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    • Goodbye Boot Key Harbor Bridge (Marathon)

      March 9th 2009
      Goodbye Boot Key Bridge
      Boot Key Harbor
      Marathon, FL Keys
      by Charmaine Smith Ladd
      Say a long goodbye to the bascule bridge of Boot Key Harbor. The Bridge, which used to facilitate car traffic from Vaca Key to Boot Key, has seen its better days and traffic was prohibited upon it nearly one year ago.  As of tomorrow, the bridge will be pinned into the upright position and will remain permanently open.
      For sailboats and tall fishing trawlers, the permanent opening allows the freedom to come and go outside of what used to be the bridge's normal opening hours (7am-7pm). This now affords a convenient flexibility that is no doubt more to the liking of those deeper draft vessels which cannot navigate the open route of Sister's creek to enter or depart Boot Key Harbor (BKH).
      The Bridgetenders of Boot Key Harbor (BKH) were arguably the absolute best anywhere.  Friendly, informative, and helpful, those who sailed into BKH were often remembered and welcomed back upon their return.  No doubt the caring, calm and familiar voices of these great bridgetenders will be missed on VHF Channel 9 for many, many years to come.
      To Boot Key Harbor's former bridgetenders, and in particular to its most endearing trio consisting of Lee, Howard, and Wayne: On behalf of all who have been first welcomed by one of you upon arrival and lastly wished fair winds upon their departure: 'Thank You and Fair Winds to You All.'
      Charmaine Smith Ladd, SSECN's Regional Correspondent for the Florida Keys, bringing you "The Low Down from Down Low."

      Subject: End of an Era – Boot Key
      Cruising News: This morning the harbor witnessed the end of an era.  The Boot Key Harbor bascule bridge was \"pinned\" open, and cruisers heard the last of the bridgetenders on CH 09.  It was commonly stated that they were the best bridgetenders on the East and Gulf Coasts, and I know that I believed it.  I always seemed to come in when Lee on s/v Orion was working and anchored next to him the first year.  After that, he always remembered who I was, and welcomed me personally!  Granted, without any vehicle traffic on the bridge, their job made it easier to focus on the vessel traffic in and out of the harbor, but they were still the best.  Tonight at sunset, there will be a \"last sunset\" at the bridge, and if the camera and my brain works, maybe even pictures.
      Peace and Fair Winds, Bill Watson s/v Kittiwake

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    • How The Florida Keys Potty Inspections Impacted Boot Key Harbor (Marathon)

      Another great article by Captain Charmina Smith Ladd, our regular Florida Keys correspondent!

      March 2, 2009
      FWC Operation Livaboard in the FL Keys:
      An Update
      by Charmaine Smith Ladd
      It appears to be over.  Gone is the mad rush, hustle and bustle of hundreds of boaters from Key Biscayne to Key West, all busy with last minute preparations for the pre-announced arrival of the FWC performing inspections throughout the Keys.
      The FWC, through various media, announced there would be a 3-day period in late February, from approximately 4-9 p.m, when they would perform vessels inspections. At requirements were listed as to boat size.
      Within a few days of the announcement, no one could fine an LED anchor light anywhere.
      People were climbing masts all over the Harbor.  Bought off the shelves in record numbers, the FWC's announcement alone did the trick. The anchor lights are alive and ON in Boot Key Harbor!
      The little infractions were found stopping people in their dinghies (tenders).  One person had tied his dinghy to his mooring ball while out sailing.  His neighbor saw an FWC officer preparing to write a ticket.  The neighbor went over and said he would move the dinghy to the protection of his own boat until his neighbor returned.
      The infraction was that there was a vessel on the mooring ball, but the vessel (in this case a small dinghy) had no visible all around light. 
      Most Harbors of the United States do not require a moored vessel to display an anchor light.  Boot Key Harbor is not within the same legal designation as those areas.  Therefore there is no anchor light exemption here.  So when in BKH, whether at anchor or at mooring, let your USCG-certified anchor light shine from dusk 'til dawn.
      All in all, it is a happy ending. In Boot Key Harbor, only one boat (that I know of) was boarded for toilet inspection.  The owner of one vessel reports his boat's Y-valve configuration was not one that could be locked.  The FWC Officer put red dye into the boat's head, flushed, and affirmed the head had not recently been flushing overboard.  Though the officer could have issued the vessel's owner (you should be able to lock the Y-valve) a citation, he did not.
      I want to let you know that the FWC Officer was great in this particular instance.  I truly believe this particular boat was boarded because its owner was overhead, after identifying himself and his boat name, calling FWC officers derogatory names.  So guess who was #1 on their list to board? 
      And rightfully so!  Saying such publically is like extending an invitation!  Don't ASK for trouble.  Even so, the officer on that scene was reported as being quite cordial and professional.  My captain's hat is off to the FWC on that one!
      There was also the report via the media when derelict boats were found in various areas in the Keys (not BKH) while the FWC did their thing.  It's interesting that the majority of the pictures shown in the papers were of burned out fishing boats and sunken open type fishing boats that could not be used as liveaboards.  Yet the article's focus was FWC Officer Bobby Dube saying abandoned boats are a problem caused by liveaboards. 
      And the crowd goes "Hmmmm."
      The overwhelming majority of boaters never saw the FWC at all.  This writer feels that the every-blue-moon simple announcement of imminent enforcement does more to produce compliance than any number of routine patrols could ever do. Take that from one who was here as it happened!
      The FWC handled it well.  Kudos on a job well done.
      Charmaine Smith Ladd, SSECN's Regional Correspondent for the Florida Keys, bringing you "The Low Down from Down Low."

      And, from another fellow cruiser:

      Subject: Thru-hull check
      Cruising News: I was visited by a Marathon uniform in Boot Key Hbr checking thru-hull \'seal\'.  All very polite.  I have holding tank but no t-h connection and had a pump-out on entry at B / K. 
      s/v EUROA

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    • Mooring Field at Lignumvitae Key State Park (Islamorado)

      I was wondering how many moorings there now were in this small field. Captains RL and & Karen answer that question below.
      Notice also that this cruising duo discussed the current shallow water depths on the Florida Keys Inside/ICW route. This is the subject of a string of messages posted just below this one.

      Cruising News: Question 31 We stayed 2 nights on the state mooring off Lignumvitae Key (2/1 – 2/2/09). There were 4 moorings available. Took the dinghy to Robbie\’s Marina to feed the tarpons. We came through Channel 5 with no problem, but weren\’t as lucky when we went through Bowlegs…very shallow water. We left on high tide 2 days later and had no problem.
      RL & Karen
      s/v Last Call
      45′ Island Trader 5 1/2′ draft

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For The Lignumvitae Key Mooring Field

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    • Bahia Honda State Park, Marina and Anchorage

      Another GREAT report from Captain Charmaine!
      Bahia Honda State Park
      11 miles west of Marathon
      (305) 872-3210
      Imagine water, water, everywhere as you sail eastward in Hawk’s Channel along the Keys’ island chain. At Big Spanish Channel you take a turn to the north and see an opening in what used to be a section of Henry Flagler’s Overseas Railway. Today, this section is more often called Bahia Honda Rail Bridge. It may very well be one of the most unique entrances to anchor ever.
      As you turn ever so slightly to the right, you see that Bahia Honda’s uniqueness continues. Amid a lush landscape, beautiful palm fronds wave you a welcome in the gentle breeze. Between you and the landscape is a gorgeous white sand beach. It seems the only difference between here and Michener’s Shangri-La is the notice of a row of covered pavillions boasting concrete floors and BBQ grills. Even so, it is all picturesque.
      This is Bahia Honda State Park. With lots of land for long walks and bike rides, Bahia Honda also has a marina, ship’s store, ample changing and bathroom facilities, outdoor freshwater showers (hot showers are available in the camping areas), and the wonderfully unique anchorage that sits front and center of its main beach. All the Park employees are very friendly, cordial, very helpful, and anchoring is free of charge.
      There are other lovely beaches on both Oceanside and Bayside of the Park. The water, during calm weather, is very clear for snorkeling. For safety reasons, it is not permissible to dinghy directly to the beaches. Instead, dinghy tie-up is free at the marina where it is then a short and enjoyable walk to any of the beaches.
      So…what’s not to love about Bahia Honda?
      Anyone who has been there will tell you: Anchoring can be problematic. The problems are: 1) the Bahia Honda anchorage is located in between two bridges (the old railroad bridge and US1); and 2) the bottom is mostly rocky so holding is questionable.
      However, with the know-how, one can anchor at Bahia Honda and have a gloriously trouble-free and extended visit. First, keep in mind:
      - There is no protection from the North or South.
      - The best anchoring areas run parallel to the swimming buoys where plenty of sand and grass provide a good bottom for holding.
      - Fluke style anchors don’t usually hold well here because they are designed to let go in a blow and then reset. The often swift current and rocky bottom can hinder the flukes from taking hold quickly enough to avoid danger.
      Time and again while anchored at Bahia Honda, I have witnessed couples struggling to get a good hold with their anchors. I wait as they try and try again. By the sixth time or so, I’ll get on the radio and ask the Captain if he’d like a few local knowledge tips. By then he’s more than ready to listen to the other things to keep in mind:
      – Let out no more than 30 ft. of rode to set the anchor.
      – Face the current if it is swifter than the wind direction.
      – Back down slowly, slowly, until firm resistance is felt.
      – Rev up (e.g., 3000 RPMs on my 22 HP Yanmar) until the bow snatches downward and whips in a very quick, narrow arc.
      When the snatch and arc occurs, you have found excellent holding and are dug in. Let out the remainder of your rode and let the boat fall back on its own. I find it prudent to then set the MOB (the sooner the additional confirmation you’re not moving, the sooner all can relax).
      Now you have a bit of insight on what it takes to have a safe and stress-free visit at one of the most beautiful anchorages in all of the Florida Keys. Hopefully, if not already, Bahia Honda will be at (or very near) the top of your list of anchorages to enjoy while cruising the Florida Keys.

      Charmaine Smith Ladd, bringing you “The Low Down from Down Low.”

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Bahia Honda State Park Anchorage

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    • Good Ports of Call in the Florida Keys – Fort Lauderdale to Marathon

      The discussion below was copied from the Net's "Ask Your Neighbor" page and the AGLCA mailing list.

      We will be making our way down from Ft Lauderdale next week to Maratheon & then up the West side. Those who have been in this area I would appreaciate comments on where the great marinas are located or interesting stops.
      Also if we go down the ICW where can we cross to Hawks channel easily, or should we go Hawks from Miami?.  We draw 4.5 ft
      Any comments on the route from Maratheon to Naples?

      Hi Larry,
      The best the Keys has to offer is on the Gulf side!
      Too often people just do the Florida Keys – Hawk Channel three-step (Largo, Marathon, and Key West).
      But, as an example, we list 222 anchorages and moorings in our guide, most of them on the Gulf side.
      And with 4.5 foot draft, you're in great shape to get off the Magenta Line and explore!
      To answer your question, don't stay in Hawk Channel. Play the 19 crossovers to experience all that both "sides" of the Keys have to offer.
      But you will want to cross back over to Hawk Channel at the Channel Five, Moser Channel, or Bahia Honda Channel crossovers … versus going up the "back country" route over Big Pine, etc.
      If you're in Miami for the Boat Show, stop by the Strictly Sail Author's Corner. I'm giving a Keys presentation on Monday at 1045 hrs (Tent A). We'll get down and get Keysie.    [wink]
      Stay in the deep water,
      Mark Doyle

      I think it's great fun to stop at John Pennekamp state park at Key Largo.  They have 2 slips righ in front of the park dock with power and water.  Take to park boat out to the reef and scuba or snorkel. It's a beautiful coral reef.  You can also take your own boat out to the reef and use one of the gov't, moorings free.  Snorkel from your own boat and eat lunch moored over the reefs.  Watch your charts carefully getting to the moooring balls, but there's plenty of water depth to go in and out.  The mooring field at the poark is for smaller boats.  Ours draws 4.5 ft. and it was fine getting in and out at the
      park dock, but the mooring lagoon is too shallow.
      Doug Shuman

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    • Florida Keys Cruising Advice

      The discussion below was copied from the Net's "Ask Your Neighbor" page (/ask_your_neighbor/ask_your_neighbor/).

      We would appreciate suggestions on where to stay in the Keys next Winter.  We’ll need a slip for a 42’ boat with a four foot  draft and will probably want to haul the boat and have the bottom cleaned.  Our initial thought is to rent an apartment for a few weeks but no longer than a month.  The apartment does not have to be on the water but does need to be within easy bicycle range of the marina. We hope to find quiet, reasonably priced,  locations and are willing to make a commitment now to hold a good apartment and a good slip.
      Dave and Pam Feltner

      Islamorada, Plantation Yacht Harbor. Great we have stayed there for years.  Now fully rebuilt docks $21.00 foot park you car at the boat.

      This is our first winter in the Keys. Right now we are in Marathon at the Sombrero Marina and Dockside (305) 743-0000. This is a good start for us, the price is good for the month, we have a 66' with a four foot draft. There is plenty of water here. We plan on exploring so being at mile marker 50 makes it easy. There are plenty of bike paths, shopping, golf course, and a lively Dock Side Tiki Bar and Lounge with live music. Good places for breakfast, lunch and dinner in walk/bike distance. The Marathon Airport is two miles away with every car rental  Nice, friendly people. If you are looking for laid back, this is the place. Very quiet during the day, the music generally dies down around 9:00 pm. Nights are quiet. Just down the road from the this Marina is another one, Sombrero Resort and Lighthouse Marina, they have condos for rent, don't know much more than that. Best of luck with your search. The Keys are beautiful.
      Karen and Denny

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    • Florida Keys Depth and Draft

      I copied the discussion below from the Net's "Ask Your Neighbor" page (/ask_your_neighbor/ask_your_neighbor/). In turn, the original question and answer were copied, with permission, from the T&T (Trawlers and Trawlering) list.
      Anyway, I thought this discussion contained plenty of good info which should also have a place here on the Net's "Florida Keys" section.

      We're heading from Miami south to the keys, Marathon, probably Key West  eventually. 1st time. Maerin draws an even 5 ft. We avoid marinas except as a last  resort. We have no schedule.
      Our plan it to head down Hawk Channel, from what we can gather from all the information we have available, inside is doable but I'm crazy about  having a lot of contact with the bottom. I'd rather stay in deeper water  and be able to relax a bit, at least for my initiation to cruising the  Keys. Seems most of the cruising guides are directed toward 3 ft. of draft!
      I'd welcome any input, especially recommendations of spots where we might be able to anchor for a day or so as we make our way south.
      Steve Sipe
      Solo 4303 "Maerin"
      Lying N of Belle Is. Miami Beach

      Plenty of deep water in Hawks Channel. Our usual run is Key Biscayne/Miami to Rodriguez Key, To Marathon and Key West can be done from there on a long day. Look for strong easterly winds form Miami to Marathon and don't leave Miami until they either go light or go northwest. Its a great trip and just watch the depth sounder going into Rodriguez. We were based out of the Keys for 10 years with a 6 foot draft. Chuck

      I've done the inside on my boat many time with a good 4' draft and really no problems. it's all well marked and a pleasant trip.
      I took a 54 hatt down last year, the winds were strong resulting in water being pushed out of florida bay, it was fine.  kept slow (hull speed), churned some sand behind the boat in a couple of spots but never touched.
      The only shallow spots are at the eastern entrance to Dusenbverry Creek, in KL, about 5.5' MLW, and a sport  on a north side of KL,  exiting the last cut before the run to Pigeon creek, again 5.5 MLW.
      There are many nice spots to anchor out.. in biscayne bay, Eliott Key and Boca Chita are must stop at… you can take 5' into boca chita, it's about 5.5 between the final set of buoys near the island., again that's MLW, you can play the tide for safety.
      Further down, you can anchor north of Pigeon key, plenty of water there, near Butternut keys.
      From there, go outside at Snake Creek, you can grab a mooring at Indian Key.
      Marathon is ok, they have moorings now, but I prefer anchoring on the other side of hte 7 miles bridge, by Bahia Honda, either between the bridges by the park, or a couple miles north behind the keys on the east side of big spanish channel.  New Found Harbor a few miles south is also a protected anchorage.

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    • Inside Route Depth Queston

      I copied the question below from the Net's "Ask Your Neighbor" page. Thought Captain Clayton might find more of an audience here. Please send any response to his question to or click the "Contribue Cruising News" link found near the top, center of this, and most Net pages.

      Subject: inside ICW vs. Hawks Channel 5.4' draft
      Cruising News: I am planning a trip from key west up the keys for a week at end of Feb. and staying at various marinas along the way.  My boat draws 5.0' to 5.4' depending on fuel, etc.  it appears there are sections of the inland ICW that are too shallow, but are there any section along the way I could use, or should I stay outside the entire way?
      Also, i am planning on making it to Duck Key, possibly Islamorada and stayinng at Marathon Marina, Hawks Cay and Holiday Isle or Caloosa Cove, any suggestions on other marinas we could visit instead that can handle the draft?

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    • Sister Creek – Boot Key Harbor (Marathon) Depths

      I copied Captain Sam’s question below from the Net’s “Ask Your Neighbor” page. I thought he might get a quicker answer if I put his text here as well.

      Subject: Entering Boot Dey Harbor with 6′ draft Cruising News:
      I have been told that Boot Key Harbor can be entered through Sister Creek at high tide with 6′ draft. (mast is too high for main channel passage under 65′ power cable clearance) Has anyone had that experience with 6′ draft?
      Catalina 50

      Perusing your website saw the question about Sister’s Creek with a 6′ draft. I draw 5’8 and would not dare try to navigate Sister’s Creek even at high tide. You COULD but I wouldn’t recommend it unless with the benefit of an unusually super lunar tide.
      Sam didn’t say what his mast height is, but this may be of help: What a number of sailors do to remedy the problem of the often drooping communications line (not a power line) is to have someone
      up the mast who can push it up out of the way as your vessel passes beneath it. It’s worked for dozens of taller masts over the years. We have very large
      schooners that come in here for the Boy Scout trips… tall masts.
      I’d also suggest he call the bridgetender, particularly “Lee of s/v Mariah,” who is forever gracious and quite knowledgeable. He would know the mast heights that have used the method I mention successfully.
      Aboard s/v September Sea

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Boot Key Harbor Mooring Field and Anchorage

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    • Marathon – Book Key Harbor – Still Cruiser Friendly

      On 1/9/09, as part of a Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net Alert, I asked for info about an ordinance which was proposed some months ago in Marathon, to address the very real problem of abandoned vessels. The trouble was that, as originally written, it would have been a technical violation to leave your boat at all.
      Fortunately, as you will see below this entire proposal was dropped, or perhaps was never a real issue in the first place. Clearly, Marathon and the Boot Key Harbor Mooring Field are still VERY cruiser friendly!

      Marathon does not have any regulation regarding leaving your boat. I am currently on a mooring ball in Boot Key Harbor and the marina staff is doing everything possible to make everyone feel welcome. There was a proposal last fall about leaving your boat but it was quickly dropped and there is no discussion about a new ordinance.
      Captain Harv
      S/V Camelot

      Hi Claiborne,
      We were just in marathon for a weekend jaunt, they have really cleaned up the mooring field, alot! Saw very few “junker” boats,, even in the anchoring area.
      Happy new year!
      See you on the Waterways!
      Capt. Sterling

      Hey there,
      There never was anything on the table here in Boot Key Habor that proposed to make it a crime to simply leave your boat. The confusion is that there are two different entities making revisions on separate matters: 1) the City of Marathon, and 2) the FWC.
      The FWC revisions are to make it easier for municipalities to prevent and control the problem of derelict boats. Any city or municipality can choose to enforce those prohibitions (if and when passed) or decline and/or set up their own set of rules to use.
      All the powers that be in Marathon do not want to prohibit anchoring inside Boot Key Harbor. They have stressed this time and again that liveaboards are not in threat of losing their right to anchor here. They have made that CRYSTAL CLEAR in every way.
      What they do want to control is the problem with boats left unattended and literally abandoned. This Harbor had plenty of those years ago and I’ve watched those pests be towed off, put in the queue, and then destroyed. What a breath of fresh air that has been!
      To keep that problem from occuring again, the City Marina wants boaters to let them know IN WRITING when they are leaving their boats for longer than x” period of time (quite reasonable) and who to contact in case of emergency. That has previously been an unwritten courtesy that any sensible boater has done in the past without urging.
      One must admit that it does make it pretty apparent who is aboard and who is not. The Harbor was never intended to be wet storage for absentee owners who come here very eight
      months. There have been owners who rent boats and are never here and then abandon them when they end up in the mangroves after a big blow. It’s how the icky stuff gets started.
      Too, boats that do not navigate do not have to register with the State of Florida. Makes no sense to me. That is exactly the true origin of the derelict boat problem. Anyone can tow whatever in here and plunk it down anchored to an engine block and leave to never return. There is no way of bringing that owner to court for costs incurred due to his vessel because there is no registration to track. That’s LEGAL. Unreal.
      The derelict boat problem for Boot Key Harbor is not even really inside the Harbor at all (at least not as of today). The problem lies in the specific area immediately west of the bascule bridge.
      So the bad press Marathon has been getting is all for naught. There is no truth to it at all. You will not find more compassionate and caring advocates for boaters, liveaboards, and full-time cruisers than those in the employ of the City of Marathon Marina and Boot Key Harbor.
      Hope this clears up the matter for ya.
      Big Hugs,
      Charmaine Smith Ladd
      Aboard s/v September Sea

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Boot Key Harbor Mooring Field and Anchorage

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    • Anchoring Not Allowed Within 500 Yards of Fleming Key (Key West)

      I certainly hope the info in Captain Ned’s note below does not preclude anchoring adjacent to Christmas Tree Island. This is indeed one of the few good places to anchor in Key West. Of course, I’m sure the large, city sponsored mooring field east of Fleming Key is still in full operation.

      Subject: No Anchoring Flemming Key , Key West
      Cruising News: The Navy is not allowing anchoring within 400 yards of Fleming Key. This was one of the few spots to anchor at Key West.
      Ned Young
      SV Dreamweaver

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Fleming Key/Man of War Harbor Anchorage

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    • Cruising to the Dry Tortugas

      I copied the question and answer below from the Net's "Ask Your Neighbor" page. I suspect it will find a wider audience here.
      By the way, this string originally appeared on the MTOA List-serve.

      Any pointers, advice, warnings, based on the vast experience of the group,  about Dry Tortugas. Place to anchor, etc. We have enough supplies (and space for garbage) to survive without replenishments for some time. Would like to  visit, because it's there.

      All seven islands are a national park. You can anchor with ample holding and depth at the fort. Don't want anything to do with it in bad wx. Have fun
      More information google US National parks. go to Florida, and click on the tortugas…there are overhead pictures of all of the islands, channels and anchorages. Along with what areas are restricted etc…
      Carl Hibbard

      Richard and I have been there four times and it is one of our favorite places. There is an anchorage area with very good holding. When you check in with the Park Rangers inquire about the landing pattern of the twin engine plane that brings out tourists from Key West. The fort is fabulous and very interesting. The snorkling and diving is incredible. There is a reef on the back side of Loggerhead Key, it has the light house on it, that is a great snorkling area. If memory serves it is shaped like Africa! We took soda and beer in cans so we could crush them and did not use any paper products like plates or cups. Really cuts down on the garbage situation. Also, make sure your overboard sewage discharge is closed and locked. Best park is NO BUGS!!! There is a bird sanctuary there that takes care of that. Also, commercial boats anchor there and for a six pack you can get some fresh fish or lobster (when in season). It is also a jumping off place for folks headed to Mexico, South and Central America. Met some great people on their way back. Have fun!!
      Richard and Judy Klawe

      As others have said, it is a GREAT place to visit. As in don't miss it.
      I am amazed at the vast majority of visitors ( boaters) to Fla who never go there and very few on the Great Circle Cruise.
      You do not need a permit to visit the Fort area. The notices for a permit that you will see apply to the out lying areas
      During out stay two boat loads of Cubans made it to the island. We got some pictures of their homemade boat, 16 in a very small boat. Two groups in one nt, the weather was bad which enabled them to sneak in.  The other grp brt in by a smuggler.
      Make sure that your holding tank is empty before you set out as there as there are no services at all.

      You might want to kick in  just go to US national parks on your computer.  Click Florida click the island of Tortuga and you have all of the information available, where, permits, fees etc.
      Color pictures of the entire area, and all the buoys shown, anchorages etc.
      Carl Hibbard 

      There are some good anchorages a few hundred yards ESE of the fort with easy access to the docks and land. Be alert for the Barracudas that hang out near the anchorages.
      John Harris

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    • Florida Keys Cruising – Inside/ICW vs Hawk Channel

      Just hours away from the Florida Keys, Dry Tortugas and Sanibel! Below, you will find a very interesting and informative discussion, which I copied from the Trawlers and Trawlering list, concerning the relative attributes of cruising the Florida Keys by way of the Inside/ICW route, vs Hawk Channel. There are many good points to consider.

      I'm planning a Christmas trip from the Miami area down the Keys probably to Boot Key and back; I have only previously run the Hawk Channel route. Can any listees provide some guidance on depth issues in ICW along this route, and mention any areas less than 5' ( I draw 4'  with twins) so a bit of a margin is nice. Does the Ceasar Creek route provide 5' on the bay side in and out? What tide range can be expected? If a strong norther sets in, how does that effect the water levels? FYI, I need 19' air draft for any bridges.  Appreciate any advise on list or direct.

      We were based out of the Keys for 10 years. I would suggest you use the Hawk Channel route since there are no advantages to the Bayside route of the ICW and even with 4 foot draft you are probably going to run aground and this could be on coral and not just sand. December as with most winter months will give you the strong winds from the north, another reason to use Oceanside. The tides are normally 2 to 3 feet but winds and celestial influences can not be overlooked. Hawks channel has plenty of water and not much to worry about and can even be sailed at night if you know the area.

      I disagree, i think the bay side as a lot to offer and with 4' draft you will have plenty of water to enjoy the many anchorages, remote spots and the sheltered water of Florida Bay.
      I've done the route many times with my 4' draft hatt., the ICW is very well marked and foolproof.  no way to run aground there!  It's really mostly 6'  deep except a couple of 5'+ spots north of Key Largo. one at the entrance to Dusenberry Creek, another one of R58 off Rock Harbor, and another one just east of Cross Bank, but again, all over 5'.   Earlier this year, I took a larger boat down with a 5' draft and it was a little closer, we churned the bottom a few times but never touched.
      The only reason I'd consider taking Hawk Channel is if you're running on plane as rolling wont' be an issue…  if you're going to do it slow, enjoy the bay.
      And while indeed northerly winds can lower the water a bit,  the tides on the bay side are minimal, under 1'.  2 to 3' tides are outside, not inside.

      I have made the trip many times with 4 ft plus draft. It will get skinny,  but, you can make it . It's just pretty scarry at first because you can see the bottom, and it get skinny down by islamorada. You will make it fine.
      See you in  Paradise!
      Capt. Sterling

      Skinwalker with its 4.5 foot draft and crew has traveled both sides of the Keys in the winter enough to far prefer the inside with its clear protective water and anchorages.  We do watch our depths through the few coral cuts on the inside ICW route, but even those are usually, but not always non-events for some; yet we have never had a problem or run aground in the channel.  I suggest your decision be developed on what you wish to experience.  On the inside are wonderful blissful anchorages that provide access to the edge of the Everglades by dinghy or Tour, with hundreds of small Mangrove Islands, creeks and even a few Mangrove tunnels, all  pregnant with wild life.  There is also direct access, to a number of wonderfully funky, Keys, tiki bars with a fauna all there own.  I could start naming them up and down the interior of the Keys, but they are so much more fun when one discovers them on their own. If you like exploring the water and its edges–you will like doing it from the inside of the Keys.
      aka Wayne & Lynn Flatt
      MV Skinwalker

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    • A Detailed Look At Key West Bight Marinas

      Our thanks to Captain Rich for this very detailed look at the marina choices in Key West Bight. Looks right on the proverbial money to me!

      As promised, below is my recap of the current state of the marinas in Key West Bight Harbor. All are great places to stay but as you will see, they each are unique in their own way, so depending on the configuration of your vessel and what you plan on doing while visiting, then the choice for which marina to use varies. Again, I’ve stayed at them all and like them all. If you want amenities then Conch Harbor or The Galleon are the clear choice. And if you want the funky laid back feel of Key West, then the Key West Bight Marina is the choice. If you twisted my arm and yelled, “Tell me your favorite!” I’d say A&B … but that’s me and right now I’m writing this from my boat, Dancing Bear, in slip A10 at the Key West Bight Marina. I guess I’m just feeling “Key West funky” this week.
      Conch Harbor Marina
      Dockage, Diesel, Gas, Restaurant & Bar, Pool, Rest Room, Showers, and Laundry for marina customers.
      Fixed docks, most with a 12′ finger, a few with a full length finger peer. `Stern to’ docking necessary so succumb to the over the bow pulpit two step dance. RIB inflatable `tug’ can be arranged to help with maneuvering. Main peer is privately owned, slips are privately owned `condo style’ and leased through the management company, there is a secure gate at the top of the dock that is locked at night, so your fishing gear, bicycles, etc are secure while you sleep.
      Current rates for boats under 65′ is $3.50/ft per day, or $60/ft. per month.
      Key West Bight Marina
      City of Key West owned marina with Dockage, Diesel, Gas, Rest Rooms, Showers, and Laundry for marina customers.
      Four docking peers (A, C, D, and E ‘¦ B dock is the commercial dock that holds the fuel dock, and the ferry to the Dry Tortugas. Full-length finger peers between slips on the A dock only. No finger peers on the other docks, so unless you get one of the very few `tie along-side’ spots, you’d better bring a gangway.
      Key West Bight Maria controls the public dinghy dock for those visitors who choose to anchor out. Current rates are $6.00/day, $26.50 per week, $80.00 per month and a 13 ft maximum length for the dinghy.
      Current rates for slip dockage is $2.75/ft. per day or $44.00 /ft per month. There are higher rates during designated special events (Memorial Day, 4th of July, October Fantasy Fest, November Power Boat Races, Christmas/New Years, and KW Race Week in January.)
      A&B Marina Marina
      Dockage, Diesel, Gas, Rest Room, Showers, and Laundry for marina customers. Public restaurants, and a great martini bar at the top of the pier.
      One long floating pier with a single T-head at the end where the fuel dock resides. There are no finger peers between slips, so bow or stern mooring and egress is required. Slips are privately owned `condo style’ and leased through the management company; there isn’t a secure gate at the top of the dock, only a rope barrier and a sign asking the public not to pass.
      Current rates are $3.00/ft per day, or $30/ft. per month. Availability is always the issue at this great marina.
      The Galleon Marina
      Dockage, Diesel, Gas, Restaurant & Bar, Pool, Rest Room, Showers, Gym, and Laundry for marina customers.
      Floating docks, all with a full-length finger peers. The Galleon is a time-share resort and marina customers have full use of the resort facilities. Like the other 3 privately owned marinas, the slips can be purchased `condo’ style and leased out through the management company. Like Conch Harbor, the facility is secure at night. The docks at the Galleon stretch along the full length of the harbor’s breakwater thus, depending on the slip you are assigned, your walk from the boat to the shore could be long if you are lugging `boat stuff.’
      Current rates are $3.50/ft per day, or $60/ft. per month.
      All the best,
      Capt. Rich
      M/V Dancing Bear

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Galleon Marina

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For A&B Marina

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Key West Bight City Marina

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Conch Harbor Marina

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    • Shallow Spots on Inside, Florida Bay Channel – Key Largo to Tavernier

      Key Lime Sailing Club in Key Largo, 305-451-3438, www.keylimesailingclub.comCaptain Pascal's posting below was actually in response to a question I had asked in my "Florida Keys Wish List" about whether others had found shallow water at the intersection of the Inside Route/ICW and Tavernier Creek. Pascal details some other skinny spots to watch out for!

      It's also a little skinny (5' MLW) at the entrance to dusenberry, bet 40 and 41, and further down near 58, also 5' MLW). remember that in florida bay water level can be lower when windy.

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    • Sunset Cove Anchorage (Buttonwood Sound – Key Largo)

      On 12/4/08, as part of a “Florida Keys Wish List,” I posed the following question:

      14. Who has anchored in Sunset Cove, off Buttonwood Sound (near Statute Mile 1143)? Did you find yourself amidst a whole collection of fellow cruising craft? Did you find anywhere to land a dinghy ashore?

      Responses follow:

      Sunset Cove gets shallow near shore and if you don’t get close you get the wakes from the ICW

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Sunset Cove

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    • Sands Key Anchorages (Biscayne Bay)

      On 12/4/08, as part of a “Florida Keys Wish List,” I posed the following question:

      3. Has anyone anchored off Biscayne Bay’s Sands Key (near Statute Mile 1110)? What depths did you find? Would you recommend this anchorage to your fellow cruisers?

      Responses follow:

      You can anchor in 7 or 8′ of water on the north side of Sand Key, north of the sandbar off the cut. There is a little canal in the bend going to a pond, worth a trip with the dink.
      The best anchorage in the area is still Eliott Key, though, I rarely anchor off sandkey. The water is clear, you can dinghy to the beach near the north.
      There is a small marina halfway down, by the rangers building, small boats though (under 30). no services, but a boardwalk/trail crossing to the ocean side.

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Directory Listing For Sands Key

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    • Soldier Key Anchorage (Biscayne Bay)

      On 12/4/08, as part of a “Florida Keys Wish List,” I posed the following question:

      1. Has anyone tried to anchor off Soldier Key? Did you find the entrance channel unmarked and tricky?

      Responses follow:

      You can anchor on the bay to the west… i’ve never dare trying to get close!

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Soldier Key

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    • Key West To the Dry Tortugas

      Just hours away from the Florida Keys, Dry Tortugas and Sanibel! On 12/4/08, as part of a "Florida Keys Wish List," I posed the following question:

      50. Who has taken their own vessel to the Dry Tortugas, Garden Key and Fort Jefferson. Please describe your cruising experience. Would you recommend this passage to other cruisers? If so, what would be your minimum vessel size recommendations.

      Responses follow:

      Enjoyed reading your wish list. I wish we had cruised the Keys more recently than the winter of 2004-5, so we could help answer some of your questions. The hurricanes of 2005 obviously changed a lot of things that we aren't aware of right now.
      However, I doubt if the passage from Key West to Dry Tortugas has changed much, and we did that in our 35 foot trawler back in January  2005. We had a good weather window, and stayed anchored off the fort for 3 nights before returning to Key West (stopping at Marquesa Key both ways). The trip out was a piece of cake – relatively calm winds and seas. The return was a bit of a ride for the first 30 miles and we had to "tack" across 5-6 foot waves with a period of about 12 seconds, and reduce speed to around 5 knots or so until we got within the reefs which helped dampen the seas a bit. This was better than waiting another day when the forecast was for really rough weather!
      We'd do it again in a heart beat. It is an idyllic place and unique from every perspective. The staff at Fort Jefferson is superbly friendly and helpful. Water wasn't much of a problem, although we did consciously conserve (washed dishes once a day, were careful when brushing teeth and washing, took showers on the day-cats, etc). When we returned after six days out, we had used less than 40 gallons of water.
      I think one could make the trip in a smaller trawler (certainly a smaller sailboat) with a good weather window. You could always stay anchored at Fort Jefferson until a front passed (usually 3-4 days) if
      you got caught. All the local fishermen come into the anchorage at night, and stay there during bad weather in relatively small boats.
      The depth in the anchorage was about 20 feet, if I recall, so scope is important. Once set, our SuperMax held well, but there is some grass on the bottom that caused a problem for a couple of other boats that were there at the same time.
      Bob McLeran and Judy Young  

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    • Fleming Key Mooring Field (Key West)

      On 12/4/08, as part of a “Florida Keys Wish List,” I posed the following question:

      48. The city of Key West maintains a huge mooring field north of Fleming Key, administered by the city marina on Garrison Bight. Any of you who have stayed in the Key West mooring field recently, please share your experience. Did you get your holding tanks pumped out regularly? Were you able to dinghy ashore at Garrison Bight? Key West Bight?

      Responses follow:

      The mooring field at Fleming Key is a great place except in a north or north east wind. You can take your dink around to either Key West Marina. There is a facility charge in addition to use the docks at the Key west Bight, but itʼs worth the price.
      Bob & Toni Dorman

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For The Fleming Key Mooring Field

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