A Detailed Look At Key West Bight Marinas
As promised, below is my recap of the current state of the marinas in Key West Bight Harbor. All are great places to stay but as you will see, they each are unique in their own way, so depending on the configuration of your vessel and what you plan on doing while visiting, then the choice for which marina to use varies. Again, I’ve stayed at them all and like them all. If you want amenities then Conch Harbor or The Galleon are the clear choice. And if you want the funky laid back feel of Key West, then the Key West Bight Marina is the choice. If you twisted my arm and yelled, “Tell me your favorite!” I’d say A&B … but that’s me and right now I’m writing this from my boat, Dancing Bear, in slip A10 at the Key West Bight Marina. I guess I’m just feeling “Key West funky” this week.
Conch Harbor Marina
Dockage, Diesel, Gas, Restaurant & Bar, Pool, Rest Room, Showers, and Laundry for marina customers.
Fixed docks, most with a 12′ finger, a few with a full length finger peer. `Stern to’ docking necessary so succumb to the over the bow pulpit two step dance. RIB inflatable `tug’ can be arranged to help with maneuvering. Main peer is privately owned, slips are privately owned `condo style’ and leased through the management company, there is a secure gate at the top of the dock that is locked at night, so your fishing gear, bicycles, etc are secure while you sleep.
Current rates for boats under 65′ is $3.50/ft per day, or $60/ft. per month.
City of Key West owned marina with Dockage, Diesel, Gas, Rest Rooms, Showers, and Laundry for marina customers.
Four docking peers (A, C, D, and E ‘¦ B dock is the commercial dock that holds the fuel dock, and the ferry to the Dry Tortugas. Full-length finger peers between slips on the A dock only. No finger peers on the other docks, so unless you get one of the very few `tie along-side’ spots, you’d better bring a gangway.
Key West Bight Maria controls the public dinghy dock for those visitors who choose to anchor out. Current rates are $6.00/day, $26.50 per week, $80.00 per month and a 13 ft maximum length for the dinghy.
Current rates for slip dockage is $2.75/ft. per day or $44.00 /ft per month. There are higher rates during designated special events (Memorial Day, 4th of July, October Fantasy Fest, November Power Boat Races, Christmas/New Years, and KW Race Week in January.)
Dockage, Diesel, Gas, Rest Room, Showers, and Laundry for marina customers. Public restaurants, and a great martini bar at the top of the pier.
One long floating pier with a single T-head at the end where the fuel dock resides. There are no finger peers between slips, so bow or stern mooring and egress is required. Slips are privately owned `condo style’ and leased through the management company; there isn’t a secure gate at the top of the dock, only a rope barrier and a sign asking the public not to pass.
Current rates are $3.00/ft per day, or $30/ft. per month. Availability is always the issue at this great marina.
Dockage, Diesel, Gas, Restaurant & Bar, Pool, Rest Room, Showers, Gym, and Laundry for marina customers.
Floating docks, all with a full-length finger peers. The Galleon is a time-share resort and marina customers have full use of the resort facilities. Like the other 3 privately owned marinas, the slips can be purchased `condo’ style and leased out through the management company. Like Conch Harbor, the facility is secure at night. The docks at the Galleon stretch along the full length of the harbor’s breakwater thus, depending on the slip you are assigned, your walk from the boat to the shore could be long if you are lugging `boat stuff.’
Current rates are $3.50/ft per day, or $60/ft. per month.
All the best,
Capt. Rich
M/V Dancing Bear
Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Galleon Marina
Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For A&B Marina
Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Key West Bight City Marina
Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Conch Harbor Marina
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