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    • Fuel Catalyst Makes Engines More Efficient

      Would not it be wonderful for cruisers if such technology becomes available for smaller vessels? Keep your fingers crossed!

      Fuel Catalyst Makes Engines More Efficient
      More complete combustion means less fuel needed, as well as reduced maintenance and unscheduled downtime, cleaner injectors, cleaner piston crowns, cleaner firing tubes
      Engines are designed to run on refinery grade fuel. At the time fuel is refined, it is at its purest state; however, it deteriorates rapidly as it oxidizes and is attacked by a host of organisms (bacteria, yeast, molds), that change the molecular structure of the fuel.

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    • Red Tide Sampling in Charlotte County, Punta Gorda, FL

      Punta Gorda and Fishermen’s Village on Charlotte Harbor are both SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSORS are actively involved with the ecology of marine life in Charlotte County. This report comes from Charlotte Harbor Travel’s Have You Heard?

      Charlotte County has been dealing with red tide the last couple of months and we wanted to share with you where water samples are taken in Charlotte County to determine red tide. READ MORE!

      Click Here To View the Western Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Fishermen’s Village

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Fishermen’s Village

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    • A Good Visit to Osprey Marina, AICW Statute Mile 373

      A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, popular Osprey Marina is at mile marker 373 on the Intracoastal Waterway south of Myrtle Beach, SC. Osprey Marina offers a protected harbor 150 yards off the Waterway, accessible by a private “D” daybeacon. Thank you, Charlie and Jackie Ridley, for this interesting report.

      12-31-16. At Osprey Marina, mm373.5 for New Year’s Eve– only ones there and was great. One of our favorites, not just the setting but also to see all the goats (see – search “goats”). Brian, dock hand, very helpful and knowledgeable. Diesel 2.20/g. Since here in past, cable tv worked and have greatly improved wifi- even at far end of fuel dock. The grill is a distant memory but the area is now a very nice den/tv/sitting area. Bath/shower very clean and nice- even soap dispensers full. Always look forward to the “goody bag.”
      Charlie and Jackie on TRAVELER.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s South Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Osprey Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Osprey Marina

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    • More Good Words for Harborwalk Marina and Georgetown, SC, AICW Statute Mile 403

      VHF 16 & 68 Located on the Sampit River, Harborwalk Marina is only a boardwalk away from Georgetown's Historic District, great food, shopping, etc. A safe harbor from bad weather and located in calm

      Our thanks to Charlie and Jackie Ridley for their report on Harborwalk Marina, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR! and Georgetown. Located on the Sampit River, Harborwalk Marina is only a boardwalk away from Georgetown’s Historic District, great food and shopping, as the Ridleys attest!

      As usual Harborwalk very nice. Joe- dock hand- nice, knowledgeable and helpful. Wifi not great but ok [on an earlier visit – continue reading]. Ate at Alfresco Bistro- a little pricey but great! Shower very nice. One of our favorite places. Back here on 1-1-17. Wifi seemed better and cable tv very good. Joe here again and did his usual good job. Ate at a new place for Sun lunch and will definitely will be back!!!! Aunny’s– meat and three “soul” food. Fried chicken, ribs (Jackie said best ever had) mac & cheese , okra, butter beans, tomatoes, squash casserole , cornbread. Terrific- needed a to go box. Mamma Jane was truly the boss!
      Charlie and Jackie on TRAVELER

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s South Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Harborwalk Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Harborwalk Marina

      1 Facebook Likes, 1 Facebook Reactions

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    • USCG Advice for Safe Holiday Boating

      Excellent advice for holiday boating on any waters!

      The Coast Guard reminds boaters to stay safe during New Year’s Day weekend
      TAMPA, Fla. — The Coast Guard reminds Florida boaters Friday to exercise caution and to boat safe while enjoying New Year’s Day weekend.

      The Coast Guard urges boaters not to launch or use fireworks aboard a boat as they can be mistaken as a sign of distress and needlessly attracting Coast Guard and other rescue resources.

      “Every New Year’s Eve, Coast Guard personnel receive and respond to numerous reports of boaters firing emergency flares from their vessels,” said Lt. Jason Holstead, a Coast Guard Sector St. Petersburg command duty officer. “To appropriately search an area where a flare was reported requires a significant number of resources. If the report was an unintended false report it places our emergency crews in areas where they aren’t needed.”

      Red or orange flares are internationally recognized as a signal of distress. It is a federal felony for anyone to knowingly and willfully communicate a false distress message to the Coast Guard or cause the Coast Guard to attempt to save lives and property when no help is needed. This includes, but is not limited to, firing flares or saying ‘Mayday, Mayday, Mayday’ on a VHF radio in a non-distress situation.

      “The Coast Guard stresses that flares should only be fired to indicate distress when a boater feels they are in an emergency situation,” said Holstead.

      Boaters are also reminded to stay well clear of fireworks displays staged from barges or shore side facilities. In an effort to increase the safety of boaters on the water this holiday weekend, the Coast Guard recommends the following:

      Boaters watching fireworks from the water should ensure they are not impeding navigable channels and displaying the correct navigational lighting associated with their activity.

      Stay informed. Be sure to check the local weather prior to departing the dock. Weather can change very rapidly and boaters should keep a watchful eye on the forecasted conditions. The public should monitor the National Weather Service, local television and radio reports. Boaters can monitor weather patterns, fog and developing storms on channel on VHF-FM marine-band radio. Small craft advisories are also available on channel 16.

      Always wear a life jacket. Since there is little time to reach for stowed vests when accidents occur, wearing one at all times reduces your risk of drowning. Federal law requires you to have a personal floatation device on board for each passenger.

      File a float plan. A float plan is simply letting family and friends know where you are going and your expected time of return. File a float plan with someone who is not getting underway with you and stick to the plan. If you change plans, contact the person. A float plan assists responders in the search of an overdue boater who may be in distress.

      Never boat under the influence. It is recommended that boaters have a designated sober operator, as it is illegal to operate a boat while under the influence of alcohol or drugs in every state. There are stringent penalties for violating BUI/BWI laws, which can include large fines, suspension or revocation of boat operator privileges and jail terms.

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    • Winter Carnival at Staniel Yacht Club, Exumas, Bahamas

       Welcome to the Staniel Cay Yacht Club, your own paradise in the middle of the beautiful Exumas.

      Staniel Cay Yacht Club, a favorite destination for cruisers in the Exumas, has always been most accommodating for its guests and word of such exceptional service for cruisers spreads like a wind driven wild fire. A loyal SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, Staniel Cay Yacht Club offers an exciting end-of-year schedule of events!

      Like No Other Place On Earth.

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    • USCG Rescue in Charlotte Harbor, Punta Gorda, FL

      Another example of the US Coast Guard doing what they do so well! Thank you Station Fort Myers Beach, Air Station Clearwater and Charlotte Harbor Marine Emergency Response Team!

      FORT MYERS BEACH, Fla.— The Coast Guard rescued two adults and two children Monday in Charlotte Harbor after they were reported missing aboard their 16-foot boat.



      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Charlotte Harbor

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    • Report from Bel Marra Anchorage, AICW Statute Mile 1042

      This lake-like body of water makes for a great anchor down spot, in a region where there are few anchorages available. Lies on the Waterway’s westerly flank, north of the charted position of Bel Marra and Boca Raton. Our thanks to Austin Harrell for this report.

      Anchored 12-23-2016 Wind E / ENE /ESE 10-15 mph Upon backing down on 35 lb CQR with 5/1 scope 3/8 chain anchor held until up to approximately 2,000 rpm. Then it would slowly drag. I added 10 lb cadenary weight same drag rate once rode was taut. We came to the conclusion that since the wind shouldn’t shift we would stay. Conclusion: anchorage is fine with a chain rode or weighted rode under light to moderate conditions. I wouldn’t stay here in anything over 15 mph winds or stay with forecast shifting winds. Otherwise it’s a fine fair weather anchorage.
      Austin Harrell, Baba 30 Twilight

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Eastern Florida Anchorage Directory Listing For The Bel Marra Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Bel Marra Anchorage

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      Explorer Charts - the best charts for the Bahamas and Exumas

      Explorer Chartbooks, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET PARTNER, has long been the standard navigational supplement for enjoyable, informative, and safe cruising through the beautiful Bahamian waters and island visits.


      Posted: 23 Dec 2016 12:16 PM PST
      NOTE TO CRUISERS: Based on the article below, it is a good idea to verify that you are getting the amount of fuel that you pay for in the Bahamas. Please post on the Chatter any discrepancies you find.

      Excerpts of article By NEIL HARTNELL
      Tribune Business Editor

      Sir Franklyn Wilson yesterday said he was “shocked” and “amazed” by assertions from a Government regulator that consumers are being short-changed at 50 per cent of the Bahamas’ gasoline pumps.

      The FOCOL Holdings chairman said he was unaware of the Bahamas Bureau of Standards and Quality (BBSQ) findings, but emphasised that neither his firm – nor any other oil industry player – would seek to deliberately cheat the Bahamian public.

      “I couldn’t agree more; you should get what you pay for. There’s certainly no intent from us other than for people to get what they paid for,” he told Tribune Business.”

      Dr Ferguson-Bufford gave little insight into her findings at last week’s conference other than the headline ‘50 per cent’ figure, and there was no mention of the gas stations and companies where consumers were not receiving the volume of gasoline they were paying for.

      Disclosing the Bureau’s ‘rip-off’ findings, she said an inspection of fuel stations by the Bureau had found only half of the pumps measured volumes accurately.

      “We have three major service providers, and we’re talking about all of them; we’re not targeting one over the other. We found issues with all of them. We have work to do. We found deficiencies.”

      “We spoke to them, and they got their technicians to deal with the issue right away. You should get what you pay for.”

      The Bahamas has three major fuel providers – Sol Petroleum/Esso (Bahamas); Rubis/Texaco (Bahamas) and Freeport Oil Company (FOCOL)/ Shell.
      The oil/gasoline industry has subsequently been tight-lipped on the Bureau’s findings, with retail dealers contacted by Tribune Business referring this newspaper to their supplier head offices.

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. J.D. French -  February 7, 2017 - 9:11 pm

        After 31/2 weeks of mixed activities (fishing,snorkeling, cruising) very active and on the boat a lot. We traveled from Walkers down to Hopetown and back up to Walkers with several hotel and fuel splashes at same locations each direction. Returning to Ft. Pierce mid June from Walkers area with a safety margin of fuel of 8o gallons. I have been powerboat crossing since the 1980s to Bahamas . Without boring detaiils we ran out of fuel 30 miles out of Ft Pierce. Coast Guard Came to our rescue. Gotta Love those great guys ! To be honest my fuel gauge is very accurate , but my Flo-Scan is spot on. I logged all fuel gallons I paid for. After all said and done , I did not get all of the fuel I paid for. . Buyer Beware.

        Reply to J.D.
    • Grounding and Rescue in Ocracoke Inlet, Pamlico Sound, NC

      Despite good charted depths in the eastern waters of the inlet, the constant channel shifting and shoaling in the western portion make Ocracoke Inlet very dangerous without very specific local knowledge. This article should serve as a warning to prudent navigators!


      ELIZABETH CITY, N.C. — The Coast Guard hoisted two men and one woman Thursday from a motor yacht in the Ocracoke Inlet.


      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Ocracoke Inlet

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. wade ehlen -  December 24, 2016 - 10:08 am

        In the book (not the movie) The Hunt for Red October a Soviet nuclear submarine enters Pamlico Sound through Okracoke Inlet. I guess literary license was used!

        Reply to wade
    • Recommended Medications to be Carried Onboard by Tony Pozun

      Once again we are indebted to Tony Pozun for sharing his years of experience as registered nurse, emergency medical technician and sailor with this list of basic medications to have onboard.

      Medications carried aboard
      Anthony Pozun, B.S., R.N.

      Meds dictated by those aboard, conditions, length of journey, size of the boat and other factors.


      Iodine, Beta dyne
      Alcohol preps
      4 x 4 in gauze
      Steristrips (stitching)
      Assorted band aids
      2in and 4in cotton rolls
      ½ in bandage tape
      Triple Antibiotic
      One pair scissors
      Tweezers, Forceps

      Sea Sickness
      Meclizine, Transderm Scop patch Bonine, Dramamine
      Wrist bands
      Ginger tablets, coke

      Allergic Reactions
      Epi Pen
      Oral Benadryl 25mg
      Claritin tabs
      Prednisone 20 mg tabs

      Neosporin ointment

      Asthma attack
      albuteral inhaler

      Delsuym or OTC
      Menthol cough drops

      Anti inflammatory
      Advil/Motrin ibuprofen

      Tylenol extra /ADVIL

      Nasal congestion
      Afrin spray
      Sudafed tabs

      Minor burns, abrasions
      Bactine, Lanaicaine spray

      Stings, bites

      Pepsid, Mylanta,

      Triangular bandage
      Various splints
      Assorted ace bandage

      Cardiac chest pain
      Aspirin 325 megs

      Cardiac patient /potential
      Ambu bag
      air mask

      Medications needed is determined by length and type of voyage and size of boat passengers type etc

      Always debrief your crew/ passengers as to what medications they are on and location of same

      Know what to do to give Meds and outcomes before hand ..

      Plan ahead have a plan

      Anthony Pozun

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    • No Wake Zone, east of Main Street Bridge, St. Johns River, Jacksonville, FL

      As stated below, this Slow/No Wake Zone is east of the Main Street Bridge in downtown Jacksonville. No date for completion is given.

      FLORIDA – ST JOHNS RIVER – TERMINAL CHANNEL: Slow/No Wake Zone, Precaution Area.
      Superior Construction will be conducting demolition and construction operations on the wharf structures located approximately 1,500 feet east of the Main Street Bridge on the north side of the St. Johns River, near downtown Jacksonville’s old shipyards. The Captain of the Port Jacksonville requests all mariners transiting the river east of the Main Street Bridge and adjacent to the north bank docks of the old shipyards, to proceed with caution and transit at a minimum safe speed to reduce wake.
      The work is scheduled to commence on or around January 6, 2017 and will continue over the course of several months. The demolition and construction work will normally take place on weekdays during daylight hours. The operations will involve several commercial vessels, including the use of crane and material barges to remove concrete debris and drive piles. There will be a continuous transit of loaded barges from the work site to the north bank shipyard docks near the mouth of Hogan Creek. Additionally, work vessels will be moored along the project site at night. If
      additional information is required, the Project Superintendent can be reached via landline at 904-292-4240. Jobsite operators will be monitoring marine VHF Channel 16. Chart 11491 LNM 51/16

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Main Street Bridge

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    • Bahamas Chatter: West End Customs

      Explorer Charts - the best charts for the Bahamas and Exumas

      Explorer Chartbooks, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET PARTNER, has long been the standard navigational supplement for enjoyable, informative, and safe cruising through the beautiful Bahamian waters and island visits.

      Bahamas Chatter: West End Customs

      West End Customs
      Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:08 AM PST
      Has the customs and immigration office reopened at the West End?…thank you

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    • Bahamas Chatter: West End Old Bahama Bay

      Explorer Charts - the best charts for the Bahamas and Exumas

      Explorer Chartbooks, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET PARTNER, has long been the standard navigational supplement for enjoyable, informative, and safe cruising through the beautiful Bahamian waters and island visits.

      Bahamas Chatter: West End Old Bahama Bay
      West End Old Bahama Bay
      Posted: 19 Dec 2016 11:04 AM PST
      Passing thru Old Bahama Bay in the next few weeks. Last update was no water,electric, but docks OK. Any update from boaters who have stayed? Thanks, Jimmy

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    • Another Grounding at Matanzas Inlet/AICW Intersection, Problem Stretch, Statute Mile 793

      The Matanzas Inlet/Waterway intersection has been the cause of several recent groundings. See a Nav Alert from November. Our thanks to Charles Solomon for sharing his unfortunate experience.

      26′ Searay Sundancer thrown aground at marker 81C on Friday night 12-16-16 just before sunset. Operating at 6-8 knots. We were manuvering to West side of ICW after sighting green floating / temp marker 81C northbound and caught by a stiff current. This area is a dogleg channel deep to the west shoreline (per SeaTow). Boat rolled over almost 45 degrees on the starboard side . Backed off the engine and she righted but we were hard aground sideways to the current. Had to wait about 2 hours for the tide and powered off. Brand new engine overheated and we took a tow to St. Augustine.
      Charles Solomon

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For the AICW/Matanzas River Intersection

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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    • Bahamas Chatter: Chub Cay

      Explorer Charts - the best charts for the Bahamas and Exumas

      Explorer Chartbooks, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET PARTNER, has long been the standard navigational supplement for enjoyable, informative, and safe cruising through the beautiful Bahamian waters and island visits.

      Bahamas Chatter: Chub Cay
      Chub Cay
      Posted: 18 Dec 2016 10:09 AM PST
      FYI Chub Cay Marina closed until sometime 2017. NO CUSTOMS CLEARANCE in Chub Cay.

      Comments from Cruisers (2)

      1. Billy Cannon -  March 23, 2017 - 5:44 pm

        Understand they are trying to open in April 2017. You can contact them by email .

        Reply to Billy
      2. Tyler Swanson -  March 1, 2017 - 10:05 am

        Planning Abaco trip from SW Florida (Punta Gorda) via Okeechobee leaving April 7, 8, or 9. 17+ knot power boat. Would like crossing buddy boat.

        Reply to Tyler
    • Vehicular Traffic Concerns over Openings, Longboat Pass Bridge, GICW Statute Mile 85

      With a closed vertical clearance of 17ft, Longboat Pass Bridge crosses Longboat Pass which separates Longbeach and Bradenton Beach, south of Tampa Bay near Statute Mile 85.

      Longboat Key petitions for bridge-opening fixes
      -Terry O’Connor News Editor
      U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Longboat Key, said he would intervene with the Coast Guard to help change the bridge-opening schedule.

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Longboat Pass

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    • Two Boats Destroyed by Fire on Waterway in Hillsboro Beach, FL

      Hillsboro Beach is a barrier island on the east side of the Waterway between Deerfield Beach and Pompano Beach.

      Burning boat drifts into another boat, sets it afire
      by Anne Geggis

      No one was hurt, but a lot of boat went up in smoke Saturday afternoon when a burning, unmanned craft drifted into a docked boat suspended above the Intracoastal Waterway in Hillsboro Beach.

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Hillsboro Beach

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    • Three Sailors Rescued west of Sanibel Island, Fort Myers, FL

      The US Coast Guard doing what they do so well. Thank you Coast Guard!

      FORT MYERS BEACH, Fla. — The Coast Guard rescued three boaters Friday after their boat took on water 12 miles west of Sanibel.
      Watch standers from Coast Guard Sector St. Petersburg received an emergency relay call at 4:05 a.m. from Sea Tow National dispatch, stating three people were aboard a 35-foot sailboat taking on water and were in need of emergency assistance.
      A Coast Guard boat crew aboard a 45-foot Response Boat-Medium from Station Fort Myers Beach responded.
      The crew arrived on scene and provided dewatering assistance, which enabled the vessel to remain afloat while under tow. The tow was transferred to Sea Tow National who took them to Fort Myers. No injuries were reported.
      “Thankfully we were alerted quickly, which enabled our boat crew to get on scene and prevent a bad situation from getting any worse,” said Lt. Cmdr. Brittany Poley, command duty officer at Sector St. Petersburg.


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