double ender, not so bad with other type boats but not ideal at all, and just two pilings outboard, not ideal for tying up either, and with no central pilings it’s very easy to end up banging into the boat alongside on a windy day. With all the power boat action outside the marina and mega yachts passing by on the inter coastal, strong wakes come in and really thrash the boats especially on weekends but sometimes even in the middle of the night I thought I was going to fall out of my bunk. Double up the lines and get a slip as far in as your draft will allow and if you have a choice don’t get a slip beyond 3/4 out on the piers. On the plus side security is extremely tight, cameras everywhere. Nothing get’s lifted at these docs without it being filmed.
      An excellent, very friendly and helpful staff, unfortunately at a marina needing a breakwater and major renovations / redesign. Hopefully it will get done.
      Jules Robinson

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    • Impressions of Boca Chita Key (ICW/Biscayne Bay, near Statute Mile 1106)

      Boca Chita Key is part of the Everglades National Park, and is located south of Miami, on Biscayne Bay. The approach channel can get a bit skinny at MLW, but the harbor is well sheltered!

      We enjoy Boca Chita and have stayed here several times. During the week there are usually a few cruising boats as well as a couple smaller boats which have brought campers to the island. There is no charge for day use but overnight in the Marina is $20.00 (half price for a Senior Park pass). One must pay everyday by check or cash, so come prepared with correct amount of money. This is $5 more than last year. You get a campsite with each boatslip and campsites alone are $15.00.
      On the weekends, Boca Chita can become a big Cuban party. Large and small boats pack in rafted up two deep, the domino boards come out, a pig is roasted in a box and Spanish is the language spoken. Everyone is friendly and the regulars all know each other. Despite the “no generators after 10 PM rule”, the large boats run gen sets all day and night which can be annoying if one prefers the rustling of the palm trees in the salt breeze. We are here Christmas eve and we will see what Christmas weekend brings. We are told that New Years Eve is an especially big party, complete with music over loud speakers etc. As long as the wind is blowing, Boca Chita is a great place. If calm, the mosquitoes take over even in the winter. There is no water or electric and trash needs to be taken out. There are flush saltwater toilets which have been recently upgraded a bit with new paint and lights at night.
      Jean and Mel on DOVEKIE

      Boca Chita Key Marina Harbor - That's DOVEKIE in the corner, center

      Boca Chita Key Marina Harbor - That's DOVEKIE in the corner, center

      Click Here To View the South Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Boca Chita Key Marina and Visitor’s Center

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    • Depths on Florida Keys Inside Route

      Captain Roy’s question below is in response to a posting last spring by Captain Charmaine (see line below). However, I thought he might get more response if I placed it on this “Florida Keys” Cruising News section. I will also post it on the “Ask Your Neighbor” section. Those who have recently cruised the Florida Keys inside passage, please chime in by click the “Comment on This Posting/Marina/Anchorage/Bridge” link below.

      Hey Charmaine’¦ how about Bowlegs Cut, Steamboat Channel, and the other rumored `shallow spots’ on the inside route? I’m interested in taking the inside route all the way from Miami, but I keep hearing that depths are less than 4′ in some of these notorious spots. Comments ???
      Rapid Roy

      Editor’s Note – The waters described below by Captain Turner are part of the so-called “Back Route” from Marathon to Key West. While this is theoretically part of the “ICW – Inside Route,” it is a portion of the Wateway seldom run by cruising size craft. Most captains choose to run Hawk Channel from Marathon to Key West. Conversely, my experience with the inside route from Jewfish Creek to Marathon is that, unless the tide is unusually low, you can count on minimum 5-foot depths! If anyone has seen less depth between Jewifish and Marthon, PLEASE let us hear form you by following the “Comment . . . ” link below!

      Did the inside route on nov 2 09, depths for about half a mile
      between Cudjoe Key and Big Spanish Key (st. mile 1213) got down to 4 feet during low tide. High tide would give you another 2.5- 3.5 feet
      Ed Turner

      Click Here To Read Captain Charmaine’s earlier article on depths along the Florida Keys Inside Route

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    • Marathon Marina and Mooring Field Discussion

      The discussion below originated on the AGLCA (American Great Loop Cruisers’ Association) mail list. There is soooo much good info here that I have copied the entire string below.

      We are thinking about a month in the Keys, Marathon or nearby for the month of February.
      Any information or marina recommendations would be appreciated. Vaughn would like a pool nearby and I just want to avoid the $50-60-rates, yikes!
      Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season
      Jim & Vaughn

      Last winter we spent a month at Sombrero Resort and Marina, and liked it. They have a pool, and restaurant on site. And, you are a short bike ride from anything you want. I think we paid a less than $40 a night, for the monthly rate.
      Also…I know you like to anchor…they have 200+ moorings at the Marathon Mooring field, and it is a community all itself. Each morning at 9 am everyone gets on the VHF (68) and try to help one another with what ever issues they have. They also have a huge dinghy area and you can walk to West Marine. Plus…awesome fishing in the area…I went fishing in my dinghy every day. You can catch your dinner every night.
      Merry Christmas.
      Bob Koerner
      M/V Headquarters

      ADIOS is currently in Marathon for a month. We are at the city marina on a mooring. It’s a great community lifestyle with a large lounge area with TVs &WIFI, separate building for showers and a huge project room. In fact John is building a Chesapeake Light Craft kit sailing dinghy (stitch & glue) in there; he’s getting lots of supervision. Staff is great; they’re hosting a huge Christmas dinner with 80 boats last count. Mooring cost is $275 + tax for the month. Walk/dinghy to West Marine (they have a dock) and also Publix (dock for $5 I’ve heard) but walkable; Home Depot in walking distance. There is a bus to Key West ($1.50 each way for seniors; $3 otherwise). Enterprise is at the airport and will pick you up; great weekend rates. Our 2nd time here and the improvements are impressive. Two years ago we came for a night and stayed 3 weeks. They do have limited dockspace.
      John & Ellie

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Sombrero Resort and Lighthouse Marina

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Boot Key Harbor City Marina

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For The Boot Key Harbor Mooring Field

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    • Coral Bay Marina (Inside Route, Islamorada, FL, near Statute Mile 1160)

      Coral Bay Marina is located near World Wide Sportsman and Bayside Marina on Little Basin. Depths can get a bit skinny here during low tide.

      We called the marina on a Saturday with tornadoes on the way. The emergency number reached the owner who said `Come on in.’ With a long face dock we were secure from the not-as-bad-as-forecast storms, but watched boats drag in the anchorage. Basic but good facilities with access to land-based services. And helpful characters in the marina. It was a welcome haven we would recommend.
      Jeff Wingfield

      Location, Location, Location, this marina is smack dab right in the middle of the some of the finest restaurants, bars, live music and shopping in the Keys.
      It’s very small and rustic, tucked away in the mangroves and just a short taxi ride away is all the fun you can imagine, five star restaurants, resorts and spas or no star dive bars and everything in-between, I like them all and there’s live music everywhere !! Some art galleries, museums, etc..etc..etc’¦ Plus, The Trading Post, a small gourmet market just one block away, all the fresh food you could want, open 24 hrs when I was there. Several shops that the ladies will like are within walking distance as well.
      Great staff, friendly and helpful live aboards, small but updated and very clean bathrooms / showers, a small laundry and a full service yard. I would go in and out with a five foot draft at mid to high tide.
      Be sure to have a good recent landside guide when you come in.
      Jules Robinson

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Coral Bay Marina

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    • Caesar Creek – Rubicon Key – Reid Key Anchorage

      Caesar Creek is a shallow inlet which runs off Biscayne Bay, south of Miami, and eventually leads to the briny blue. The shallowest portion of the so-called channel is found on the Florida Bay side, and MLW depths can easily run to 4 feet. We’ve only anchored here a couple of times over the years, and I don’t remember the mosquito problem Captain Jim describes below, but I have no doubt he is quite correct, if the wind begins to die.

      Stay here only if the wind is howling otherwise the mosquitoes will run you off. If you have the best screens, the buzzing will keep you awake all night. If its calm, anchor in the Atlantic east of Elliott or keep motoring south to Florida Bay.

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For Caesar Creek – Rubicon Key – Reid Key Anchorage

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    • Bahia Honda Anchorage (off Hawk Channel, west of Marathon and Moser Channel)

      Both the Bahia Honda anchorage and Bahia Honda Florida State Park, are accessible for cruising size craft only from Hawk Channel. Small craft can reach these waters from the inside route by passing under a low, fixed bridge, but larger vessels must enter through a gap in the old Pine Island – Bahia Honda Key Bridge, from the Hawk Channel.
      While Captain Jim is quite correct about the strong currents which plague this anchor down spot, we still see people dropping the hook here all the time. The “State Park marina” is small, but it does feature a sheltered harbor.

      Dont risk anchoring here, pay a few bucks and tie up dockside at the State Park marina. The tide rips between both bridges and you will flip direction every time the tide changes. The current is so strong under the old abandoned bridge that you need to be on a plane in a power boat at peak ebb tide to pass under it ! The north bridge has little vertical clearnace and the abandoned railroad bridge has concrete piers every 100′, so if your anchor slips you will be sanded with concrete.

      I have anchored here, while the currents are strong, the holding is very good and our all chain rode kept us dug in well along with a few other boats during 30-40 knot squalls from the south one night. we didn’t drag and I didn’t see anyone else that did.
      And the state park is very nice for hiking, swimming, sunbathing, bathrooms, showers, snack bar, gift shop etc. they have a tour boat that goes out to the reefs and other amenities. I look forward to returning.
      Cap Jules
      S/V Nemesis
      Dinner Key Marina

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Listing For The Bahia Honda Anchorage

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    • Harbor Cay Club (Marathon, North Shore, off the ICW/Inside Passage)

      The Harbor Cay Club is located on the norther shore of Marathon, a bit east of the old location of Faro Blanco, Bayside. While it is a private club, Captains Andrew, Sallyann and Tut, are quite correct that they will take visitors when slip owners’ vessels are absent. This is a nice facility, and worthy of every Florida Keys cruiser’s attention.

      We’ve been at Harbour Cay Club in Marathon for 4 days and feel like part of the community. This is a great location for those who like to be away from commercial marinas. It’s quiet and close to shopping. Publix,Kmart, Winn Dixie ,West Marine, Home Depot are within 2 miles. Daffy Dan’s Dollar store is less then a mile away.There are no hills so walking and biking to the stores and restaurants is easy.
      Free self serve pump-outs are at each slip. The club house, has a laundry room (2w2d, an ironing station and bins for your detergent – yeah no more lugging) and 2 unisex bathrooms with showers). All areas are well kept.
      Several owners are not using their slips this winter. They would be happy to rent slips to Loopers at a very competitive fee. Cats are allowed – Sorry no dogs.
      I asked Ed Skinner, fleet captain, to provide the info below.

      Harbour Cay Club is a private, non-commercial, marina located bayside in Marathon, Florida Keys. We are a not-for-profit corporation and our members have the option of renting their assigned dock space. This year we have several members not in attendance so we have some space available on a monthly and weekly basis. Please refer to our website at for additional information and send me an email to Leave me a phone number and I will be glad to call and answer any questions.
      Thank You Very Much,
      Ed Skinner
      HCC Fleet Captain

      We have no association with Harbour Cay Club . We’re just sharing info on a great place to stay.
      Andrew, Sallyann and Tut (Cats Rule, Dogs Drool)
      Looping Aboard: Freedom – American Tug 34

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Harbor Cay Club

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    • Unhappy News Concerning the New Dinner Key Mooring Field (Miami, FL)

      Hmmmmm, sounds like the new mooring field at Coconut Gove (Miami) has some real administrative problems.

      We came into the new dinner key mooring field on Dec 1, and they asked us to take a mooring on the outskirts of the field that was a fair dingy ride in and is subject to wakes from boats in the channels before they begin to slow down ‘” we are a 40′ Jeanneau ds40 with a 5’ draft –
      As we dinghied in we noted several 40’+ boats with deeper draft closer in so we asked if we could move closer in as most of the field is currently empty ‘”
      we suggested a mooring number and told to go ahead and move which we did. Now we are told that the mooring we moved to is a 30′ mooring and the original mooring we were on was a 40′ mooring – in fact i would estimate that over 2/3 of the mooring field is designed for boats less than 40′ and we were told that they can not accomadate any boat greater than 42′ – when i told them a 47′ boat just left for the islands they agreed and told us that the boat was told they could no longer use the field because they were too big –
      There is also a very very tiny dingy dock
      Trying not to be to prejudical, it appears if this is a test field for the florida anchoring problem they designed it for failure – in fact you may just want to anchor on the other side of the mooring field and not have to pay which is right next to the 40-42’ moorings
      just my thoughts
      chuck patty and svsoulmates
      miami fl

      As for the engineering of the field I guess what is done is done for now. Short of building a break water all around the field, I don’t know. It’s an unprotected area, so it will be rolly polly from wind, waves and wakes. I suppose the center of the field and closer to land may be the best spot to be in if you have a choice and a lesser draft.
      But in regards to the dingy dock I was told that the larger floating dingy dock by the boat ramp will eventually be available to the mooring customers, once the mooring customer showers, baths and offices are installed. However for security purposes my preference would be where they have it now, well inside the marina and close to the harbormasters office, better a small safe dingy dock than one exposed to the street and to the unsavory characters that hang around the boat ramp at night.
      Hope things improve.
      S/V Nemesis
      Dinner Key Marina

      I keep my boat (70 feet) in Florida most of the winter and in Nantucket Harbor during the summer. In Nantucket we’re on a mooring, there is a Town-owned and operated pump-out boat running 7 days a week, launch service, two good-sized dingy docks and even delivery service. The Harbormaster’s building, at the foot of the Town Dock where the dingy docks are has nice bathrooms with clean showers. The water in the Harbor is clean, so clean that the Harbor is used for commercial scalloping in the fall and winter, and it is certainly clean enough for swimming. The health of the scallop population is dependent on clean water and healthy beds of sea grass. If boats were anchored instead of on moorings the sea grass beds would be destroyed in a season or two.
      Contast this with Florida where mooring fields are few and far between, pump-out facilities (let alone pump-out boats) are scarse and out-of service much of the time, and amenities of any kind are limited to say the least. I don’t get it. Florida’s waters are just as precious as New England’s waters. I’ve been reading for years about the damage done to coral by yachts anchoring on top of or too close to the reefs. If there was a mooring field close by (but not too close) and an anchoring ban enforced it strikes me that the problem would be at least partially solved.
      Just my opinion.

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    • “Fat Alberts” As Seen From the Cudjoe Channel – Tarpon Belly Keys Anchorage

      The Cudjoe Channel cuts south from the so-called “Back Route” leading from Marathon to Key West. This interesting passage cuts north past Pine Key, and then out into the open waters of the Gulf. At this point, mariners heading for Key West, turn to the (you guessed it) west, and skip along off the northern face of the undeveloped Keys, until reaching Northwest Channel, which leads, in turn, to the many delights of Key West.
      There are numerous anchorage possibilites off the “Back Route” after turning to the west. Cudjoe Channel is one, but this anchor down spot has the interesting advantage of often affording a view of the “Fat Alberts.” These are massive weather/radar ballons that the US Navy flies at the end of a long, long tethers from Cudjoe Key. The only trouble is they sometimes break free, and the Navy has to scramble a couple of fighters out of nearby Boca Chica Key to shoot them down, lest they drift into Cuban airspace

      Just a note about Fat Albert. It has a diesel generator in it so they have to bring it down every so often to fill the diesel tank. it can fly in up to about 60 MPH winds so it is not that dependent on the wind speed. it is also interesting how often it points in a different direction than the wind direction at sea level.
      Captain Rick

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    • Angelfish Creek, December, 2009 Report

      I don’t think any body of water in the Florida Keys has garnered more postings here on the Cruiser’s Net than Angelfish Creek. Some, like Captain Holm below, have no problem, while others have had an unfortunate encounter with an “underwater rock.”

      Subject: Angelfish Creek
      Cruising News: We went out through Angelfish Creek 2 days ago, with some trepidation after all the negative reports and our C-Map based plotter showing 3 ft depths.
      Two hours after HW on the ocean side, our lowest depths were over 8 ft on the inside and over 7 feet on the ocean side. It is wide, well marked and straightforward.
      Doug Holm
      Acme Cat – Nonsuch33 with 5.5 ft draft

      We have been through Card Sound/Angelfish Creek 2 times now and the depth is great. We draw 5 ft. and have not had any problems. We also were concerned about the depth and acquired local knowledge and were told that there was not a problem for our draft. On Christmas Eve 2009, we set out with 20 knot headwinds and stayed in the middle of the channel and followed a 120 foot Lazarra out through the channel an hour before high tide and found 7 ft. where the chart and chartplotter showed only 4 ft. We went to Carysfort Reef and tied off to a mooring ball and had a rough 20-25 knot East winds until 7 a.m. when they became southeast to east at 10-15 knots. We were prepared to make our crossing to the Bahamas from there, but elected not to go from there on Christmas Day, due to the 5 foot seas. We returned to Angelfish Creek and anchored in 10 ft of water and are staged for the next weather window to make our crossing to Gun Caye. The current in Angelfish has not been in issue in the two days that we have been here. We did however observe numerous crab trap floats from the exit to Angelfish to the Atlanti Shelf. Our concern leaving at Midnight was that we wouuld foul our prop and if we decide to leave from the mouth Angelfish at midnight, then it will be necessary to post a crew with a spotlight at the bow for approximately 4 miles to the shelf. The advantage of going to Carysfort Reef (7 miles south of Angelfish Creek is that there are free moorings for the night and behind a reef for protection and has 2-4 feet below the surface.
      Bill & JoAnne

      Another helpful site for weather reports of wind is:
      Bill & JoAnne

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    • Florida’s Definition of “Minimum Wake” and “No Wake”

      The note below is actually in response to a question on the Net’s “Ask Your Neighbor” page (/category/ask-your-neighbor/). However, I though the contents important enough to post on all the Net’s Floridian pages.

      The Florida Wildlife website lists the following under boat speed limits:
      Any vessel operating in a speed zone posted as `Idle Speed – No Wake’ must operate at the minimum speed that will maintain steerageway.
      Any vessel operating in a speed zone posted as `Slow Down – Minimum Wake’ must operate fully off plane and completely settled in water. The vessel’s wake must not be excessive nor create a hazard to other vessels.
      However, the determination is up to the officer and there are many officers with differing opinions.
      Doug Kendrick

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    • NOAA Proposes New Vessel Discharge Regulations for the Florida Keys

      The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) proposes to amend the regulations for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) to require the marine sanitation devices on vessels operating within the NMS be locked to prevent discharges. Comments on this proposal should be submitted by February 17, 2010. 74 Fed. Reg. 58923 (November 16, 2009). Note: Because the seaward boundary of the FKNMS extends some miles offshore, this proposal could impact passing commercial and transiting vessels.

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