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    • How to Avoid the AICW Shoal at the Northeastern Tip of the Ashepoo Coosaw Cutoff AICW Problem Stretch (Statute Mile 516.5)

      The Ashepoo – Coosaw Cutoff section of the AICW consists of a man-made canal which connects the Waterway between Rock Creek and the Coosaw River. Some two weeks ago, the SSECN posted an IMPORTANT “Navigation Alert” about severe shoaling at the northeastern end of the Ashepoo – Coosaw Cutoff, near marker #177. (see /?p=119918). Now, our good friends, and frequent SSECN contributors, Captains Jim and Peag Healy give some very useful advice below as to how this hazard can be avoided.

      There is advice in many places to take G’177′ very wide. That correct advice is not new; it has been the case for years. That particular post drys at low tide, and always has. That danger is very easy to see at low tide, but it would be easy to ground near that post at high tide, so as is the case with all daymark posts in the southeast, stay away from them. They mark shoals, not channels.
      That G’177′ problem is very easy to see at low tide. The post is dry! It jumps out at you! But at high tide, it would be very deceptive. That’s what the problem is at that particular daymark. I “take my half out of the middle.” 🙂
      Be well, my friend
      Peg and Jim Healy

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For the Ashepoo Coosaw Cutoff

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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    • New Name, New Owners and a New Attitude at Dockside Tropical Cafe’ (formerly Dockside Bar & Grill and Dockside Lounge), Boot Key Harbor, Marathon

       Big changes are taking place at what used to be Sombrero Marina Dockside in Boot Key Harbor. This facility resides near the western end of BKH, just west of marker #5A. This long popular establishment has, heretofore, consisted a very well patronized, semi-open air bar, and a marina, which consists of wet slips and dinghy docks set around the “L” shaped curve in the harbor west of #5A.
      The bar/restaurant part of the operation has now been split apart, and been renamed Dockside Tropical Cafe’ (formerly Dockside Bar & Grill and Dockside Lounge) It will open in two week (mid-November, 2013). Under new owners, Eric Stone (singer/songwriter) and Kim Hess-Stone (creator Yoga Onboard), we get the feeling that Tropical Cafe may very well become “the” spot for cruisers to gather in Marathon and Boot Key Harbor.
      Here is Dockside Tropical Cafe’s new contact and location information:

      Dockside Tropical Cafe’ (formerly Dockside Bar & Grill and Dockside Lounge)
      35 Sombrero Blvd
      Marathon Fl 33050

      Sounds like a GOOD time will be had by all. See you there!

      Wow we have been waiting for this!!! Will be down mid December on our trawler with a gang of Canadian friends on their boats too. Good luck to,the new owners as it has always been popular.
      M/V JENNY

      Sounds like a great upgrade. Wonder if the head/shower facilities have been upgraded too.
      Has Royer s/v Skye

      Speaking for both Eric and myself, we are like two kids waiting for Christmas to come! The place is going to ROCK!
      Concerning facilities’¦. we will be upgrading the restrooms as soon as possible, and there will be a new accessible restroom near the laundry.
      See ya in the Keys!
      Kim Hess-Stone

      Click Here To View the Keys Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Sombrero Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Dockside Tropical Cafe’ and Sombrero Marina

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    • Manatees Spotted from Jeykll Island (Georgia) Bike Trail, AICW Statute Mile 684.5

      Jekyll Harbor Marina - Click for Chartview

      Jeykyll Harbor Marina... a Cool Place to Beat the HeatThis new Jekyll Island bike trail, described below, just adds another to the many reasons to stop at this historic and quite lovely isle. Jekyll Harbor Marina lies along the easterly banks of the AICW’s passage through Jekyll Creek, immediately south of the 65-foot fixed bridge. These good folks are a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR. Thanks to Captain Crafton for this delightful report and for an earlier report on the bike trail, see /?p=113962

      Yesterday, while taking the tour of the island along the new path that connects Jekyll Harbor Marina to the historic district and beyond without having to be on the roadway, we stopped at a small tidal creek and were delighted to see manatees feeding on the marsh grass. Manatees visit Georgia from April through October. We normally are here after that so we had not seen them in this location before. But what a sight: a baby and 2-3 adults munching away on the grass leaning out over the water. The new pathway traverses a marsh area with stunning views of the environs. While staying at the Jekyll Harbor marina, transients may borrow their bikes or walk the path to the historic center. It’s a mile + or -. Georgia DNR would appreciate a call and/or photos of any manatees or sea turtles you may see while transiting this area
      Martha Crafton

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Georgia Marina Directory Listing For Jekyll Harbor Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Jekyll Harbor Marina

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    • An Excellent Review of Conway, SC on the Upper Waccamaw River, off the AICW

      Departing the Waterway at statute mile 375, four miles south of the Socastee Bridge, this “off-road” venture on the lovely, upper section of the Waccamaw River, abandoned by the AICW, has pleased many cruisers and has proven to be a worthy side trip.
      One fixed bridge does lie between the AICW and Conway. We have never found a published vertical clearance for this span, but it has always appeared to us to be 30 feet or so. Clearly, the wonderful side cruise to Conway is off limits for most sailcraft.
      The wonderful review below was sent to us by our good friends Peg and Jim Healy

      Sanctuary and crew made our first visit to Conway, SC, on the Upper Waccamaw River, on October 29 and 30, 2013. On the advice of the dockmaster at Osprey Marina, we departed the ICW at Enterprise Landing, at daymark G”1.” The channel in that area is narrow, and shoals to 7-1/2 feet for a short distance. Once past that area, the river widens and become a magnificent cypress swamp meandering stream. Navigation planning was only slightly more complicated than usual. “Standard” NOAA charts do not cover the upper Waccamaw. The rule is, as always when upbound, “red, right, returning.” The river is adequately marked with clearly visible daymarks. Navigation is straight forward. We stayed to the middle of the river on longer, straighter stretches, and favored the outside radius of turns and switchbacks. From the ICW at Enterprise Landing to Conway, there are three shoal areas: first, just above G”1,” second, in the vicinity of R”12,” and third, in the vicinity of R”16.” We never saw less than 7-1/2 feet in any of these areas. Tidal ebb and flood currents are insignificant for cruising boats.
      We stayed at the Conway City Marina. The marina “basin” is on the west shore of the marina. The entrance is on a curve in the river. The tidal range here is about 18″ – 24.” Reports of shoaling across the marina entrance are correct. Local guidance is to favor the green center-quarter when entering and leaving the marina basin. We were in the red-center quarter upon arrival, and even though we arrived virtually at high tide, we plowed through soft mud in the area of the entrance. The second day of our visit, we relocated to another dock at high tide. By favoring the green center-quarter, we cleared the shoaling in about 5-1/2 feet of water. There is stone rip rap on both the green and red outside-quarters of the entrance, so caution and slow speed is advised.
      The Conway City Marina is not a transient destination. As first-timers to the area, we had excellent telephone support from the attendant, and we were certainly made welcome. There is no docking assistance provided. The marina offers three docking locations. One is a floating face dock inside the marina entrance. There is room on that dock for 2, 40′ cruising boats. There is also a small resident river tour boat on the north end of that dock. Outside the marina, 1/4 mile upstream on the west shore, there are two 40′ floating docks immediately below the SC Rt. 905 road bridge. These docks are part of an extensive and beautiful River Walk system. All of the docks have 30A and 50A power. None have potable water. The docks themselves are aging, and in a generally dilapidated state of repair. Cleats on the in-river docks are loose and somewhat small for cruising boats. That said, the in-river docks do have two obvious advantages: first, approach depths are better, and second, the walk to the town is much shorter and easier. It is a very long walk to anywhere from the dock located in the marina entrance channel.
      The City of Conway is the Horry County Seat. There is A LOT of government here; a lot, including a large jail complex and the county courthouse. Discount coupons (“Discover Conway Downtown Shopping Card”) for visitors are available at the Visitor’s Center, 903 3rd Ave; (843) 248-1700. Get several cards, because you give up the coupon when you use them. History and architecture buffs will enjoy the city. There is a historic downtown walking trail. The locals are friendly. There are several good restaurant choices Grocery shopping and the post office are not within what I consider to be walkable distance. Despite the limitations, this river trip is exquisite. It is unique, beautiful and well worth the effort.
      Peg and Jim Healy aboard Sanctuary
      Currently at Rock Creek, Pasadena, MD

      We go to Conway every spring and fall when passing through the area. A nice alternative to overnighting at a dock @ $1.00 per foot is to anchor in Cox Lake, behind R 16. Good depths and plenty of room. From there it is a half hour run up-river to one of the free docks on the river. Spend the day in Conway and return to Cox Lake for the night (or run back down the river and anchor before getting to Enterprise Landing.
      Jean Thomason

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s South Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Conway City Marina

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    • Carolina Yacht Care – Southport, NC (Statute Mile 309)

      Carolina Yacht CareHere’s a message from the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net’s NEWEST SPONSOR, Carolina Yacht Care, located in Southport, NC. Wow, talk about full services for your vessel, AND your crew, it simply doesn’t get any better than this. For a worry free visit to Southport’s great marinas or anchorages, click Carolina Yacht Care’s sponsorship banner, and leave all your port of call responsibilities to these good people!

      Cruisers Hank and Lisa Pomeranz, of Southport, NC completed a cruise south this past winter, visiting 17 towns and cities in the US and Bahamas.

      On their return in June, they considered some of the services along their route that helped make their trip memorable. They analyzed those stops where they were inclined to spend a few days, rather than just push through, and came up with a list of services they believe are most helpful to cruisers.

      The services include: a shuttle, provisioning, packing and shipping, mail receipt, a single, unbiased point of contact for recommending quality local contractors and responding to any other unique needs of transients.

      Founded as the town of Smithville in 1792, Southport is a convenient stop and a warm and welcoming historic city and worth staying an extra day or two to explore. Realizing that none of these services have been available in Southport, and that some cruisers might be skipping the city or just staying overnight, they decided to start Carolina Yacht Care to meet cruisers needs. They have a cruisers perspective which means they understand that, as a service business, they must be dependable and flexible to cruiser’s schedules and myriad other complexities of being a transient. For example, they started running a scheduled shuttle from Deep Point and Southport Marinas (with more to follow) but have also made the shuttle available on an as needed basis. Cruisers needing provisions can order ahead of time and then let them know where to deliver once they arrive. They will meet you at your boat to deliver or help pack up parts and get them shipped.

      Of course, consider them a wonderful resource of free local knowledge. Their love of Southport and enjoyment in meeting fellow cruisers will help make your stay memorable.

      Says Hank, “We will do whatever we can to help our fellow cruiser’s relax and enjoy beautiful Southport. If they don’t have the time to spend in Southport, we are there to maximize their short stays as well.”

      This is the kind of service every significant port of call should have. Really helps you enjoy all a destination has to offer. Looking forward to return visit to Southport. Hank & Lisa being well traveled cruisers themselves, know just what is needed by fellow skippers & crew !!!
      Skipper CW

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    • Captains Chuck Baier and Susan Landry Report on AICW/Browns Inlet AICW Problem Stretch (Statute Mile 237)

      The AICW stretch south of Swansboro, NC, where the Waterway runs behind ultra shallow Browns Inlet is shaping up to be the single worst North Carolina section of the AICW during the fall, 2013 transient season. Of course, the Waterway’s intersections with both Lockwoods Folly Inlet and Shallotte Inlet, south of Southport, NC, are pretty bad as well, but at least dredging is planned for these latter areas later this year.
      We asked SSECN strategic partners, Captain Susan Landry and Chuck Baier, owners of Beach House Publications, publishers of “The Great Book of Anchorages,” (, to take an in-depth look at this AICW Problem Stretch, during their fall, 2013 journey south. As you will see in their report below, this cruising duo has done a wonderful job of putting together a plan to keep to the best depths, at least for the moment. Depart from this plan of action, and you can find your vessel is less then 3 feet of water at MLW!!!

      Passed Browns Inlet at 10 AM [10/29/13 – Editor], that was at exactly low tide, and found the problem spot without any effort. We passed mid way between the mainland side and floating green “61A” and found depths of 2.9 to 3 feet. Of course we draw 4 feet. Passing red “60” stay well to the mainland side and the channel will carry 9 feet as you approach green “61A”. Passing “61A” consider the mid channel point the ocean side of the deep water and the shore the mainland side of the channel. That will get you through just fine. The shoal is abrupt as it goes from 8 feet to 2.9 in a short boat length.
      Chuck and Susan
      Trawler Beach House

      We just passed Brown’s Inlet statue mile 237 as the US Coast Guard was repositioning G61A around 11:15 Oct 31/13.
      Phyllis Davenport

      We passed through this spot on 11/8/13 about mid-tide and observed red floatie `60’³ and green floatie `61A’in nearly a straight line heading southbound. The owner of Caspers Marina in Swansboro said these markers had just been reset. We passed close aboard the red, turned to starboard, rounded the green about 100 ft off our port side,
      and then returned to the main channel. Our lowest sounding was 6.3′. Three other vessels with 5’+ draft passed through following the same route with no problem. I don’t think I would want go through at low tide.
      Jake Smith S/V `Ginger’s Mercedes’

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For the AICW/Browns Inlet Intersection

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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    • The Case For Cruising Upstream on Savannah River to Savannah, GA

      The Hyatt dock is a popular boating dock along the Savannah River that many tourists and boaters use if they are staying at The Hyatt or just stopping by River Street for some lunch. If you're sailing along Tybee Island, park your boat and grab a burger!Whenever I get together with a group of cruisers interested in exploring Georgia’s coastal waters, the topic always seems to arise about whether it’s better to berth at one of the several transient friendly marinas in Thunderbolt, GA, and then take a taxi into the Savannah Historic District, or cruise upstream to Savannah, and spend some time at SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, Savannah Hyatt Docks, or one of the other downtown Savannah facilities. A part of these discussions the possibility is almost always raised at to whether your vessel will be jostled by the wake of a passing freighter or other ocean going vessel. Happily, Captain Tom reports below that he did not encounter any such problems during his visit.

      For years, I have read how rough the wakes are on the Savannah River, right downtown; but pleaded with myself to give it a personal try. It was actually fine. The big freighters which pass on average once an hour do not kick up the water that much, the tugs and ferries some more but still not uncomfortable. The only major wake maker was a Coast Guard vessel making a non-emergency run so fast that he was sending water over the top of his boat too.
      Savannah has so much to offer in history and culinary delight. Patsy and I have not had so much excellent Southern cooking in our memory, even the grits were always done properly. A history buff could stay on the River forever and still learn new things.
      Then, there is the River itself. TV could not hold a candle to the entertainment of seeing the River activity with so many boats coming and going or people just walking the river side.
      The dockage rates are high but well worth the experience. Include Savannah in your cruising plans.
      Stay safe,

      We are on the Savannah River docks right now. We always stop here going N and S. Take the visitors center elevator to town level and walk up Bull St. You see all the best squares of the town. It is not too bad wake wise. Huge container ships come and go all night. Last night though I awoke to a very loud blast that in my sleep sounded like my alarm clock. It was a freighters horn which lasted over a minute right outside the boat.
      At least on this stop the trumpet player looking for tips, who repeated `the Saints ‘ incessantly and badly played, was missing. It’s all part of the experience.
      Greg Han

      I, too recommend a trip up the river to Savannah. Most of the time you are fine, but the occasional heavy wake does mean you should take some extra care tieing up and put out your biggest fenders. You are right in the middle of Savannah, so it is great for enjoying the restaurants, strolling, and the night life. It is one of the most walkable cities on the ICW, though there is no large grocery store nearby’“enjoy the many great eateries. One night I heard a loud saxophone playing and stuck my head out of the hatch to find out we were the scenic backdrop for a live musician performing before a large crowd.
      John Kettlewell

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For the Savannah Hyatt Docks

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For the Westin Savannah Harbor

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For the River Street Market Place Dock

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For the Savannah City Recreational Docks

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Savannah Hyatt Docks and the Downtown Savannah Waterfront

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    • Good Depths Reported in Russell Slue – Gallants Channel Route From the AICW to Beaufort, NC and Taylor Creek (Statute Mile 201)

      In the “good old days,” cruisers could continue southbound on the AICW all the way to marker #35, and then cut directly southeast on the Gallants Channel,thereby cruising past Town Creek, under the Grayden Paul Bridge, and thence to Taylor Creek and the primary downtown Beaufort, NC waterfront. DO NOT TRY THIS ROUTE NOW UNLESS YOU ARE PILOTING A CANOE!
      For many years now, the northwestern tip of the Gallants Channel, where it intersects the Waterway at #35, has shoaled in completely. Thus, southbound AICW craft, bent on a visit to Beaufort, must abandon the Waterway between markers #29 and #30, and run the marked Russel Slue Channel, until intersecting the Gallants Channel southwest of marker #7.
      Below Captains Chuck Baier and Susan Landry, owners of Beach House Publications, publishers of “The Great Book of Anchorages,” ( provide an in-depth review of the Russell Slue – Gallants Channel route to Beaufort. THANKS CHUCK AND SUSAN!
      Before getting on to Susan and Chuck’s article, let’s just quickly note another alternative passage to cruise from the AICW to Taylor Creek and the Beaufort waterfront. There is an unnamed (at least on the chart, though the locals call it the “Bulkhead Channel”) channel that leads from Beaufort Inlet to Taylor Creek. This is the deeper and easier to follow of the two routes to Beaufort, discussed here, and it should be your choice if your vessel draw more than 5 1/2 feet. We should also note this Beaufort Inlet to Taylor Creek route is much more convenient for northbound AICW vessels, but, by going out of your way just a bit, any vessel navigating the Waterway, or entering from the briny blue by way of Beaufort Inlet, can make use of this passage!

      Edenton, North Carolina by Chuck Baier and Susan Landry
      We came down the ICW from Core Creek and took Russell Slough to Gallants Channel. We found the channel well marked and plenty of depth. The lowest water in Russel Slough that we saw was at the 7 foot spot marked on the chart, but we found 11 feet and this was at low tide. In Gallants Channel we found 9 feet MLW at green “7” where it meets Russell Slough. The rest of the channel depths run from 15 to over 20 feet and near the bridge we found depths in the 20 to 30 feet range. The bridge opens on the hour and half hour. Chuck and Susan,
      Trawler Beach House

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Intersection of the AICW and the Russell Slue Channel

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Channel Running From Beaufort Inlet to Taylor Creek (Beaufort Waterfront)

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    • Bridge Pointe Marina Grand Opening!, off the AICW, On the Trent/Neuse River, New Bern, NC

      Bridge Pointe Marina - Click for Chartview

      Bridge Pointe Marina, New Bern, NCBridge Pointe Marina, a new SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, flanks the southern banks of the Trent River (off the Neuse River), opposite the downtown New Bern, NC waterfront. This fine facility is re-opening after more than a year of rebuilding their floating dock system which sustained major damage in hurricane Irene in August of 2012. As you can see from the announcement below, Bridge Pointe Marina is now back in full swing!

      BridgePointe Hotel & Marina has brand new floating boat slips located at the confluence of the Trent and Neuse Rivers. Our new state-of-the-art marina includes Brazilian Ipe hardwood docks, free wireless internet, metered electric and fresh water connections for each slip. Our newly redesigned and completely renovated marina lounge includes showers, restrooms, charcoal grills, laundry, and a comfortable air conditioned sitting area. BridgePointe Marina can accommodate vessels up to 150 feet in length in our deep water slips. We will be offering a special rate for a limited time, so be sure to contact our Marina Manager Jesse Schmucker today at (252)637-7372 or by email at Visit us online at
      Thank you,
      Gary Curry
      General Manager
      BridgePointe Hotel & Marina


      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Bridge Point Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Bridge Pointe Marina

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    • Report from Hell Gate, AICW Problem Stretch, Statute Mile 602

      The AICW follows the short and narrow, man-made canal known as Hell Gate between the Vernon and Ogeechee Rivers. These waters have been an “AICW Problem Stretch” for years.

      Captain Kipnis’s report agrees with a report from June of this year, /?p=117878, but does not agree with a report from earlier this month, /?p=125114. However you choose to rely on these reports, SSECN advises that you take Captain Kipnis’s advice and navigate this Problem Stretch at mid to high tide.

      With a 2′ tide, we saw between 4.3′ and 4.5′ midchannel between G89 and G91. Wait for mid-tide on this one! We have a 3′ draft and found only 1.5′ under our keel. At low tide, we would have been aground.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For Hell Gate

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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    • More Groundings at AICW/Browns Inlet Intersection Problem Stretch, Statute Mile 237


      Numerous reports on shoaling in this Problem Stretch have been filed recently and the report below was copied with permission from the blog of Mike Dickens of Paradise Yachts, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’NET SPONSOR! See also: /?p=125227

      Some notes of interest for those cruising south on the ICW near Swansboro, half mile north of marker 58 south of Swansboro there was some shoaling…6′. At marker 61 they only had 3.9 feet under the keel. At Mason Inlet, north of Wrightsville Beach they hit bottom; 8.9 feet of water in the middle of the channel (marker 121).
      Mike Dickens
      Broker of Record
      Paradise Yachts
      1417 Sadler Road
      Box 183
      Fernandina Beach, FL 32034

      October 24, 2013
      Charging up the channel near Brown’s Creek I noticed a few boats doing circles. A powerboat trying to pass 63 close to the marker went aground. A southbound Island Packet found the water too thin well to the right of the channel. I found the only way to get past the marker was to pass it on the wrong side feeling my way toward a keg that was moored outside the channel in the inlet. A long arc leaving green 63 well to my right gave me enough water to re-enter the channel just beyond 63. I had about 6 feet of water at 4:30 p.m. today. Unfortunately, I had to leave 2 boats aground behind me. There is absolutely no way you can carry even 4 feet through the channel. What a great location for a towboat to hang out!
      Chuck Gleason
      Symphony (Caliber 40 5 ft draft)

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For the AICW/Browns Inlet Intersection

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    • Good Pumpout News from Newfound Harbor, near Big Pine Key, off Hawk Channel Between Marathon and Key West

      Newfound Harbor - Click for Chartview

      Newfound Harbor provides the best collection of anchorages off Hawk Channel between Marathon and Key West. The channels are well marked, and any cruiser with a chart plotter and/or good DR navigation can find a host of good spots to drop the hook.

      I was pleasantly surprised today while anchored out in Newfound Harbor in the FL Keys. We were on our way back from Dry Tortugas to Marathon, but the winds and seas were supposed to pick up so we pulled into one of our favorite anchorages in Newfound Harbor. It looked like we would be stuck here for a while and we were getting concerned about our holding tank. On Friday morning we hear a boat come by and ask if anyone is on board. We thought it was just someone being friendly, but when we look it is a boat marked as a pump-out boat. They gave us a free pump out funded by FL registration fees. They said all I had to do was register and I could get a pump-out every week, free, paid for by the state of FL. I filled out the simple form and they pumped me out at no cost, but they were happy when I tipped them. They said they offer this service from Islamarada to Key West, and their web site is
      I am very happy to see this happening in Monroe County and hope that this spreads throughout the world.
      Ron Olson

      Thank you so much for the brief on the Hawk channel pumpout! Living some distance away but planning on sailing through Florida next spring all I have been reading made one feel that conchs had had it with tourist and planned on making it as difficult as possible to sail without going outside! This story indicates that that thinking was just crazy, thank you so much.
      Capt. Jerry Robbins

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For Newfound Harbor Channel Northerly Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Newfound Harbor Channel Mid-Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Newfound Harbor Channel Southerly Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Newfound Harbor Channel Western Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Newfound Harbor

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    • Questions from a Trailering Cruiser

      Most mooring fields are handled by the local municipal marina whom you would contact, by phone or VHF, once you have moored. Phone numbers are listed in our Marina Directory. Some marinas, like Carolina Beach, will actually come out to your boat to collect the fee. Others, mostly in Florida, require that you come into the marina in person and will not accept payment via credit card over the phone. Some marinas, like St. Augustine Municipal Marina, offer launch service when you don’t have a dinghy. Suggest that you see /?p=112455 for experiences/suggestions from other boaters.
      As to parking your trailer, we’ll have to rely on responses from readers for answers to that. I do know that often launch ramps and parking are adjacent to or near municipal marinas, such as at Fort Pierce City Marina.

      I am a newby at this cruising . How does one go about finding out how much and how to pay for these mooring fields and hookups to a mooring ball ?? I have a Macgregor 26s and where do I park my truck and trailer for cruises overnite and longer ?? thanks for any info .

      In New England, where there are tons of rental moorings and they are relatively expensive, it is almost universal that someone comes by in the evening to collect a fee, or they do so when they direct you where to tie up. No paperwork, just pay up. In Florida, they seem to require you to register and fill out multi-page forms at a dock, before being asigned a mooring for the night. Trailer parking varies a lot too’“many marinas and boatyards have launch ramps and you can usually park for a fee, some municipalities charge also, while others are free for both parking and launching. There is usually a time limit. Varies a lot.
      John Kettlewell, author of The Complete Cockpit Cruising Guide

      A further thought on this is that moorings in Florida are few and far between. You certainly can’t count on finding a rental mooring every night unless you stay close to one of the few mooring fields. Off hand I think you can find moorings in Fernandina, St. Augustine, Titusville, Vero Beach, Stuart, Dinner Key, Marathon, and Key West. On the West Coast of Florida there are moorings at Ft. Myers Beach, Punta Gorda, Sarasota and in St. Petersburg. There may be a few others I haven’t mentioned, but not enough so you could travel the coast and find a mooring every night. You should be prepared to anchor out, and on occasion use marinas too.
      John Kettlewell

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For the Carolina Beach Mooring Field

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For the Northern St. Augustine Mooring Field

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Eastern Florida Marina Directory Listing For Fort Pierce City Marina

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    • Edenton, NC – A Welcoming and Historic Port of Call, Captains Chuck and Susan Report (off the AICW on Western Albemarle Sound)

      Click Charlet Above To Open Chart View Page Centered on Edenton, NC

      Edenton, NC - the prettiest town in the South!Edenton, NC, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, holds a special place in my own heart. During my younger days, this historic community often served as a “base of operations” as my Father and I searched the waters of all the nearby rivers for that elusive quarry known as the largemouth bass.
      I won’t preempt Susan and Chuck’s superbly written story below, but let me just quickly say that I totally agree with their premise that Edenton is one of the most attractive, historic and friendly ports of call to be found anywhere on Southeastern USA coastal waters. If Edenton actually sat along the track of the AICW, it would be as popular as Beaufort.
      With its real-world position on the western tip of Albemarle Sound, it take a bit of effort to reach Edenton’s shores, but, just read on, and we think you will quickly agree the happy results are more than worth the effort!!!
      We are once again greatly indebted to Captains Susan Landry and Chuck Baier, owners of Beach House Publications, publishers of “The Great Book of Anchorages,” ( for providing the superb, in-depth article and copious photographs, contained in the article below. THANKS CHUCK AND SUSAN! Please read on!

      Edenton, North Carolina by Chuck Baier and Susan Landry

      From a boater’s perspective, Edenton, North Carolina is one of those destinations you have to want to go to. We left Elizabeth City and traveled some 15 miles down the Pasquotank River to the Albemarle Sound. The Albemarle is best known for its unpleasant conditions if the weather is not right. Under normal conditions, it’s no different than any other body of water we have transited. Once into the Albemarle from the Pasquotank, the trip is another 35 miles or more west to the entrance to Edenton harbor. (It is more than 40 miles off the primary AICW, North Carolina – Virginia Cut route.) The water depths are fine for the entire trip, but do keep a sharp lookout for the many commercial floats marking traps that can extend far out into the Sound.

      Approach to Edenton City Docks

      The Edenton town docks have a full time Harbormaster and staff, but they don’t monitor the VHF radio. To make arrangements for a slip, Buddy the Harbormaster, can usually be reached at 252-339-4316. The docks can be reserved in advance, and you can even make reservations for next year if you can plan that far ahead. The best thing to do is to call ahead and let them know you’re coming, and then call again when the boat is in the approach channel to the harbor. The water depths approaching the town docks averaged 10½ to 12 feet all the way in and 11 feet coming into the basin. The docks are surrounded by a concrete seawall that helps keep the waves down from any southerly winds. It can still get a little rolly, but not uncomfortable if the wind kicks up. From any other direction, the basin is completely protected. As you arrive, the first thing that will greet you at the harbor entrance is the old, picturesque Roanoke River Lighthouse that is being restored and will soon open to the public. Inside the protected basin, we had a dockhand waiting to assist us in getting into our slip. The slips vary in size, and for larger boats, there are places to tie up along the inside of the breakwater. There is power and water at the slips and the first 48 hours of dockage is free. The power is charged at $3.00 per day for 30-amp service and $6.00 per day for 50-amp service. After 48 hours, there is an additional fee of $1.00 per foot per day for a maximum of 7 days in a month.

      Revolutionary War Cannons Guarding Entry from Albemarle Sound - 300th Anniversary Banner

      For boaters, the town offers the use of a vehicle for running errands and provisioning. The grocery and laundry are 2-3 miles from the dock, and other shopping and services are as far or farther. There is a local taxi service for any short hops that might be needed if the loaner car is not available. The docks are located at a park and the restrooms are part of the park building. Separate showers are available and boaters need the combination to access the showers. The restrooms are closed at night after park hours but the showers have heads and sinks. There is free wifi at the docks and water hook ups as well. Dockside services and repairs are available as is a diver if needed. The Harbormaster can provide contact phone numbers and any other information that might make your stay more pleasant. There are kayak and paddleboard rentals right next to the park with very scenic waterways to explore either by kayak or your own dinghy. Beautiful parks line the waterfront for a casual stroll or just relaxing on a bench to watch the world go by. For some major exercise, there are tennis courts and an excellent golf course nearby, The Chowan Golf and Country Club. For those of us that prefer walking as a form of exercise, there are walking tours of the beautiful historic homes and sites, or a riding tour on a trolley for those that prefer their sightseeing a little more relaxed.

      Downtown Edenton is one of the prettiest, historic small towns we have visited thus far. The streets are lined with buildings that date back to the seventeen and eighteen hundreds, and the shops are filled with restaurants, galleries and a major hardware store. Byrum Hardware is a combination old style hardware, gift and craft shop and even houses a Radio Shack. There is the historic Taylor Movie Theater showing feature films in new digital format every evening.

      Downtown Edenton

      The Waterman’s Grill offers excellent food at affordable prices. The Edenton Coffee Shop makes the best cup of coffee, latte or iced coffee we have found anywhere, and hosts a band on Friday nights. The music can range from jazz to gospel. And our favorite, ice cream, can be found at The Soda Shoppe, an old fashion soda fountain style shop that sells ice cream, shakes, sandwiches and snacks. Along with great food and drinks, you will find some of the friendliest people you will meet anywhere. Walking down the sidewalk will get you a smile and a hello, and passing motorists will always wave as they go by. Edenton is one of those laid back towns where we keep waiting for Sheriff Andy and Opie to come around the corner with fishing poles over their shoulders.

      The best word to describe the many beautiful historic homes along the tree lined streets of Edenton is spectacular. Never have we seen so many well preserved homes. If you take away the paved streets, power lines and automobiles, it’s easy to imagine walking along in the 1700s and saying hello to the many residents as they enjoy an afternoon on the front porch. One well manicured garden after another can fill an entire afternoon’s stroll. If pampering yourself is in your schedule, there are 3 salons on Broad Street alone and a day spa that is reported to give excellent massages right on the harbor. The Library across the street from the docks offers yoga daily. Edenton truly has something for everyone.

      Edenton City Dock Basin

      Ah, but we’re not done yet. During this current visit, Edenton was having its 300 year celebration with many events scheduled over the coming months. A Farmers Market is held every other Saturday and the local airport holds `Wings Over Edenton,’ an air show with exhibits, on a regular basis. The annual Peanut Festival is a don’t miss, and you never know what celebration the town has prepared in any month of the year. Tours of many of the historic homes are available on a regular basis, and, during the Christmas Season, you can tour some of the homes and apartments over the many shops in the downtown area. Edenton is rich in our nation’s history and the town has done an excellent job of preserving that history for everyone to enjoy, such as the current renovations to the exterior of the Barker House on the waterfront.

      We said you have to want to come to Edenton by boat, the question really is, why wouldn’t you want to come to Edenton by boat? We enjoyed our short time there and our only problem was making ourselves untie the dock lines and continue on our cruise. It would have been very easy to linger for a while and had we been in a position to have more time before colder weather set in, we would have done exactly that. Beach House has visited many friendly harbors in our travels, but we have to say, Edenton, North Carolina shot to the top of our list of the friendliest harbors we have visited to date. You have to go there.

      Historic Edenton Homeplace

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Edenton Harbor (City Docks)

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Edenton Harbor (City Docks)

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    • Report from One and Only Anchorage, Jacksonville Beach, AICW Statute Mile 744.

      “One and Only Anchorage” lies on the eastern shore of the Waterway, south of flashing green daybeacon #17, and just north of the San Pablo Bridge. It is considered the only safe anchorage in the Jacksonville Beach area, thus its unusual name.

      Anchored here now, Tuesday the 22nd of October. We found the 15′ ish spot that was referenced. It’s on the NE side about 200′ yards away from the bridge near the marsh. We were (well, my husband Mike was) able to walk the dogs for a much needed stop.
      Yes, the traffic from the bridge is not serenity but it’s a nice spot. Only one abandoned sailboat here on the other shore near the docks ‘“ little Cat 22’ if I’m not mistaken.
      Men on the bridge (lower bridge) are fishing for trout after work. Current is quite strong it seems.
      That is the report from here. Day two of our adventure on our new boat ‘“ a 39’ Allied Mistress who’s been so well maintained it’s insane. God bless the prior owners, the Diechtrich’s from Canada!
      Mo & Mike (or Mike & Mo) from S/V Mi Amante

      Just be sure not to anchor too close to the marsh ‘“ it drops off like a cliff!
      Mo and Mike

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For One and Only Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of One and Only Anchorage

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    • Report on Westbound – Route 2 Rim Route, Okeechobee Waterway

      'Locking in the Mist'

      Port Mayaca Lock - Taken by Linda Bernabucci

      As you can see from Captain Tony’s report, the locks in the Okeechobee are, and will always be, a source of entertainment and awe by Okeechobee navigators. Having one’s vessel “lifted” so many feet in such a narrow space provides an experience to be fondly (hopefully) remembered.

      Background: We have been in the process of bringing our boat from the Florida East Coast (Palm Beach) to the West Coast. We have had little boating experience in Florida, although we have extensive boating experience on the West Coast of the US. The information about the Okeechobee Waterway indicated very shallow water on Route 2. We are fair weather boaters and decided the Rim Route was best for us. We read every thing about the lake, yet it still was a challenge to get around it.
      The big day arrived after a couple of months driving from Naples to the east coast to stage the boat for the Okeechobee Waterway adventure.
      We left Indiantown marina Saturday, October 19, 9:45am bound for Clewiston, aboard our 33′ Chris Craft Coho. Arrived at Port Mayaca after a wonderful cruise down the balance of the St Lucie canal. Entered the Lock with no problems. Lake had a light chop and there was plenty of depth for navigating from the lock to beacons “4” and “4B.” The channel is well marked and easy to follow. The trip was pleasant to Torry Island where we encountered hyacinths and water lettuce in the channel at mile marker 60 or so prior to the Torry Island/Belle Glade swing bridge. The channel narrows to about 15 feet wide with a depth of 18 feet. Go slow and there should be no problem; it extends all the way to the bridge. We contacted the Torry Island/Belle Glade bridge operator by calling Slims fish camp, 561 996-3844, who opened the bridge for us in very short time.
      From there we were able to make our way to Clewiston uneventfully.
      We entered the Clewiston Lock on the Green Light with a few fishing boats and before we knew it, there was Roland and Martin’s Marina where we had reservations for transient dockage. After a great hamburger and fries we retired for the evening.
      Sunday morning we were able to watch the parade of boats headed for the east coast of Florida ranging from approx 48′ to 60 feet go by us. Wow, what a tight fit in the lock.
      We headed out the Clewiston lock after fueling up. We passed a large cofferdam where the levy is being shored up. Arriving at the Moore Haven lock we met a couple who were headed for LaBelle in a sailboat and they offered to enter the lock first. Upon being lowered to the Caloosahatchee River via the lock, we (my wife Linda, Cat Marchello and myself Tony) slapped hands and paw that we had conquered the Great Okeechobee Route 2 waterway and were on our way to Fort Myers.
      We share this story for those who may be considering Route 2. It’s a great boating experience.
      Linda, Tony, and Marchello The Cat

      Click Here To View the Okeedchobee Cruisers’ Net Bridge Directory Listing For St. Lucie Lock

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the St. Lucie Lock

      Click Here To View the Okeedchobee Cruisers’ Net Bridge Directory Listing For Port Mayaca Lock

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Port Mayaca Lock

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Clewiston Lock

      Click Here To View the Okeedchobee Cruisers’ Net Bridge Directory Listing For Moore Haven Lock

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Moore Haven

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    • Claiborne Young Receives Skipper Bob Award, 2013

      Amidst a time of great sadness, with the loss of his first-rate, first-mate, Karen Ann, our co-founder, Claiborne Young, receives one of the most treasured awards in the cruising world.

      Captain John Kettlewell

      Claiborne Young Presented Skipper Bob Award
      By John J. Kettlewell

      Claiborne first met the late Bob Reib, who most of us knew as Skipper Bob, at one of the first Trawler Fest events held on Solomon’s Island, Maryland back in the ’90s. Claiborne drove up there from North Carolina expecting to see 40 or 50 participants, but instead found himself speaking to a ballroom packed with more than 300 devoted cruisers. After his talk, Claiborne joined a roundtable discussion with other notable and knowledgeable cruising gurus, including Skipper Bob, the author of a series of guidebooks to America’s inland waterways.

      Now, some speculate there must be fierce competition between Waterway writers, but in reality most of us get along just great, and we often recommend each other’s books and other products–after a customer has purchased ours! Claiborne told me that he and Bob got to share a booth at the fest, and it worked out great for both of them. Bob would sell one of his own books, and then when the customer wanted even greater detail on a particular area, he would recommend Claiborne’s guides, conveniently being sold right next to each other. Needless to say, there was some friendly back and forth between those two sharing a booth. It’s a wonder the customers could get a word in edgewise!

      The reason they got along is that both shared what Claiborne describes as “a passion for getting accurate, on-sight verified information for cruisers.” They both believed in creating a quality product, based on professional research, on-location surveys, and careful writing and editing. And, these high-quality guides would sell well because they truly helped the recreational boating community.

      The Skipper Bob Award is given annually to “ordinary people who make extraordinary efforts to assist the recreational boating community and who give selflessly of themselves for the good of others.” Anyone who has used one of Claiborne’s books in the past, or who now logs on to The Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net, with its motto of “Cruisers Helping Cruisers,” knows why Claiborne received this award. The amount of information available, all for free to anyone, is incredible: marina details, up-to-date charts, the latest shoaling information, bridge schedules, fuel prices (updated every week), and now detailed and recent soundings from the Argus system. Much of this information was simply unavailable at any price just a few years ago, and now it is available to all in order to make your Waterway journey safer, more enjoyable, and less expensive.

      Most of you are not aware of the work that goes on behind the scenes in order to provide all of this accurate and up-to-date information. I, myself, have been involved in helping Claiborne to vet tips and new warnings provided by cruisers, and before any of this appears on the website every effort is made to research, confirm, and then properly describe the situation. The community often provides the lead, but then Claiborne applies the professional writer’s touch to verify, clarify, and present it in a easy-to-understand format.

      As many of you know, Claiborne’s “first-rate, first-mate,” Karen Ann, recently departed this world, and we must acknowledge her part in helping to create this amazing cruising resource. She not only helped create the Cruiser’s Net, but she also made Claiborne promise to carry on with it, so we will all continue to benefit from her inspiration. Unfortunately, we must take the bad with the good, and my waistline will continue to expand as Claiborne updates his restaurant recommendations! But, hopefully I’ll burn off a few of those calories pulling up the hook while exploring the new, secret anchorages he directs me to. I can’t think of a more deserving winner of the 2013 Skipper Bob Award.
      I wrote this piece in order to congratulate Claiborne on his much-deserved recognition via the Skipper Bob Award, and the words and editing are solely my own. Fair winds, following seas, and don’t forget the anchor light!
      John J. Kettlewell
      Author/Editor of The Intracoastal Waterway Chartbook: Norfolk to Miami

      Claiborne’s Acceptance Remarks E-mailed To and Read by Captain Ted Stehle of “Waterway Guide” at the AGLCA Rendezvous:

      I can hardly believe that the cruising community has honored me with the Skipper Bob `Making It Better’ award, and, in fact, I’m doubly honored.
      First, I had the rare privilege of knowing the late Bob Reib rather well. At one Trawlerfest, Bob, Elaine and I were lunching together when a fellow cruiser passing our table stopped dead in his tracks, did a double-take, and said, `You two must be really friendly competitors.’ Before I could get my mouth open, and those of you who know me understand that usually does not take too long to happen, Bob said, `we aren’t competitors, we’re friends.’ I have never forgotten those kind words, and I never will.
      I am also honored because, as most of you know, I have just lost my first-rate, first-mate, Karen Ann, after a heroic five year battle with never smoker’s lung cancer. Karen Ann was not only my life partner, but a very integral part of the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net. She would be so very proud; no, she IS very proud, that you have bestowed this great honor on me, and I dedicate this award to her memory, which, for those who knew her, will NEVER die!
      I got into this unusual business of cruising guides and cruising information way back in 1979, 34 years ago, and it has been as rewarding a career as anyone could ever have wished. During all these years, it has been my great privilege to be a member of the cruising community. If, in some small way, I have helped even a few cruisers stay off the bottom, find a better marina, a more beautiful anchorage, or a good place to satisfy a healthy appetite gleaned after a long day on the water, then my life’s work has been more than fulfilled.
      Karen and I talked many times about what my life would be like after she was gone, and I promised her to keep the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net dream alive, because it was her dream as well. That is a promise I WILL keep, but right now, I just need a little time to pick up the pieces, so please pardon my not being here in person to accept this prestigious and much valued award. I will be seeing all of you more in the future.
      I sincerely thank all those responsible for recommending me for this award. Really, it should be all of you who receive this award, not me, because you are the ones who keep alive that rarely wonderful avocation of living on the water, with all its beauty, joys and, yes, sometimes frustrations. It is a lifestyle understood genuinely only by those who cruise.
      Thank you again for this great honor. I will treasure this award always, and use it to help keep the memory of Skipper Bob and my first-rate, first-mate alive!
      So, in closing, the next time you find your vessel in a beautiful anchorage, with the sun setting, please raise a glass to the memory of Skipper Bob and Karen Ann. I have no doubt they are swapping stories and navigation tips right now.
      Good luck and good cruising to all!

      Hi Claiborne,
      Congrats on receiving the Skipper Bob Award.
      Best regards,
      Mike Ahart, News Editor, Waterway Guide

      Congratulations. It’s wonderful to see you get the recognition you have so long deserved.
      Chuck Baier

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    • Please Help Captain Pat in Oriental, NC (Statute Mile 181)

      As reported here earlier on the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net (see /?p=125276), the controversy over at least one long-time resident of the Oriental anchorage took a bizarre turn when one of the managers at the nearby Inland Waterway Provision Company, Captain Pat Stockwell, out of the goodness of his heart, cashed a check for the “boat owner” in question for $2,980.42. The check turned out to be bad.
      SSECN strategic partners, Captains Diana and Mark Doyle, founders and owners of “On The Water ChartGuides” (, hatched the commendable plan of “passing the hat” during the recent Hampton Snowbird Rendezvous, to help defray Captain Stockwell’s loss.
      WE THINK THIS IS A GREAT IDEA, AND THE SSECN HAS KICKED IN $50.00. We urge other members of the cruising community to contribute whatever might be within their abilities (see below)!

      The Hampton Snowbird Rendezvous passed the sea boot around this week and collected $400 for Pat.
      That’s what rendezvous are all about, cruisers helping cruisers. Whether sharing information, matching up buddy boats, leveraging the intelligence and expertise of the group to inspect rigs, repair refrigeration, or shake down SSBs … it’s great to make sure that the innocent aren’t punished and the kind taken advantage of and forgotten.
      Pat Stockwell is everyone on the ICW’s buddy and shouldn’t feel embarrassed about trying to help out one of the cruising family. We’re all in that family also.
      Folks, please consider sending $5 or $10 to: Pat Stockwell, Inland Waterway Provision Company, 305 Hodges Street, POB 466, Oriental, NC 28571.
      Stay in the deep water,

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    • Newest ACOE Survey of AICW Problem Stretch north of Ben Sawyer Bridge, Statute Mile 460

      Click for Chartview

      The Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net has posted reports of shoaling in this Problem Stretch (which the ACOE terms as “behind Breach Inlet”) for months now. (see /?p=120335). Our thanks to the US Army Corps of Engineers in Charleston, SC for providing SSECN with the newest (October, 2013) survey of this Problem Stretch. Once again, the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net is honored to be the FIRST means by which the US Army Corps of Engineers chose to get this critical information into the hands of the cruising community.
      By looking closely at the area in the center of the survey, hard by Marker #117A opposite Swinton Creek, you can see MLWW corrected depths of AS LITTLE AS .2 FEET ON THE SOUTHERN (SOUTHEASTERN) TIER OF THE WATERWAY CHANNEL, and even the northern section, which has always been the deeper part, MLW soundings can run to only 4.2 ft depths.
      Need we say it, cruisers piloting craft of almost any draft MUST time their passage of these waters for mid to high tide!

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For the AICW North of Ben Sawyer Bridge to Isle of Palms Bridge

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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    • Praise for Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net!

      Pardon us while we pat ourselves on the back, or least, Capt. Lindberg does it for us. We welcome the Lindbergs to the wonderful fellowship of the cruising community – the finest people on earth!

      My husband and I are `new’ sailors ‘“ We feel in love with sailing 2 years ago and have not looked back. As such I pour through everything and anything to do with sailing, to prepare for our full time cruising in 5 years. This website is absolutely the BEST. It gives me current information that I would not get out of cruising books or magazines, along with links to almost any info I would need. To all the staff: Thank you so much ‘“ you now have a dedicated new `almost’ full time cruiser.
      Brenda Lindberg

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