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    • Florida Keys Reef Photos

      Our thanks to longtime cruiser, Tony Pozun, for sharing his photos of our Florida Keys reefs.

      I’ve been diving Florida keys for 45 yrs,.. we need to take better care of our reefs for our kids. Some pics:
      Tony Pozun

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    • FL Anchoring Legislation Summary

      Our thanks to Kim Russo of AGLCA for posting this summary on Forum.

      Here’s a very helpful summary prepared by our lobbyist, Jerry Paul, out-lining the action to date on the current bill and what it includes. [exoand title=”Read More!“]

      HB 7043 – “Vessels”

      2017 Florida Legislative Session


      Pursuant to Florida Statutes adopted in 2009, Florida’s FWC (Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission) conducted an Anchoring & Mooring Pilot Program which concluded in 2017. The 2009 law also required the FWC to issue a report and required the Florida Legislature to act on recommendations from the pilot program. It is this mandate that HB 7043 addresses. The bill incorporates many of the findings and recommendations from the pilot program. As of May 1, 2017, the bill has been adopted by the Florida House of Representative and the Florida Senate. The bill has been “enrolled” and sent to the Florida Governor for consideration.

      Summary of the bill:

      Prohibits local governments (cities and counties) from adopting new laws that ban or restrict anchoring and mooring outside the boundaries of existing mooring fields.This regulatory authority is reserved to the State so that local governments cannot create a confusing patchwork that varies by location.

      Provides more flexibility for removal of derelict vessels. For example, a vessel is at risk of becoming derelict if the vessel does not have effective means of propulsion for safe navigation within 72 hours after the owner or operator of the vessel receives notice of such from a law enforcement officer and cannot provide proof of purchase of parts necessary for repair.

      The bill does not create any new anchoring restricted areas.The bill does not include the drastic anchoring “set-backs” had been proposed by some local governments and anti-anchoring activists.The bill does, however, include the following setbacks:

      Prohibits a vessel or floating structure from anchoring or mooring within 150 feet of a marina, boat ramp, boatyard, or other vessel launching or loading facility, within 300 feet of a superyacht repair facility.
      Prohibits anchoring within 100 feet outward from the marked boundary of a public mooring field. A local government may establish a distance less than this (but not more) upon notification to FWC.
      Provides exceptions to these restrictions in situations such as when weather requires temporary anchoring for safety.

      Note: As stated above, the bill does not create any new anchoring restricted areas. Remember, however, that a bill was adopted during the 2016 legislative session that established anchoring restricted areas in the following locations: (a) The section of Middle River lying between Northeast 21st Court and the Intracoastal Waterway in Broward County; (b) Sunset Lake in Miami-Dade County; (c) The sections of Biscayne Bay in Miami-Dade County lying between: 1. Rivo Alto Island and Di Lido Island, 2. San Marino Island and San Marco Island, and 3. San Marco Island and Biscayne Island.

      Prohibits a vessel or floating structure from anchoring, mooring, tying, or otherwise affixing to an unpermitted or unauthorized object that is on or affixed to the bottom of waters of the state.

      Allows local governments to adopt the Monroe County/Florida Keys standard program for requiring proof of pump-outs within 10-14 days in certain locations such as no-discharge zones and mooring fields.

      Kim Russo
      America’s Great Loop Cruisers’ Association

      Wally Moran adds his thoughts on this legislation via his blog, LiveBloggin’ the ICW

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    • Florida Keys Deal from Key Lime Sailing Club, Key Largo, FL

      Key Lime Sailing Club in Key Largo, 305-451-3438,

      Our good friends at Key Lime Sailing Club, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, have some very special offers for their SPRING visitors! Key Lime Sailing Club is on the Inside Route side of Key Largo.

      Key Lime Sailing Club : $144 NT Florida Keys Deal


      Key Lime Sailing Club
      101425 Overseas Hwy. #922
      Key Largo , FL 33037

      1 Facebook Likes, 1 Facebook Reactions

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    • A Plea for Overhead Clearance at Boot Key Harbor, Marathon, FL

      Boot Key Harbor and its mooring field is actually bordered on its southern shore by Vaca Key in Marathon. The 65ft vertical clearance cable Peter describes is in the west side of the bascule bridge entering the harbor channel.

      Boot Key Harbor, what a great anchorage. However, I can’t bring my boat past the bridge because of the wires. These really need to come down and be rerouted and buried under water. Why hasn’t this been done already ?? It is just a matter of time before this will need to be done and the longer it is delayed, the greater the cost will increase. Disappointing. I sail a 55 foot Beneteau with a 78 foot mast.
      Peter Scherer

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Boot Key Harbor

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Boot Key Mooring Field

      Comments from Cruisers (3)

      1. Steve -  April 1, 2017 - 9:05 am

        Keith is correct of course. I have the same problem Peter has, though. It’s amazing that Marathon has left that power line up all these years. An accident waiting to happen. Guess it’s as stupid as the city of Sarasota leaving their passes almost unnavigable as access to their beautiful city and bay.

        Reply to Steve
      2. doc vezin -  March 31, 2017 - 2:56 pm

        Also Sister Creek to the South.

        Reply to doc
      3. Keith -  March 25, 2017 - 6:22 pm

        With all respect, Peter… You chose your boat, right? And the “standard” for bridge clearance throughout the ICW system is 65′, I assume you knew that when you were planning your cruising?
        So the problem – from the municipalitie’s point of view – is not the wires. The problem is that your boat is too big.

        Reply to Keith
    • 32 Derelicts to be Removed from Marquesas Keys, West of Key West

      Derelict and abandoned vessels are a huge factor in the increasingly restrictive anchoring regulations in Florida. See Derelict Boats Accumulating along Central Florida Coast and Funds Available for Derelict Vessel Removal in Florida. The Marquesas Keys are a group of islands about 17 miles west of Key West.

      Monroe County to remove 32 derelict boats from Marquesas Keys
      $61,200 project begins Sunday, continues through April 1
      By Peter Burke – Managing Editor
      Posted: 4:10 PM, March 09, 2017

      CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL REPORT from NBC News 10 Monroe County

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    • Florida Anchoring Update March, 05, 2017

      See also Florida Wildlife and Fish Commission Proposed Anchoring Program and Lobbyists’ Report: Florida Legislation Sessions.

      Florida Anchoring Update March, 05, 2017

      Capitol Access is contacting other Lobbyists that have an interest with the navigable waterways, to understand each of their positions relative to ours. So far, the groups are synchronized in their positions fairly well … they are not promoting any issues or amendments that are averse to ours. This process of collaboration among all similar (and dissimilar) groups must take place continually, on a day-to-day basis, throughout the session.

      Currently, Capitol Access is tracking House and Senate bills to identify any amendments that might get filed … they are ready to take a position on them as the bills get scheduled for hearings throughout the committee process. We are well-positioned with this. Capitol Access will keep us updated as amendments may be filed and as the bills get scheduled for hearings.

      Survey: A lobbyist for Rybovich Superyacht Marina in Palm Beach County ( has mentioned interest in anchoring restrictions at or near their entrance channel to ensure adequate ingress/egress/turn-around for the large vessels that they service. We not familiar with that channel. Presumably there are areas in this proximity where cruisers commonly anchor. If an amendment is filed to create a no-anchoring zone, we need local knowledge to assess the scope/breadth of the language relative to the
      facts on the water.

      Please advise if any boater can offer information relating to anchoring on the ICW between West Palm Beach and North Palm Beach. Respond to Mike Bodin

      Comments from Cruisers (2)

      1. Katherine Harms -  March 17, 2017 - 2:50 pm

        Many times we have anchored south of Peanut Island opposite the Palm Beach Sailing Club, sometimes near, sometimes pretty far away. However, when we were there in 2015 and 2016, there were many, many private moorings in that area. We could not find any location we considered safe among the moorings.
        We continued south of the channel used for access to Rybovich, and we anchored there in nearly 20 feet of water. We saw numerous large boats go in and out of Rybovich with no problems obvious to us. I can’t imagine what the complaint is about.

        Reply to Katherine
      2. Alex Tarlecky -  March 12, 2017 - 11:22 am

        When we were anchored outside of the Rybovich yacht basin (not the Rybovich yard which is further north), the yachts would generally enter by coming down the eastern channel and then cut across spoil area, which is generally free of boats, then across the ICW western channel and into the basin. They seemed to have plenty of room.

        Unfortunately that anchoring area south of the spoil area just outside Rybovich is one of the few areas south of peanut island and north of the bridge that you can get access to a dinghy dock and water, via the Palm Beach Sailing Club. It can get quite rough there when there are north and south winds, especially when the 2 knot current is going against the wind. While not a long dinghy ride in good situations, during the rougher weather it can trying and sometimes dangerous.

        Without access to this dock from a close location you would have to be in the anchorage just south of Peanut island and take the dinghy over to the muni marina, which is too far a dinghy ride for those near the Palm Beach Sailing Club.

        Then next best location would be south of the bridge near Clematis street.

        It doesn’t appear to me at all that the megayachts have any trouble transitioning into Rybovich. Maybe the problem is with the facility and not with the ICW.

        Reply to Alex
    • Lobbyists’ Report: Florida Legislation Sessions

      See also Florida Wildlife and Fish Commission Proposed Anchoring Program and Florida Anchoring Update March, 05, 2017.

      Capitol Access, Jerry Paul, Esq. Lobbyists at Florida’s State Capitol; News Release

      Today marks Day 1 of the annual 60-Day Legislative Session. Although the House and Senate Committees have been meeting fairly continuously since December, the actual session, including consideration of bills on the full chamber floors, begins today. The Senate convenes at 9:30 a.m. and the House convenes at 10 a.m.

      The opening day will largely be consumed with ceremonial events. Thereafter the pace will pick up quickly. This should be an interesting session. There are many newly-elected legislators following the recent elections and the conclusion of term limits for many past members. Of course many officials are already looking to their next election so some policy positions tend to be colored by that. (Remember, all of Florida’s Cabinet members – Governor, Attorney General, Commissioner of Agriculture, Chief Financial Officer – are up for election in just 20 months). But, there are also many serious matters on which the chambers will ultimately come together to resolve, not the least of which is the State Budget which will exceed $82 Billion. Although the State is expected to have a small surplus, the funds are largely already obligated so it is expected that it will ultimately be a tight budget year, particularly in the context of pending requests filed by members totaling more than $100 Million.

      Today also marks the deadline for filing bills. The House and Senate bills on anchoring have both been officially filed. They are essentially identical and still reflect the provisions that we previously circulated. These bills will now move through the committee process including 3 committee hearings in the House and 3 committee hearings in the Senate. Then the bills will be heard on each of the full chamber floors and, if passed, would then go to the desk of the Governor for his consideration. The lead on these bills is Representative Holly Raschein (RFlorida
      Keys) who has invited me to attend a Stakeholder Meeting on Thursday during which all represented interests will sit together and go through provisions of the bill(s) to discuss any opposition. I will also be meeting with Senator Lauren Book who is the Senate Sponsor. We will provide a debrief to you thereafter.

      Submitted by Mike Bodin
      MTOA Public Advocate

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    • Funds Available for Derelict Vessel Removal in Florida

      Derelict and abandoned vessels are a huge factor in the increasingly restrictive anchoring regulations in Florida. See Derelict Boats Accumulating along Central Florida Coast and MTOA Anchoring Florida Legislative Update 2/24/2017

      FWC announces final opportunity for municipalities, counties to apply for derelict vessel removal funds

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    • MTOA Anchoring Florida Legislative Update 2/24/2017

      Our thanks to Mike Bodin of Marine Trawler Owners Association for this updated perspective on Florida’s anchoring restrictions. See Florida Wildlife and Fish Commission Proposed Anchoring Program and Anchoring Rights Lobbying Volunteers Needed

      Anchoring Florida Legislative Update 2/24/2017
      Presentation of the Proposed Committee Bill (“PCB NRPL 17-01 – Vessels”) was positive. The Chair of the committee and its members have been accessible to us and responsive to our positions. Our lobbyists, Capitol Access have been in constant contact with committee members prior to the drafting of the bill and continuing.

      So far, the team effort lead by MTOA along with AGLCA, SSCA, DeFever and many others has worked well to help shape the initial draft of the Bill that has been filed in the House as a Committee Bill by the House Natural Resources & Public Lands Subcommittee The Bill itself is consistent with the input from our team, which collectively considered all provisions recommended by the FWC (Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission). All positions
      of our cruisers groups are reflected in the bill as it is currently drafted. Good job to all and appreciate your thoughtful, timely response.

      On Wednesday, the Committee meet to hear the bill publicly and vote on whether the Committee itself would move forward as its official sponsor. Our lobbyists, Capitol Access, attended and represented us including Jerry Paul, our lead lobbyist, who provided comments to the committee stating our general agreement with the provisions and thanking the committee for excluding provisions that would have created no-anchoring set-backs from residential
      property; excluding provisions that would carve out specific no-anchoring zones; and including provisions ensuring that anchoring regulations remain in the jurisdiction of the State rather than allowing local jurisdictions to create a confusing patchwork of anti-anchoring ordinances.

      Mr. Paul also mentioned our intent to seek a reduction of the 300-foot buffer around mooring fields which is a provision in the current version of the bill. The committee voted unanimously to proceed forward with the bill.
      Next, it will receive referrals to multiple committees that will hold hearings and consider amendments that may be filed. Chair of the originating committee has agreed to meet with us and continue working with us. We will be vigilant in all committees to review and represent ourselves as to any amendments that may be adverse to our interests. There may be a need for cruisers to attend such hearings in Tallahassee.

      Also, we are anxiously awaiting the filing of a bill on the Senate side. The process there will repeat that of the House as described above. The committee hearing process will continue until a final bill on the House and Senate reach their respective chamber floors for final votes which will occur sometime prior to the end of the official 60-day Legislative Session which begins on March 7.

      We will continue to keep you updated. For now, you can be proud of the success you are having as a team that took the time to step up and speak out. However, we have future challenges ahead, and your presence at Florida’s Capitol may be requested for one (1) day. If you can attend you are requested to bring a burgee attached to a wooden rod aprox.3/8” Día X 24” Long. This will give committee members an additional visual demonstration of the boating
      community’s support for unnecessary new anchoring regulations.
      Mike Bodin
      MTOA Public Advocate

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    • 12 Ways the Florida Keys Are Unlike Anywhere Else on Earth by Lauren Mack

      Think you will enjoy this wonderful article by Lauren Mack in The Daily Meal. Descriptions of the chain of Keys, as well as recommended eateries, are offered.

      12 Ways the Florida Keys Are Unlike Anywhere Else on Earth
      Feb 21, 2017 | 2:31 pm
      By Lauren Mack
      The Florida Keys are connected by the 110-mile Overseas Highway.
      When the Florida Keys, a 120-mile chain of islands off the Sunshine State’s southernmost tip, decided to stage a ceremonial “secession” from the U.S. in 1982, the Conch Republic was born; you can even get your passport stamped with a novelty Conch Republic stamp. Since then, the world has taken note that the Florida Keys are unlike anywhere else on Earth.

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    • MTOA Florida Legislature Update 2, 2/16/2017

      Our thanks to Mike Bodin of Marine Trawler Owners Association for this updated perspective on Florida’s anchoring restrictions. See Florida Wildlife and Fish Commission Proposed Anchoring Program . 

      MTOA Florida Legislature Update 2/16/2017
      Enclosed is the latest review from Capitol Access in Tallahassee representing the following Boating
      consortium: SSCA, Standing Watch, AGLCA, MTOA, CFFW.
      We are promoting safe and considerate use of anchorages, and opposed to unjustified regulations of
      Florida’s waterways.
      The Boating consortium has had great success with the initial bill that was filed last night. The provisions
      of the bill are consistent with essentially all components of the consortium’s position:

      1. The STATE reserves all authority to adopt anchoring and mooring regulations (therefore avoiding a
      patchwork of differing regulations at the local level).

      2. There are no anchoring setbacks measured from residential waterfront properties.

      3. The setbacks from boat ramps, launch facilities and marinas is 150 feet.

      4. The buffer around existing mooring fields is 300 feet (as-recommended by FWC

      5. There are no additional anchoring limitation areas throughout the State
      This bill will be filed by the House Committee on Natural Resources and Public Lands, Chaired by Rep. Holly Raschein whose district covers the Florida Keys. The next step will be for the Committee to vote on whether the Committee itself will file this as a bill sponsored by the Committee (rather than a bill filed and sponsored by an individual member). Following that vote, the bill (called a PCB or Proposed Committee Bill) would then receive referrals to multiple committees and be heard in each one successively. Of course, Capitol Access would be in attendance at every step and provide their input.

      Capitol Access will watch for any amendments that are filed. There may be a need for our boaters to appears and give testimony.

      There is no Senate bill filed yet. Capitol Access is lead lobbyists.

      Mike Bodin
      MTOA Public Advocate

      1 Facebook Likes, 1 Facebook Reactions

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    • City of Marathon Mooring Field and Wet Slip Fees on Boot Key Harbor

      For 2017 rates, go to  and to  for mooring field information.

      January 28th 2012
      Boot Key Harbor City Marina Increases Fees
      Marathon, FL
      by Charmaine Smith Ladd

      Tuesday of this week, the City of Marathon approved an increase in the fees for mooring and dinghy dockage at their public City Marina. An increase has been expected, as the City is challenged to keep their books in the black. However expected the increase in fees, unexpected is the enormous rise in costs for those who choose to merely anchor and access the amenities of the City Marina.
      Mooring rates include dinghy dockage, one weekly sewage pump out (additional pump outs are available at $5 each), parking for one motor vehicle, and access to the marina commons (including laundry and shower facilities).
      Dingy dockage rates include all of the above except one is at anchor and not assigned the use of a mooring.
      Daily mooring increased from $21 to $22.
      Daily dinghy dockage increased from $13 to $22.
      Weekly mooring increased from $105 to $110.
      Weekly dinghy dockage increased from $45 to $85.
      Monthly mooring increased from $275 to $300.
      Monthy dinghy dockage increased from $135 to $225.
      Most transient boaters have no need for a parking space. Laundry is carded and one pays separately for use. Many cruisers shower aboard and do not use the marina for that purpose. Perhaps the City of Marathon should consider lowering fees for those who wish to simply access the City Marina for dinghy dockage. Having amenities listed and paid for on as “as needed” basis would be much more agreeable to those who have no use for many of the services included with dinghy dockage. It is the opinion of this writer that $225 per month to dock a dinghy at a City Marina facility is far too much.
      Charmaine Smith Ladd, SEECN Special Correspondent & Representative
      Executive Director, Mariner’s Barr (Boaters’ Anchoring Rights & Responsibilities)

      Sorry Charmaine, I would love to visit you there, but I don’t willingly submit to extortion. Those prices are ludicrous for the dinghy dock. I guess that’s a good way to chase away those at anchor, if that is their intention.
      John Kettlewell

      And water is 5 cents per gallon.
      Does anyone know if the mooring field is staying full this winter?

      That is INCREDIBLE!!! We were waiting for a weather window and intending to visit Marathon on our way from Key West to Bimini, but your article just changed our plans. Charging the same for a dinghy tie-up as for a mooring is simply insane, what were they thinking? We’d have taken a mooring if we could get one, but we are not about to pay the same if there are no mooring balls available. How very unwelcoming.
      Heather and Derek

      Maybe dockside could reopen a dinghy dock for $50 a month for those at anchor. Bring in business they lost over the years.
      Philip (formerly “Winds of Change”)

      There is no question that the city of Marathon is trying to NOT service the sailing community on a fair and non discriminatory basis. The fee now charged to anchor and use the dingy dock and showers is $225 per month for being on the anchor. The only people that can afford those rates are in general are the snow birds and a few sailors with deep pockets. For a live aboard that works every day he or she cannot afford those rates thus eliminating the less fortunate the opportunity to anchor in Boot Key Harbor within there means. Marathon City Marina is a public marina therefor any rate increases should have been equally charged to the moorings as well as the dingy dock and wet slips.
      However it appears that discrimination against the working class or less fortunate citizen continues in all forms of our government. The lucrative mooring balls were increased by 10% so why were the people who anchor there boats charged a 70% increase with no additional services?
      Ed & Bonnie Spomer S/V Almost Heaven

      Mooring Ball increase 8% / Dingy Dock increase 40% / Slip Rental under 36′ 100% over 36′ $1.00 per foot increase
      The boating community needs help to stop economic discrimination against those who choose to have small boats (Don Street for one) or want to anchor there vessels.
      Ed & Bonnie Spomer S/V Almost Heaven

      Ed & Bonnie: I agree with what you wrote, but the increase in the daily dinghy dock fee from $13 to $22 is actually about 69%! Obviously they are trying to force everyone onto the moorings, but there are times of the year when all the moorings are full, and there are also many of us that just prefer to anchor. If someone just wants to go ashore for dinner or to buy some groceries, add $22 to your bill. Imagine the uproar if a parking fee of $22 per day was put in place ashore.
      John Kettlewell

      The boating community in Boot Key Harbor is outraged to say the least. There is an effort to protest the unfair increases beginning with a first meeting on Friday February 10th @ 11:15 est. The meeting will be at the Marathon City Marina TiKi Hut.
      Ed & Bonnie Spomer S/V Almost Heaven

      Cruising News:
      Mooring Ball increase 8% / Dingy Dock increase 40% / Slip Rental under 36′ 100% over 36′ $1.00 per foot increase The boating community needs help to stop economic discrimination against those who choose to have small boats (Don Street for one) or want to anchor there vessels.
      Edwin Spomer

      We have not been to Marathon in a while. However it does hold a special place for us.
      Anyway I was just having a look at the increase in prices. Nothing really seems out of place. However my personal take on the drastic increase in Dinghy Dockage, is that the city wants people to take a mooring rather than just anchor and use the facilities. This may be over the top just a little as if the anchorage is reduced in size and people are foreced to anchor out side (during our past visits we had no choice but to anchor outside due to limited swing room) while waiting for a mooring. A suggestion would be to have a reduced Dinghy Dockage Rate while on the waiting list for the mooring field…. Otherwise yes if people want to use the shore side facilites then the demand on Water usage, Laundry, etc is exactly the same whether or not someone is on a mooring ball. You could also reduce the dinghy dockage rates a little if there was a way to control what part of the facility the person/cruiser was using…. IE – no laundry & no showers, then all they are doing is tieing up thus a less of a load on the system.
      Just a thought…
      Capt. Cameron Murray

      Comments from Cruisers (3)

      1. M Camarata -  February 10, 2017 - 5:14 pm

        Posting is years out of date but link to current rates is correct. Moorings are $348/mo INCLUDING TAX ($324 base). The wait list Dec thru Feb nears 50 boats. Prices will likely increase until the demand goes down. Please do not come here so I can continue to afford and enjoy Marathon.

        Reply to M
      2. Tony A. Tharp -  February 5, 2017 - 8:18 am

        I know this is an old thread, but the total of $525 a month for full use of the Marina along with a auto parking spot if needed seems to me to be pretty cheap lodging for such a beautiful waterfront view along the Florida coastline. I’m much more bothered by the daily dinghy charge rising from $13 to $22. This is a service the city should provide at little to no-cost. Many — if not most boaters — are tying up their tender so they can spend money at area businesses, eating out, shopping and otherwise resupplying.

        Reply to Tony
        • Frank -  February 21, 2018 - 2:50 pm

          looks like it is $324 and month includes Dinghy Dockage

          Reply to Frank
    • Stock Island Marina Fuel Docks OPEN, Stock Island Village, Key West

      A phone call to the marina and a call from Mike Ahart confirms that any fuel issues have been solved and the Stock Island Marina is pumping fuel again. Stock Island Marina occupies the westerly shores of Safe Harbor, north of marker #5.

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Stock Island Marina Village

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Stock Island Marina Village

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    • Florida’s Anchoring Program, MTOA Updates, 1/30/2017

      Our thanks to Mike Bodin of Marine Trawler Owners Association for this updated perspective on Florida’s anchoring restrictions. See Florida Wildlife and Fish Commission Proposed Anchoring Program. See link below to donate to these lobbying efforts.

      Florida’s Anchoring Program Update 1/30/17 MTOA
      Boaters’ rights to anchor in public waterways are under attack again in Florida. SSCA, MTOA,
      and AGLCA, are raising money to fund a professional lobbyist to defend our rights. The
      lobbyist team Capitol Access, Tallahassee, is now representing boaters from unjustified
      regulations. Help us to stop the attack on Florida’s anchorage areas. Please donate TODAY: “BOATERS’ RIGHTS FUND”  {Note: Click on Chart below Boaters’ Rights Fund, then ignore Log In to Contribute and go directly to name/address form.}

      Many wealthy Florida waterside residents, condominium units and cities complained to their local
      governments about anchoring boats spoiling their water views. Federal government owns the land
      under waterways and relinquished semi-control to Florida state. This anti-anchoring consortium
      contacted their state representatives to change the law to prohibit anchoring in front of their
      waterside property
      Florida enacted a study called Anchoring and Mooring Pilot Program in 2009. The study is to be
      completed July 1, 2017. Final recommendations to be submitted by January 1, 2018. The multi-million
      dollar 244-page report is available for review. “Anchoring and Mooring Pilot Program Final Report of
      Findings and Recommendations 12/21/2016” in Adobe PDF. During last year’s legislative season the
      report was accepted as submitted. 2017 is the final year. Florida legislature has stated they will accept
      the state recommendations for state law. The report has several anti-anchoring provisions that must
      be changed to better represent the needs of the boating community. One glaring item of concern; If
      enacted, county governments can easily contact the state for an exemption to control and regulate
      local anchoring without any input from the boating community. The unintended consequence of the
      legislation would be the precedent it would set for other states along the eastern seaboard to follow
      banning anchoring.
      A large “AHOY MATE” call is now being made to fellow boaters. As a boating community, we can be
      complacent, stand back and complain when our previously used anchoring areas are no longer
      available or put on some heavy weather gear and ride the storm out while still keeping the heading.
      This will ensure future anchorage availability for us and our children. How is this accomplished? As any
      boater knows you must have the right gear. 1) We need a knowledgeable professional lobbyist. 2)
      Money is required for this lobbyist: $35k, 3) How do we get the funds? The boating community unites
      and individual boaters to donate as they can. Marine Trawler Owners Association (MTOA) has engaged
      the services of Capitol Access, an outstanding lobbying firm with offices in Tallahassee to represent all
      boaters interest from unjustified regulation upon the waterways., Today combined funds from
      members of American Great Loop Cruising Association (AGLCA), and Seven Seas Cruising Association
      (SSCA) are assisting with contributions from their membership. Additional funds are required to
      continue a pro- anchoring strategy to roll back unjustified regulation of anti-anchoring language in the
      proposed bill. Your support is requested. Marine Trawlers Owners Association has set up the following
      site for your donations from the boating community at large: Go to: highlight tab “FL Anchoring Rights Fund”
      We need your financial support. The following is a time progression review demonstrating the need
      for a professional lobbyists and active boater participation to win the pro-anchoring debate.
      2016 over whelming defeat for pro-anchoring advocates required a change in tactics for boaters right
      to anchor. MTOA closely reviewed the situation and with board consensus agreed a professional
      Lobbyists was required to prevent 2016 outcome for the 2107 legislative season.
      We have now finalized the engagement and compliance registrations for our lobbyist in the Capitol
      (Jerry Paul of Capitol Access). As you may know, Jerry is a member of MTOA, SSCA, AGLCA and DeFever
      Cruisers. He is an active cruiser, a former marine engineer, merchant mariner, attorney and former
      elected member of the Florida Legislature. He lead our successful efforts in Tallahassee 2 years ago
      under the lead of SSCA.
      This year MTOA is the lead client and coordinator working closely with Jerry. Special thanks to SSCA
      and AGLCA for joining the team and for providing additional funding support for the effort. Thank you
      also for the contributions by members of our organizations and others such as the DeFever Cruisers.
      We are up and running. Jerry is in communication with key legislators who will be involved in this
      process throughout Florida’s Annual 60-day Legislative Session which begins on March 7. There are 3
      remaining “Committee Weeks” that will occur prior to March 7 during which legislators will be filing
      bills and even holding hearings in preparation for the regular session.
      Through the counsel of our lobbyist, we will apply the approach that worked well when we were last
      organized a couple of sessions ago. For example, he will keep us updated regularly as he collects
      information. Through him we will coordinate effective messaging (some wholesale and some retail)
      that leverages our vast number of cruisers and the merits of our position. But, it is important that we
      maintain control of the message. It needs to be tailored to the specific issues that are critical to the
      moment as legislation makes its way through multiple committees comprised of different elected
      members (and staff), each with unique perspectives. Our messaging must be respectful and
      professional. Finally, it must be timed precisely and targeted surgically in varying ways (email, phone,
      and even personal appearances in Committees). This is a running process so timing is important. Mike
      Bodin, MTOA, Public Advocate will be coordinating these activities.
      So far, it appears as though there will be a bill filed that implements some of the recommendations of
      the Report by the FWC (Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission) which was prepared to summarize the
      results of the Anchoring and Mooring Pilot Project that expires this year. This is the report that was
      recently heard by the Senate Environment Committee (the committee that originated the language a
      couple years ago, that including certain anchoring bans). A draft of the bill is not yet available. We are
      in communication with the key likely sponsors and we’re already messaging our opposition to such
      bans. So far, it appears we have some key members who associate with our view. We are hopeful that
      the initial draft(s) will not include the adverse provisions. If it does, we will work to get it removed. If it
      does not, we must be vigilant until the end of the Session to ensure that the adverse language does not
      get amended into it.
      We will report on these developments and follow up with effective calls-to-action by our members and
      all who share our desire to preserve Florida’s rich maritime history of freedom to safely anchor
      throughout the public’s coastal waters of the State
      2016 REVIEW
      Yeas, represent the Anti- Anchoring votes by the committees and legislature:
      1/26/16 House Committee Vote yeas 12 Nays 0
      2/25/16 House Committee Vote yeas 15 Nays 1 Note: Extreme spread
      3/04/16 House Vote yeas 105 Nays 12
      3/0716 Senate Vote yeas 36 Nays 2
      3/09/16 Signed by officers and presented to Governor HJ 980
      3/24/16 Approved and signed by Florida’s Governor Rick Scott (chapter 2016-96)
      7/01/16 Effective Date for state law banning anchoring by county designation. The state law banned
      overnight anchoring within areas of Broward and Miami-Dade counties.
      Once it was seen there was no opposition from pro- anchoring groups, anti-anchoring legislation
      emerged and gathered enough momentum to easily pass. Do not underestimate the extent to which
      that momentum is perceived to still exist in Tallahassee. It was quite evident at the Senate
      Environment Committee (the Committee that originated the bill we defeated 2 years ago). Notice that
      this Committee chose to place the topic on its agenda early in the process. The cruising/anchoring
      interests have been unrepresented for a while and that has been noticed.
      Note: The boating community was complacent. No Lobbyists, No boating community involvement.
      Capitol Access was not retained.
      2015 REVIEW
      No set back or anchoring restrictions—Capitol Access, Active Lobbyists, Active boating community
      2014-2012 REVIEW
      No set back or anchoring restrictions—Capitol Access, Active Lobbyists, Active boating community
      It can plainly be observed if boaters are again complacent in 2017, the 2016 results can be expected.
      We salute such groups as American Great Loop Cruising Association, Seven Seas Cruising Association,
      Marine Trawler Owners Association, and DeFever Cruisers for their active and financial support. These
      great organizations have started the process. Now your financial support is needed to continue.
      Donation site highlight tab

      Mike Bodin
      MTOA Public Advocate

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    • Seven Seas Cruising Association Asks Your Support to Defeat Florida’s Anti-Anchoring Legislation

      The Concerned Cruisers’ Committee (CCC) of Seven Seas Cruising Association (SSCA) has, for many years, supported the rights of cruisers to navigate, anchor and enjoy the “Seven Seas” both in the U.S. and abroad. We have had recent success in Annapolis and in Georgia, and we are engaged in South Carolina, Washington and California.

      CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOTE: Ignore the “Log In to Donate” and go directly to name/address form.

      1/23 A good news update from MTOA Public Advocate, Mike Bodin:

      But as of now (1/23/2017), SSCA, AGLCA and MTOA have raised over half of the funds from their membership for the Lobbyists. Capital Assets has agreed to represent the boating community and their office is in Tallahassee.

      And this from Mike Bodin:

      As you know Florida’s legislative session has started. The Environmental Preservation and Conservation committee heard the first presentation by The Fish and Wildlife Conversation commission (FWC) on the Anchoring and Mooring Pilot Program. [See /161714] Anti-anchoring representatives were present and offered presentations.

      The window is closing for us to be effective with ongoing legislation. Capitol Access team did a great job representing our anchoring concerns in 2014,and 15. Without professional representation I fear legislation will be made and passed into law prohibiting anchoring by county designation with state approval. This Florida law can be the basis of others to follow along the ICW corridor. Like cancer, a small start than it spreads and very difficult to stop.

      Time is against us to raise monies for a professions lobbyist. MTOA donation survey results are very promising, AGLCA is now surveying their members and results will be available shortly.

      SSCA CCC has lead the boating community in the past. Anti-Anchoring is a pain in every boater’s thoughts. Future state laws to prevent anchoring along the ICW surely can be compared to the spread of cancer. We must unite and knock it out before it gains traction.

      Enclosed is a boaters rights donation form to your GoFunfMe site. Due to the tremendous time limitation now in place we request SSCA blast email the form to your membership. Within a couple of days, we will have a good idea if a lobbyist can be added to our anti-anchoring efforts.

      Thank you for consideration and hopefully participation.

      Mike Bodin
      MTOA Public Advocate


      And from America’s Great Loop Cruisers’ Association:

      Boater’s Rights Interest Survey
      Florida’s 1,000-mile intracoastal waterway has often been called the boaters’ highway. Wealthy waterside residents in conjunction with several counties want to enact anti-anchoring laws. Last year Florida’s governor signed into law temporary nighttime anti-anchoring restrictions in several counties. Boaters must unite to stop the spread of anti-anchoring legislation.


      CLICK HERE for more information on Seven Seas Cruising Association


      4 Facebook Likes, 4 Facebook Reactions

      Comments from Cruisers (5)

      1. Phil Barbalace -  February 14, 2017 - 10:58 am

        Quoted Text: [from AGLCA Forum]

        “Yes, Florida residents should care. Snowbirds should care. Loopers and long distance cruisers should care. Boaters who never leave their home waters in Rhode Island or California or Maryland should care. You should care, Phil. Suppose you can no longer anchor in Mattawoman Creek or down at Tim’s Rivershore?”

        I agree with your points Dave, 100%. (Actually a better analogy might have been the creeks around Annapolis–hardly anyone lives at Mattawoman or Tims.) But the reality of the anchoring problem is that we need money and we need volunteers and you just ain’t getting them from Tennessee (no offense to those in Tenn.)

        That everyone should care is a valid but weak argument. Those of us who made a donation whether large or small, did so partially because it was made easy, with a few mouse clicks and a credit card. Throwing stuff at the wall hoping some of it will stick is not an effective call-to-arms.

        If I was a retiree boater living in FL I would more inclined to volunteer to drive to Miami or Tallahassee and foot the hotels bills at my expense. I’m neither of those and personally, we have our hands full up here in the Northern VA. That’s why we spread the loop out over 2 years instead of doing it all at once. Plus, with a take-no-prisoners style of doing things, anything I would do might be counter-productive! Some probably look at this as “someone else’s problem” but we certainly don’t.

        Will it “spread to other east coast states”? Not in our lifetimes. Florida is a unique critical mass of anchorages, waterfront homeowners and boaters.. The few causing problems are the problem. Google “anchoring laws” or “anchoring restrictions” and Florida dominates. Number two California isn’t even close.

        This debate has already attracted a healthy attention to the problem. Hey, Jim Healy has signed on. We owe him big time just for his informative contributions to the forum. Him volunteering for the anchoring work is above and beyond. Jim, we are buying you and Peg dinner if we ever meet up. Others should do the same. And thanks to the others who have volunteered!

        There are over 4,400 AGLCA members. If every member contributed only $25 (some did more) you would have well over $100,000. Just like crowdfunding (yes, you can laugh). That’s a healthy start instead of the 20K collected so far which is only a 20% participation rate, roughly. Just a few mouse clicks and a credit card. But if you want volunteers, make it easier like the contributions and focus on Florida. That’s where the problem is. So is the solution.

        Phil Barbalace
        2009 Mainship 40 Seascape
        Gold Loopers 2016
        Vienna, Va.

        Reply to Phil
      2. Jim Quince -  January 26, 2017 - 2:48 pm

        The various boating groups have come together just in time to hire a capable lobbyist (Jerry Paul) who happens to be a boater who recently moved his boat north by Tallahassee. Yesterday the Trawlers & Trawlering list owner endorsed the effort and asked members to support it.
        While there have been many people involved, Mike Bodin of MTOA should be commended for staying involved, taking the lead and keeping the boating community informed.
        Jim Quince

        Reply to Jim
      3. Jim Quince -  January 20, 2017 - 9:46 am

        Something to keep an eye on…..
        It has been reported that the chair of the Senate committee that received jurisdiction to hear the FWC Anchoring Report (and the committee most likely to originate anti-anchoring legislation) is chaired by a newly elected Senator who happens to be the daughter of the lead lobbyist who has represented the anti-anchoring interests for the last several sessions. We do not know whether she has preconceived opinions or biases on our topics. She did not display a bias in this first hearing. We must give her the benefit of the doubt and commit ourselves to working with her in a professional manner throughout this process.
        Jim Quince

        Reply to Jim
      4. perry -  January 13, 2017 - 4:39 pm

        In the current 2017 session of the Florida Senate and House there are no anchoring bills or committee discussions on anchoring.

        Reply to perry
    • AGLCA Fights for Boaters’ Rights Update

      America’s Great Loop Cruisers’ Association has joined other boating organizations is requesting donations toward lobbying for boaters’ rights in Florida. See /162138 for more information.

      As a result of the recent survey on anti-boating legislation, AGLCA is beginning to accept donations along with other boating organizations to hire a lobbyist to represent our interests at the Florida Legislature. This link can be used to make your contribution to the Boaters’ Rights Lobbyist Fund. When making your contribution, consider how much money you save in slip fees by having the ability to anchor. If you would like more information on this issue, you can view my recent forum posting.

      Thank you for joining AGLCA in this lobbying effort. I will keep you posted as we move forward with this issue.
      Kimberly Russo
      America’s Great Loop Cruisers’ Association 


      The three associations leading this charge (AGLCA, MTOA, and SSCA) are doing well in the fund raising effort. To date, 161 AGLCA members have contributed. We’re so thankful for all of those contributions, but there are about 100 more of you who answered our survey last week expressing your intention to contribute. If you have not yet done so, please make your contribution by clicking here as soon as possible.

      Although we are not yet at the $35,000 goal, we believe that number is attainable. In addition to contributing substantial time, effort, and administrative expenses, AGLCA and MTOA have agreed to help bridge the gap, if one exists after all contributions are in, to reach the needed amount. Since the amount needed is within reach, we have retained a lobbying firm (Capitol Access) in Tallahassee to represent our interests this legislative session. The goals have been defined as follows:

      Prevent the passage of Florida legislation that would ban or curtail overnight anchoring on public waters in locations defined by proximity to upland private dwelling units including but not limited to other provisions that unduly restrict anchoring on public waters.
      Monitor and track all legislation that could adversely affect our members’ interests.
      Increase our presence among officials in Florida government to build an enduring image of strong influence for the boating and cruising community on matters related to the lifestyle of boaters and cruisers on Florida’s waterways.
      Our lobbyist/consultant has agreed to:

      Monitor, track and report to the AGLCA all legislation and amendments filed or otherwise considered in Florida that could affect the interests of our members.
      Meet with key officials within Florida government to introduce AGLCA as a leader for the interests of cruisers and other boaters that it is now represented in Florida’s Capitol.
      Provide proactive lobbying and advocacy to actively support the legislative positions of AGLCA including but not limited to opposing Florida legislation that would ban or curtail overnight anchoring on public waters in locations defined by proximity to upland private dwelling units. This will include the organization of messaging and public appearances in the Capitol by members of the cruising community who support AGLCA’s positions.
      Report to AGLCA at least monthly the meetings and activities conducted on behalf of AGLCA.
      Jerry Paul, President of Capitol Access, is a trawler owner, lifelong cruiser, marine engineer, attorney, former elected member of the Florida Legislature and former Presidential-Appointed, U.S. Senate-Confirmed Official within the U.S. Department of Energy. He has extensive experience in the transportation field, maritime industry, boating, cruising, energy, government affairs and communications including a balance of experience in operations, regulatory, legislative, finance and restructuring work. Jerry is a graduate of Maine Maritime Academy and has held U.S.C.G. licenses as an engineer and captain. Jerry has also extended our coalition of boating associations a very generous discount for his services. Thank you, Jerry!
      Kim Russo
      America’s Great Loop Cruisers’ Association

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    • Florida Fish and Wildlife Management Area System is 75 Years Old

      FWC celebrates 75 years of wildlife management area conservation success

      In 2017, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is commemorating the 75th anniversary of the wildlife management area system, one of the state’s greatest natural treasures. The FWC oversees this statewide network of remote and scenic lands, managing them for conservation and recreation. To celebrate the milestone and help people discover the opportunities these public lands offer, the FWC is hosting free events throughout the year.

      “Florida has one of the largest systems of public lands in the country at nearly 6 million acres, and these lands are the best of the best of what wild Florida has to offer,” said FWC Chairman Brian Yablonski. “These natural communities span a variety of habitats from longleaf pine uplands and pine flatwoods to the hardwood hammocks and sawgrass savannas of the Everglades. Not only are these areas beautiful, they are managed to provide habitat for many species of wildlife and access for people to enjoy hunting, fishing, wildlife viewing and more.”

      Florida’s first WMA, Fred C. Babcock/Cecil M. Webb Wildlife Management Area, was established in late 1941 in Charlotte and Lee counties. By the 1960s, there were 28 WMAs. Today, the FWC is the lead manager or landowner of over 1.4 million acres, and works in partnership with other governmental or private landowners on another 4.5 million acres. These healthy habitats are essential to Florida wildlife – both common and imperiled species. The FWC uses its scientific expertise and a comprehensive ecological approach to manage a variety of wildlife while balancing public access to these wild lands.

      WMAs provide many recreational opportunities including paddling, fishing, hiking, biking, horseback riding, photography, wildlife viewing, and target shooting at areas with a public shooting range. They also offer a wide range of hunting opportunities including special hunts for families and people with disabilities. Throughout 2017, the FWC will host a variety of events to celebrate Florida’s WMAs. Events include a statewide geocaching challenge, volunteer work days, a photo contest, guided hikes, fun opportunities to explore WMAs, and citizen science bioblitzes where members of the public help document wildlife species at WMAs.

      To learn more about upcoming events or to find a WMA near you, visit Share your visits to Florida WMAs on social media by using #WMAzing.

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    • Seeking Deep Water Channel Marina off Northern Hawk Channel

      If you have local knowledge of marina entrance channels that can accommodate a 5’5″ draft, let us hear from you. August is asking about Hawk Channel from Biscayne Bay to Marathon.

      Our sailboat draws 5’5″. I can’t seem to find ANY marinas on the ocean side We can get in about halfway on the trip. Any suggestions?
      August Trometer,  email:



      Comments from Cruisers (2)

      1. Michael Moorehead -  November 25, 2016 - 3:34 pm

        We too draw 5.5 feet. Best solution I have is to anchor overnight at Rodriguez Key, about half way to Marathon. Marathon and Key West will offer you marina options.

        Reply to Michael
      2. Mike Curreri -  November 25, 2016 - 2:55 pm

        Anchoring by Rodriguez Key is the best alternative. Ocean Reef claims to have an 8′ approach at MLW, but I have been told there is a 5′ bump. No personal knowledge yet (going to try it in a few days.

        Reply to Mike

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